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Everything posted by geoff1248

  1. I suggest that you Google "Skoda Fabia using oil" you will find that you are not the only one with this problem.
  2. It would be interesting to find out just how the supermarket define harassment, and if their definition is the same as a legal definition. To just talk to a checkout girl as she is scanning your purchases would hardly meet either definition; even a small Christmas present is not pushing the definition. Maybe the content of the conversations are the problem. Have the supermarket either put the banning order in writing and stated the reason for the ban or just told you verbally. If so maybe a threat of defamation/slander may make them reconsider. Either way the girl is gone!
  3. I would be tempted to ask orange which part of their T&C states this disconnection fee if you are out of contract. However, if you are moving house you do not actually need a disconnection, just go with a new ISP at you new address. There is nothing special about Orange.
  4. So if the customer doesn't know they have made a mistake no lights will go on, they will not request help and will not look as if they need help. Seems to me that supermarkets are going to have a very difficult time PROVING that it was a deliberate act rather than a genuine mistake. Shoplifters are going to have a field day!
  5. It would be interesting to know how long these supermarkets spend training their own staff on "How to Scan an Item". It appears that they expect their customers to manage with no training whatsoever. It would also be of interest to know what action they take if one of their own till staff fails to scan an item.
  6. Just before Xmas I received a parking charge notice from a private car parking company accusing me of overstaying at a car park in Leeds. They waited around 6 weeks before sending me the penalty notice letter obviously in the hope that I had thrown the ticket away in the meantime. Fortunately I still had the ticket ( useful tip 1-- don't clean out the car too often) and I sent them a photocopy of it. Appeal granted no further action. It would appear that they carried out quite a bit of letter writing at this particular car park during Nov/Dec. It occurred to me that the best way to deal with these companies is to send them a letter of appeal but stating that if the appeal fails could they send you a verification code as you will be appealing their decision to POPLA. This appeal will cost them around £30 and is binding on the car park company but not on you. That is then the time to ignore them, when you've cost them a bit more money.
  7. Like so many others i have received a "Charge Notice" from one of the many private parking companies. Interestingly enough the picture on the notice is indeed my car and I did indeed park where they say I parked. However, the picture is date stamped 15/11/2012 and they say I over stayed on that day. I actually have the parking ticket and it is dated 16/11/2012 which was the true date I parked there and I certainly did not overstay on that day. Obviously I have no intention of paying their £75, reduced to £40 if paid quickly, but it does raise the question of how I would prove that their picture was incorrectly dated. The fact that the ticket I got from the machine clearly states 16th but their picture states 15th.
  8. If the skip was outside the premises and any contents the property of the skip company then I would say that it is nothing to do with your Company. Maybe you did actually "steal" from the skip but it was off the Company premises (?) and the contents would no longer be your Companies property. If this is the case then you committed an act against the skip company not your employers.
  9. Maybe one of the legal eagles will be more up on this but would a Garnishee Order work in this case?
  10. I would have thought that raw sewage would be a Health & Safety issue and it may be useful to have a word with the local authority.
  11. You will find a great many people, incl. MPs, employ their wives as secretaries and hence have to buy them computers and internet access etc. In addition they will pay these "secretaries" just enough salary to use up their tax free pay. I wouldn't let it worry you; if they are savy business people they will be keeping just the right side of .the law. Remember you probably don't have full access to the company accounts so maybe don't know the full picture.
  12. If it is a Limited Company then only shareholders are invited. If a Charity then the AGM MUST be open to the public and the dated MUST be advertised. I would check their actual status with the Charity Commission, easy if you know their charity number,.
  13. All this must be very stressful. How about a trip to your doctors and a sick note for "work related stress", four/six weeks would seem about right.
  14. You should also be aware that if you are using your personal credit card you would be liable for the debt if the company goes bust.
  15. No idea what it could cost them for breach of copyright but no doubt a damn site more than they want off you. Why not give the Dept. of Transport a ring to confirm that they are copyright then if possible take a photo of the offending yellow lines. You then have a "threat" (I wouldn't dare say blackmail) to aim at VCS if necessary.
  16. Just out of interest I wonder who painted the yellow lines on the road. If the road is private then the painting of double yellow lines is a breach of copyright as all road signs are copyright of the Dept. of Transport. Maybe VCS should be made aware of this...
  17. Instead of selling the holiday why not ask Thompsons if you can delay the holiday maybe for twelve months, or even ask them if they can convert the holiday into a gift voucher/credit note. You could then use the "voucher" when it suited you.
  18. If you are already under medication for stress why not ask your doctor for sick note, two weeks should just about do it don't you think?
  19. I repeat my question, did you pay any extra on the hire charge to have the excess reduced? Depending upon your answer depends the next step.
  20. Firstly did your hire agreement have an excess or did you pay extra to have this excess reduced? Many car mirrors have a plastic shell which can be bought from a main dealer and fitted very easily. Contact the cars main dealer and price up the cost of the part needed. The shell may be in a number of parts so you may only need a certain part. Don't forget the cost of spraying if they supply the part in primer only. I would be very tempted to let them take it further, and let them know you are willing to so do. They may well not consider it worthwhile. However, don't forget that you did actually sign a document saying that the only damage was to the windscreen.
  21. "THIS DEBT MUST BE PAID ON FULL TO THESE OFFICES WITHIN THE NEXT 7 DAYS OTHERWISE WE WILL TAKE IMMEDIATE ACTION" That "immediate action" can be to just send you another letter, and then another one. At the moment it is just a threat, nothing more.
  22. I have exactly the same problem of not being able to log on to my TalkTalk account. Like you I got passed from person to person. In the end I have decided to take my custom elsewhere. When you contact TT to tell them you want to leave they will try every trick in the book to try and get you to stay. I was told that I would loose my current phone number if I changed ISP because they would not release it. A quick call to OFCOM confirmed that they cannot retain your phone number (OFCOM said just say "General Condition 18" to them and they are required to release your number). Anyway if your new ISP requests your existing number your old ISP must release it. Bottom line is that I am off to Sky who do not require a MAC code from TT but can just go ahead. Next door neighbour gets excellent Sky speed + currently offering free 6 months unlimited broadband. With more and more online video content becoming available unlimited is the way to go; TT are now capping.
  23. I have a credit card in my name (primary holder) and my wife also has the same card (secondary holder). Does a secondary credit card holder have the same rights as the primary holder?
  24. After being with these guys for many years, without any problems I must add, we decided it was time to move over to Sky. I then found out that if I wanted to move then I wouldn't be able to retain my phone number. Seems to be a bit of a [problem] to make life more difficult for you to change ISP.
  25. I had a similar problem but managed to do the transfer using a video camera. I have a Sony video camera which can connect to a VCR so that I can watch any video using the screen on the camera. I can then set the camera to record the input, in this case from the VCR. Thus I then have the video on my camera. It is then a simple matter to transfer the camera copy onto a DVD using Movie Maker for example. Maybe a long way round but it does work and I never had any trouble with copyright issues.
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