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Everything posted by rudy691

  1. so the outcome of this is - they won't repair it as they keep saying this doesn't fall under manufacturers warranty - even though they still don't know what caused the fault, but they know it's not repaired under warranty. so is there anything I could do with this ? as it sounds ridiculous.
  2. @Lee send you an email, as it's been over a week since I heard anything regarding this.
  3. Contacted Lee ragarding this, waiting for a reply.
  4. just checked it - it was taken out in May so it's over 6 months now :/
  5. I would have to check it to be honest, my missus was using it, but it's quite possible that it is less than 6 months old. will that change anything ?
  6. it's still in warranty, less than 1 year old.
  7. Hi guys. got a problem with vodafone. i have a contract with them with galaxy s2 (about 500 quid worth mobile), but I didnt take out the insurance option. recently i left my mobile on charge through the night and woke up to a black screen - nothing works. so obviously I went through their repair service, courier collected it. I've waited around 2 weeks and they got back to me saying that my mobile is basically fried and unrepairable, although they have no idea what caused it as the battery was apparently fine. and they've refused to fix it or give me another mobile saying this is my fault and it's not a samsung fault - although they have no idea what caused the fault !!! my question is - is there any leg I can stand on regarding this problem ? I don't fancy buying another mobile. let me know, please.
  8. im not worried about him starting a fight, he's fat **** in the 50's most likely. it's the sons im worried about....they don't live in the same house, but they live somewhere near, as I saw them visiting
  9. i don't fancy moving as we've just settled in. and to be honest - I can't even afford to move again, as my still in debt after the last move and decorating...like I said before - i don't really want to get beaten up by his sons. im just trying to live my life
  10. ok, I'm not sure i've understand ANY of what you just wrote... these are not privately rented houses, these are housing association houses
  11. recently moved to council house (in March). never had problems with my next door, although she made a complaint to the housing association about me standing outside with my mate talking at about 1am. so I thought they're decent people, so we've tried to be quiet. he even approached me couple of days after we've moved in saying that he doesnt drink, doesnt smoke and likes peace. before we moved in he phoned up council saying that they better put some decent people in that house. from what I see it is a guy, a women lives there too and apparently that guys daughter. every time there daughter comes home at about 10pm it's a massive argument, swearing, shouting, dogs barking (they have 2 german sheppards). it doesnt happen eveyr day but every now and then. i did phone up housing association reporting 2 or 3 incidents, so they've send me the forms to fill in the date and dewscription of incidents, but i didnt send it back as I though i'll give them another chance. and it was peacefull for about 2 weeks, but last night it started all over again at about 11pm. at about 12.45am i did call the police but nobody showed up actually. everything went quiet at 2.45am but at 3.30am police decided to finally show up after 3 hours and started banging on there doors. after the police left they've started all over again. she even went outside and started shouting at my window that it's my fault that police came over, she was calling names me and my family (we have a 2 year old son and a newborn 1 week old baby). what worries me is that the guy came out and said that I've crossed the line and he 'will sort me out now'....i really dont know what to do now. if i phone housing association they will want to start all the complaints procedure and will contact them again, im not sure what will that guy do. I know he's got 2 sons in their 30's that live near. I really dont fancy getting beaten up...
  12. just to make something clear. if a debt collection agency (even the bogus once like moorcroft or metro) buys my debt - they should have ALL the relevant documentation, right ? I should be writing to them not to the client. asking this, as MIDAS approached me to contact MOORCROFT regarding my credit card - i did send them the 'bemused' letter as no copy. now they've comeback to me saying that I should contact METRO regarding this. if I understand this right - MOORCROFT should have all the info and if needed, should pass all correspondence to METRO, right ? from what I see it's like this now - MIDAS > MOORCROFT > METRO > HSBC that's a lot of hassle involved, depsite the fact that it's been 2 years now and no agreement copy yet...
  13. is there any particular act that I should relate too, when asking for the copy of the phone conversation ?
  14. will do mate. i know about keeping everything in writing, as I have an ongoing fight with HSBC it's just - i wasnt in when my bosss agreed to this, hence why the problem now. was just wondering if he will have to pay that, they've also didnt say anything about the cancellation over the phone.
  15. hi guys. recently my employer got a phone call from something called Advanced Publications UK, call came from the Liverpool area. they claimed that they offer advertising in something called Streewatch magazine in association with Cheshire police. they said that our advert will be the only one there from the area of business that we have (IT parts). it was supposed to cost £180 per year of advertising. he didnt agree to pay that over the phone and said he would like the invoice to be send to us. after a week they've send a letter with a sample of the advert (which was practically a page copied from our website) and the invoice for £240 (which was already higher than what they've said over the phone). that ringed a bell in my head and I've did a bit of googling and found more people with the same issue, and actuall warning from nothingham police that they're [problem]mers. such thing as Streewatch magazine apparently doesn't even exist. so we' ve just ignored it. they've started calling us like 2 times a day for the past 3 weeks, but we were ignoring these too. today they've send us an 'ACCOUNT OVERDUE' letter saying that this account is now overdue and we need to contac them. my question is: where do we stand here now ? as clearly we didn't sign any contract with them. what's the possible outcome and how should we deal with this now ? Thanks in advance
  16. thanks johnnymitch. great response from you as always ! and I cant get around new CAG too you're not the only one mate
  17. Hi guys. looks like im back now... it looks like HSBC have passed this on to another debt collection agency - this time is WESCOT CREDIT SERVICES. I've not had anything from them before and they actually look like a proper debt collection agency, not one of them in-houses like Metropolitan or Moorcroft. Im starting to worry about this, as I've not heard from them for a while and now they've dropped a bomb like this ! any help is always appreciated !
  18. well, they won't ask you anything when you join online...hence the question
  19. how soon after joining AA can I call them out ? my car broke down on saturday and i've joined AA on that day. i took: Roadside assistance, Help in an accident, At home and Parts & garage cover for 1 car and I was thinking about calling them out on Tuesday morning that my car broke down - will that be ok or is it too soon ?
  20. right, I will report how did it go after tomorrow...
  21. im in the same boat. I have my interview tomorrow.
  22. from what I worked it out, it should be anything in between 800 and 1100 quid overpayment
  23. yeah, thats what the guy told me over the phone too. quite frankly - im happy this has happened now so the overpayment is not that big. It wouldn't probably happen if it wasnt because of our house moving and me changing the details on my application. but im still worried sick...my friend, whic is my current boss too, will be going with me...i'll be up all night probably today...
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