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Everything posted by HULLCITYMASSIVE

  1. One final update! Basically the following: Swift sterling responded to my initial email straight away, accepted my plan and gave me their bank details, perfect from my point. Mr lender, responded to my initial email and after a little negotiating via email, a 6 month plan was agreed within 24 hours and they supplied me with their bank account details. Paydayexpress, ignored my initial email and just sent me one text every day asking for payment, I responded every few days with a quick email. They did not respond until I sent a further email threatening an official complaint, then they came back in a few hours asking for income and expenditure. I returned this and then they went back to ignoring me again! I left it about a week then sent them the official complaint email again, and after a few hours they responded accepting my plan and supplying their bank details. Job done, but quite annoying the way they kept ignoring me, until I had to threaten the officials complaint! Wonga, sent my initial email and they came back almost immediately offering to freeze interest and charges for 38 days until a repayment plan was agreed, they sent income and expenditure forms which I completed. However despite several emails, they never responded, until after three weeks they sent me an email asking me to ring them to discuss the situation! I was a bit reluctant but at the end of the day I wanted all this sorted and worst case scenario I could just put the phone down. I rang them and although the advisor didn't seem to know that I had returned the I and e forms, after a little searching she found them and agreed to my repayment proposal, all very polite and friendly. Although they didn't give me their bank details, i am going to register a bank card for an account that has nothing else in it, and just put the agreed amount in at the end of the month. Finally minicredit, they completely ignored all communication, they sent me one text a day asking for payment, and every day added about 8 pounds worth of interest on, so along with their default charges my loan had gone from owing 330 to 470. Fortunately I had just above this amount available on a credit card! I know this wasn't the ideal thing to do, but I used the credit card to pay off minicredit. It's all well and good people on this site saying sod the parasites and refuse to pay any unfair charges, but it does not stop some of these companies just adding and adding and adding the interest, and it's quite worrying when you can see your debt rising everyday , and when I saw an easy way out I took it! The payments I was going to make to minicredit are just going to the credit card company instead. Add to this the fact that all the others are sorted, and this company were not even replying to me, it was the best for my situation. So, all in all, considering the mess I was in, I think this was sorted out relatively easily, barring mini credit of course. As with most things, it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, and with a little persistence, a little give and take, i can finally get these paid off in 6-12 months and get on with the rest of my life! My advice to anyone in trouble is to a). Not panic, it's not as bad as you think and b) go through this site and glean as much info as you can, I must have read every thread available and it was invaluable. c) don't give in, but don't be as stubborn as some people suggest, IN MY OPINION, it pays to try and negotiate a little, I know some people will disagree but I can only offer you my experience! Good luck, and finally thanks everyone for your input!
  2. Thanks for the advice renegade, anything I can pick up from other people is very very much appreciated.
  3. Hi anyone! Further update, not much really. Minicredit, payday express and wonga all never replied to my initial email at first. I received a couple of texts and emails from all three said they would add charges etc, only a couple of automated phone calls from wonga, which I ignored the first one but answered the second through curiosity, however it was just a bionic woman not a real person soi hung up. Not really too much harassment, so can't complain on that front. Today both payday express and wonga have replied to my initial email asking me to complete income and expenditure forms! I have completed the payday express forms and sent it back but have heard nothing yet. Wonga advised me that due to my financial situation they would freeze all interest and charges for approximately 40 days and await my completed forms. As there forms looks a little more extensive than pay days, I will fill these in during the next day or two. They did say I had 30 odds days to do this, and they did take 3 days to come back to my email so I think that's fair enough from me! I do have other things to do in my life! Still nothing from minicredit though, apart from a couple of texts stating they will add £20 to the amount owed on due date and also on the 4th. I have resent my email but nothing! As I seem to be making progress with the other two, think If minicredit don't respond to my email, I will try and sort wonga and payday before I take this any further! Again, not putting them off but I do work full time and have two kids and they haven't even the good grace to respond to my emails, why should I rush!, Just one last note, no money has left my account, and all my regular bills have been paid! Phew! So it would seem what I did (see previous posts) worked. Will keep this thread updated.
  4. Cheers, I am expecting the worst because I have had two fairly easy ones! But the less companies who are causing you sleepless nights the better I suppose! And three is better than five! Will keep you updated!
