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Everything posted by rudy691

  1. hi lonerider car was sold on the 21/08/2009 and a couple of weeks before that I've moved out from my old place. 3 days before i sold my car - i've registered another one in my name too ! and 2 after that so they had my details. i've send off the V5 1-2 days after I've sold the car. also - if the car was sold on the 21/08/2009 so how come they charged me a week later ??? on the court papers it says that the charge happened on the 01/09/2009.
  2. This is a sort of continuation of this - http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/bailiffs-sheriff-officers/259016-urgent-help-needed-dvla.html Rather a result than a continuation though. Here goes: in August 2008 ive sold my car, sent off the V5 to dvla as I always did, and went on with my life. after that I've changed houses. and that's when the problems started apparently. DVLA never received my V5 and they were sending letters to my old address for next couple of weeks. Then the court case happened (which I wasnt aware of), got fined and only in May I heard about the proceedings as I've received letter from bailiffs telling me to pay up or they gonna take my goods. had some advice after this and went to court to make a statuatory declaration that I didnt know about the proceedings. Fine was cancelled and I've been notified by court that DVLA have my new details now so they might still take me to court. Which they did today ! I was sent court summons today, with the court case date and everything else, accusing me that I didn't inform dvla about the the change of keeper (which I did send the V5 to them). Don't really know how to deal with this now.... would like some advice here i can say that I dont have a proof of posting V5 as you never send it recorded. I have a selling agreement though - signed and dated by me and the guy who bought it from me, with his address on it. Documents sent to me:
  3. ive received the letter from court on Friday with the date to make stat declaration. it also tells me to bring any documents to support my case, what kind of documents ? thanks
  4. thanks again. im sending the letter today to my local court. i can't hand it in personally as I can't get time off work at short notice, so post will have to do it. hallowitch - bailiffs didn't turn up yet, they've only send me the letter which made me aware of this fine. letsmakeamark - im not sure when the decision was made by the court, as I've based everything on that letter from Marston. But after I phoned up the court, they've said they gonna inform Marston about this.
  5. followed your advice I phoned the court and they told me that I need to put it in writing that I want to make stat decl and send it to my local court, then they will send me a letter with the appointment date. they also told me that they will inform Marston about it to stop the bailiffs for now. thanks again and I will keep you posted about this.
  6. i've tried 3 different forums just to be sure...sorry if that's a wrong idea. i will follow the advice I was given as I have trust in you guys i had help here with the banks so I know that i can trust the opinion given here. i was just nervous, coz I've never had such problem before...and im not playing advisors against each other will let you know tommorrow. thanks im terribly sorry mate, didnt want to be disrespectful.
  7. the thing is that Marston said that they've made some investigation and they know that I live at my current address and that they've tried to contact me at previous address and at my current address, but I've told them I've never received anything here and this is the first letter. and they kept saying that they've send me the letters before hence the timeframe of 7 days now to pay... they also told me that even if I contact the court now, it won't change anything and I will still have to pay...and in the letter it actually says that bailiffs will come to my house, it wasn't like with DCA's when they always say that somebody "may" come...that's why I was worried about it
  8. i always take advice from here guys - dont worry I trust you. its just I am worried about this, you gotta understand me - i've opened up my letters this morning and there it was - the BOMB from Marston... i wasn't trying to be rude...terribly sorry if it sounded like that. i will follow your advice and will contact the court in the morning. it is a bit funny as I dont even know the case number, dont even seen the court order - nothing. its good that at least Marston gave me the client reference number which was HMCS Cheshire thats how i got hold of the information whats it all about as Marston didn't want to tell me anything except that I need to pay...
  9. are you 100% sure about that ? this is the advice i was given on the other forum: "It is sounds like a Writ of Fifa to me, the High Court Enforcement Officers are like bailiffs and can taken possession of your goods and sell them on etc. You could either try to appeal the original judgment or just pay them. YOu could offer installments that you could manage if you can't afford the whole lot in one go..." from what I know, these proceedings might have been a while ago (about a year) - not sure about the actual date as I don't live at my old address since July 2008. and I know that I've sold that car in 2008 too. does your advice still apply if all these proceedings been a while ago ? im sorry for being thick but I'm seriously worried about this now...and i know that im not at fault here and dvla knows my history and i never had any problems like this...
  10. hi guys i received a letter today from "Marston High Court enforcement officers" stating that they're in possesion of a magistrates court order as a consequence of non payment of the 525 quid fine. clients HMCS Cheshire. they're saying that they've send me letters to my current address notifying me about this, but i had no letters at all ! i live at this address for the past 2 years. so i phoned up the court and they told me its a fine for not notifying DVLA about changing the keeper of my old car, but i did send the documents off like i always do ! ive sold like 5 cars in the past 3-4 years and I always send the documentation. court said they they were sending me letters about it, but same thing - to my old address ! car was sold in November 2008 and that's when i send the documentation to dvla ! i dont know what to do now as I can't afford it and Marston said that they gonna send the bailiffs if I dont pay in full in the next 7 days ! i cant afford it and i dont want to pay for something thats clearly not my fault ! I NEED HELP FROM YOU GUYS FAST !
  11. so what should I do now ? Marston said that they've send letters to my current address, but I never received anything ! I phoned up the court and they've said that all letters were sent to my old address, which I don't use and don't have access since July 2008. I really don't know what to do as I'm running out if time ! I don't want bailiffs at my home...
  12. hi guys i received a letter today from "Marston High Court enforcement officers" stating that they're in possesion of a magistrates court order as a consequence of non payment of the 525 quid fine. clients HMCS Cheshire. they're saying that they've send me letters to my current address notifying me about this, but i had no letters at all ! i live at this address for the past 2 years. so i phoned up the court and they told me its a fine for not notifying DVLA about changing the keeper of my old car, but i did send the documents off like i always do ! ive sold like 5 cars in the past 3-4 years and I always send the documentation. court said they they were sending me letters about it, but same thing - to my old address ! car was sold in November 2008 and that's when i send the documentation to dvla ! i dont know what to do now as I can't afford it and Marston said that they gonna send the bailiffs if I dont pay in full in the next 7 days ! i cant afford it and i dont want to pay for something thats clearly not my fault ! I NEED HELP FROM YOU GUYS FAST !
  13. hi guys i received a letter today from "Marston High Court enforcement officers" stating that they're in possesion of a magistrates court order as a consequence of non payment of the 525 quid fine. clients HMCS Cheshire. they're saying that they've send me letters to my current address notifying me about this, but i had no letters at all ! i live at this address for the past 2 years. so i phoned up the court and they told me its a fine for not notifying DVLA about changing the keeper of my old car, but i did send the documents off like i always do ! ive sold like 5 cars in the past 3-4 years and I always send the documentation. court said they they were sending me letters about it, but same thing - to my old address ! car was sold in November 2008 and that's when i send the documentation to dvla ! i dont know what to do now as I can't afford it and Marston said that they gonna send the bailiffs if I dont pay in full in the next 7 days ! i cant afford it and i dont want to pay for something thats clearly not my fault ! I NEED HELP FROM YOU GUYS FAST !
  14. hi they have again send the same thing like they did in post 133 i dont think they know what to do
  15. my missus received another Final Demand letter from Metro today...what to do now ?
  16. yes, I get that its in dispute, but am I supposed to sent to Moorcroft, as they want to take me to court now and I had time till today to response. the letter that Castlebest posted is for people who already made a claim, I think.
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