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  1. That's much better than my idea - but is it not just a bit cheeky and inviting trouble?
  2. Thanks for the reply but I think you have missed the point. It was hardly a fast response since I requested the agreement just over 2 years ago - when I made reference to a 'recent request' I was being sarcastic. Also they do not allege a credit agreement exists as they say they haven't got one. If they haven't got one surely they can't take any further action and they should not be able to put anything on my credit history. As they have effectively said they haven't got a true copy of the executed credit agreement but here is what one would like if we had one -I was thinking of sending them a photocopy of a £50 note as 'payment' and saying sorry but I haven't got a true copy of of a £50 note but here is what one would like if I had one!
  3. Back in April 2007 I was not too well, having just come out of hospital, and my husband was dealing with all my affairs. Unbeknown to me he had received a letter from Moorcroft about some money I allegedly owed to Kays and started making payments. When I was a bit better and found this out, I wrote to Moorcroft in August 2007 denying all knowledge of the debt and asking for a copy of the credit agreement. I received a letter back from them, dated 7th August, stating that they were unable to supply a copy of the agreement. I then sent them a letter, dated 10th August 2007, reminding them of their obligations under CCA. Despite this I received a letter from them asking for payment and threatening to send a collection agent round. I wrote to them again on 23rd August 2007 telling them not to bother contacting me again until they were in possession of a signed credit agreement. I then heard nothing until February 2008 when I received a letter from Fredricksons. I wrote to Fredricksons saying that the alleged account was in dispute, that Moorcroft could not supply a credit agreement and requesting that the account be returned to Moorcroft for resolution. Since then I have heard nothing from either Moorcroft or Fredricksons but recently received a letter from Shop Direct. As you will see from the letter here they have written in response to a ‘recent request’ for a copy of the agreement but they are still unable to locate a copy of the agreement. They also say their record show some payments having been made in the last 12 months but this is total rubbish. The last ‘payment’ made to anyone in relation to the alleged account was the payment of £1 to Moorcroft for the CCA request on 2nd August 2007. They also mention a copy of the current agreement, which can be found here. Obviously they have nothing with my signature on so I am assuming they don’t have a leg to stand on. I would welcome any advice as how to proceed from this point.    
  4. Does anyone have an address for these? I need to contact them about a problem I have with them relating to an old Mint credit card and I no longer have the letters from them I used to have.
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