  5. Hi anyone who's there Just an update. Mr lender emailed me later yesterday, no further phone calls by he way, but one text, and offered me a repayment plan. This was over 6 months which was a little bit quicker and obviously the amounts were a little higher than I wanted, but they agreed to add no charges or interest. So I suppose in this situation a little give and take may be the way to go! I asked them to put in writing that this would then settle the account in full, and outline all the dates payments are due, and also confirm that no interest or charges would be added. I also asked for their bank details so I could pay them as I was not willing to supply debit card details. They have done all this, so I am happy to proceed with their plan. I have read some bad things about mr lender on here, but to be fair to them, I had an acceptable repayment plan in place by the end of the day the loan was due, they were nice and polite, so can't really say anything bad. I also received a response to my initial email from another lender, swift sterling, who's loan isn't due until Monday (30th), and they accepted my proposal straight away (over 8 months), at the amount I requested, again stating in writing that they will add no further interest/charges, and supplying me with their bank details, also agreeing to the initial payment being at the end of October! Not even one attempt at a phone call, or demanding email. Very surprised but happy and relieved. It just makes you wonder why all payday companies cannot adopt the same attitude as these two companies! So, two down three to go! Payday express,mini credit and wonga! Payday express and mini credit have both had my initial email and I have had nothing back, but loans are not due until Monday! So no doubt the "fun" will start then! I am going to fill in wongas repayment plan forms shortly! As always will keep updating! I'm off now to watch the mighty hull city smash west ham to bits!!
  6. Quick update, two loans were actually due today but both payments were declined and no money taken, which is a bit of a relief, but still got Monday (d day) to come! I did however still email santander and confirm in writing that I wished to cancel all cpa's and would demand an immediate refund if any payments were processed, and would lodge a formal complaint, so fingers crossed that should be that! Having sent my initial emails to all creditors, only the one had rung so far (mr lender), as I am not at work today I decided to answer the phone, but instructed the advisor at the other end that I would not be able to do this again as I would be at work, and under no circumstances to ring my place of employment, or my mobile during working hours, as I am unable to take personal calls and this could lead to termination of my employment, they said they would comply with this and a note had been placed on my account! The advisor explained that my card had been declined, and I explained the situation and informed em I had sent an email yesterday. They said they could set up a repayment plan with all interest and charges being frozen if I could make a payment of £142 first. I explained I couldn't make that payment this month, and they said it would remain with the collections team. All very poite. I have emailed their collections team and asked them to clarify in writing exactly what they want me to pay and what the repayments would be, and also to clarify that all interest and charges would be stopped. Not an ideal scenario with the £142, but I may be able to borrow a little at the end of next month off family if it gets a definite repayment plans in place! I would want this all in writing first though, so let's see what they come back with. Next is wonga on Sunday, then the rest on Monday! Will keep this thread updated
  7. Ok thanks for your advice! Will post if anything gets taken or not! I read a lot of threads and people just seem to stop posting and we don't see any outcomes!! Then let the barrage of emails commence!!!
  8. Brilliant, citizen, thanks. Do you think an email will suffice? Obviously fingers crossed that my loan doesn't go out tomorrow, and even if I posted a letter first class, when they receive it on Monday the other loans would be due!!
  9. Ok cheers, will try an email tomorrow, one loan due tomorrow but rest not whole Monday, so no point in posting anything, won't get there in time!!
  10. But I rang them and they said there was nothing to cancel. They didn't refuse to cancel, just said there was nothing to cancel. Surely, unless the bank are outright lying to me, there is nothing to cancel, so even if I rang tomorrow I will just get told the same! Also I double checked with the guy who cancelled my card and he said no payments could be taken using that card!!! I don't see what more I could do!!
  11. Hi all I have several payday loans totalling 3500. I like many have reached the point where I can no longer carry on with roll overs etc. trawling though this site I have picked up many ideas and tips on how to start things off. Firstly I rang my bank today and asked to cancel all the cpa's on my account. They advised me that none were set up and all previous payments to payday companies had been classed as one offs! This seemed a bit strange to me, but I bank with Santander and they are supposed to be one of he more reputable, so I have no reason to doubt what they say. Never the less, I rang back and reported my card as lost, and double checked with the advisor that no payments could be processed using the "lost" card, and he confirmed this. Does anyone know if this is 100 per correct? Sorry to be paranoid but have read some horror stories on here! I am in the process of constructing of my initial email to the companies, using bits and pieces of other peoples letters off this site (cheers guys). Obviously all of these pay day companies are going to initially reject my repayment proposal (all over a ten month period), and the days/weeks of backwards and forwards emails, my next question is in relation to the interest. I have read that some companies, for example mr lender, keep adding interest, and the amounts can get really out of hand! Now I read a lot of posts, saying this is unlawful, unfair etc but what can you do, and I mean really do, not just report them? After reading a lot, and I mean a lot of threads on here, no one ever seems to really post the outcome! Indeed a lot of threads seem to stop with out a conclusion! Obviously I am extremely worried about my situation, and although I keep saying to myself this will all be over eventually, it still doesn't stop me worrying now! If anyone could answer my queries it might ease my mind a little! No doubt I am gonna be on here a lot in the next few weeks, and am hoping to find some kind souls to offer help, support and advice! Off to do my email now, wish me luck
  12. Yep I did same, hoping that is enough to stop them taking anything, but looking through this site it would appear that on occasion they can still get money! Bit worried but nothing new there! Going off what other people have put, it would some seem that any reasonable offer which is not accepted is against all the guidelines and regulations. But on the other hand they don't seem to care! I am expecting a lot of stress I the next few weeks
  13. Also sorry to butt in on this thread, but can't see how to start a new thread of my own?
  14. i am in a situation where I am not going to be able to pay my pay day loans, so after reading many threads on this site. I rand my bank to cancel the CPA on all seven of my pay day loans! I was told there isn't any on the account and previous payments were classed as one offs!!!! Have you come across this before? I have cancelled my debit card and am hoping that will be enough to protect my money!
  15. Ha ha, firstly, HUll FC is a rugby team, Hull City are the football team, and secondly we are not going down! I am planning to borrow some points off the premier league and pay them back in installments . With regards to the less serious matter, it would appear that you have been offered a fair proposal and if you can afford to pay it, then I presonally would! However, on the other hand, life is for living, and if your not bothered about a little hassle from Mack Hall (or other) then sod it, enjoy your holiday, and cross the "paying your debt" bridge when you come to it, lol. Its your choice, but either way, hope you have a nice time away and C'mon you Tigers!!!!
  16. I owed a simlar amount with QQ last year (£637). I reported my debit card as lost, and then let QQ know my situation and advised them of a repayment plan over 6 months, and also that communication was to be via e-mail only. QQ would not accept the offer stating they would only accept a 3 month plan. I could not afford this so every time they e-mailed me, I e-mailed back with my original offer. After 3 months they offered me a full and final settlement offer of £375, which I declined as I have heard of some companies being paid and then selling the remainder of the debt on to a DCA!! After another week or so the debt was passed onto Mackenzie Hall, who after a couple of e-mails accepted my six month payment plan!! I have no idea why QQ couldnt have just accepted this in the first place! I set up a standing order for MH (no card details), and only have two payments left Basically QQ did not ring me, did not charge any extra charges/interest and after 3 months they pass the debt onto a DCA who were more flexible. My advice is sit tight for three months, do nothing and deal with the DCA then. Hope this helps a little with peace of mind cos I know I was ****ting bricks at the time. and I needn't have bothered!!!
  17. no, they dont give them, and they wont accept any repayment offer!! My advice is save your money and after 90 days they will offer you a much reduced full and final settlement offer. My was debt was £637 and I paid nothing for 3 months, they offered me £375 as settlement, which was actually near 3 monthly payments of their interest!!!!
  18. Yep, all sounds oh so familiar! The people at Triton are just screen reading robots. All they seem to ask is "how much are you going to pay today", over and over and over again!! Like I suggested, write to Natwest directly, and inform them of the offer you have made, and lay it on nice and thick about Triton being totally unhelpful, nobody seems to know whats going on at Triton, they wont accept any offer, they are wasting your time on telephone calls and letters etc. With me, Natwest came back and said they would investigate, write to Triton and let them know you offer again, and I am willing to be it gets accepted. Let me know how you get on, and good luck
  19. I had all sorts of problems with Triton (who are in house collectors for Natwest). It took nearly a year to get things sorted. After writing god knows how many times, and several phone calls were no one seemed to be able to doing anything concrete, I actually wrote to Natwest and complained about Triton. They replied informing me they were launching a full investigation. After another month or so, Triton wrote to me and agreed to accept the repayments I had offered at the start of it all (nearly a year). I have not heard anything since, and my repayments have been paid on time and accepted. My advice is as always stick to your guns, and if you have any problems, contact this initial creditor, as these tools are only in house. It had the desired effect for me! By the way, the address I had for Triton is: PO Box 183, Telford TF2 2BU,telephone 0845 301 5137, but as I mentioned this was a Nat West account.
  20. Thanks for the responses. I thought it best to post on the DCA threads, as the debt has been passed on to MH. I am guessing by the responses that these are not a great outfit to deal with!!! I am not going to ring them again, but I cant believe they will simply go away! From what I can gather, I would presume that they are going to add a s**t load of charges on! Do I have to pay these legally? Any advice would be great
  21. Hi all Just a quickie! I have a payday loan debt which has been passed onto Mackenzie Hall, who like the payday loan company, are not willing to accept my repayment offer of £30 per month (I owe £637). After several e-mails, none of which Mackenzie Hall replied to, I rang them today, and during a rather rude (shock horror) conversation, I was offered a f + f offer of £400 which unfortunately I do not have. I was then told they cannot accept any repayment offer and I would be liable for solicitors charges if I did not pay! I said surely it would have to go to court for solicitors charges to be levied. Is is true? Does anyone have any dealings with this particular DCA? And any suggestions what I should do next would be greatly appreciated, as ever!
  22. Thanks for the heads up. I cant see any reason why they wouldnt accept the proposal, it spreads the payment over 8 months which is not a long time, some people offer £10 per month and it would take years to pay back at that rate! They cant bully me as a) i dont answer phone calls and b) i simply dont have anymore money to give them, so the two options are accept my proposal or take me to court and let them decide what I have to pay, and given my previous experience would probably be nowhere near what I am offering over a considerably longer period of time!! You are right about quickquid though, totally unacceptable to any offer, no sort of negotiations, little/no response to any correspondence. Not too bright are they!!!
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