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Everything posted by Beck1968

  1. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?323206-Lloyds-BOG-OFF-Letter-2009&p=3585148#post3585148 :???:
  2. Have i slipped up on this one On the 18th June 2009 i wrote to LTSB to reclaim £2600 in charges and got the usual BOG OFF letter at the time i was also in battle with barclays (WON) and i have kinda forgot about this till now due to a bumble bee moment my question is .......my original claim was from June 2003 ..would i still be able to claim from that date today as i had contact with them in june 2009 or would the 6 year rule still apply if so this is starting to add up to some pretty big bucks with interest in restitution (£1200 for 2003 alone)
  3. What about the singer in the 80's ............ Ivor Biggun ( Doc Coxs from "Thats Life" ) the record label he was on was called stiff coxs Remember the song make it the song you sing in your head today
  4. I do understand the stress you must be under right now, Being LTD means a Creditors Voluntary Liquidation is going to cost above £ 2500 (somtimes paid in advance or from the sale of business assets on Liquidation) as for the staff you have working for you, if you cannot pay the staff wages make them redundant immediately as it is unfair on both sides (these are the people you are likley to meet in the supermarket) now when a Liquidator takes control of the business they will try to sell the assets as soon as possible (this only adds to the cost of Liquidation fees and somtimes the assets are not sold for true market value) my advice would be to hold off on the Liquidation for a while and do the job for them yourself, make the staff redundant, re-stock what you can with suppliers - sell what ever is left yourself, leave the rental property and relocate the business address to your home for contact by mail purposes, this will give you some breathing room and reduce possible Liquidation costs as to the 9K you have in the bank (personal account, i hope) think about "the right of set off" clause that the banks have your main problem is the personal guarantee, as you have said selling your home is maybe the only way (but you do have time to maneuver while they are chasing for payments) hopefully you could find a job and keep your home if there is plenty of equity in the house now life is full of choices, do you Liquidate or wait to be Liquidated (both have good and bad merits based on cost) sell the house or wait to be repossessed (both have good and bad merits dependant on the equity in the house and current house rental prices) Chin up, Best Foot Foward and all that.......
  5. Are you an LTD Company and who are your main creditors
  6. Tiz Me......I'm Back roaming CAG for a while Me and the MUNGYPUP have been thinking about these arrears fees (we did have a mortgage with Abbey / Santander - but now free and clear ) So is it the usual route....SAR....LBA....CC or have we got our Paws crossed Advice would be welcome as i can't find a right lot on CAG
  7. As such this is not a "Debate", it is nothing more that a renegotiation of the renegotiation by renegotiation when anybody dares to pose a view other that one that renegotiation has renegotiated by renegotiating with renegotiation in five of the last six posts as for the above quotation, it just seems to be yet another self serving renegotiation of this thread I find this line in particular quite funny "any further insane and unhinged posts will also be reported" apart from Mungypup and Uncle Tez, the only other subscriber to this thread is now renegotiation, renegotiating with renegotiation on how to further renegotiate this thread into some sort of renegotiation of all the above negotiations
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Beck1968 Firstly I will use your own words....... if it is all here 'already', then why are they pushing so damn hard for more political union The fact is you, me and every other member of the human race on this planet need to get along, or not only will we kill Ourselves, but all the other species on this planet. we need to adopt a set of global laws that govern the acceptable actions of mankind for instance - in some countries, it is acceptable for a girl of less than 10 years old to be married to drive a car with no driving licence to hold 50 pounds of explosives in your own home laws not only govern but protect the public Renegotiation Tell you what. How about I see that working in our country before expanding it globally? Furthermore, I take it you are of the opinion that the people should have no say in this? Beck Take a look at the last two of my previous statements and then take a look at your response Renegotiation I am very happy to talk you through all of this one step at a time. First things first, are you saying that my response to all of what you said should simply be based on the last two lines of what you said? If not, then why are you focusing on the last two lines of what you said in relation to my response? Please, answer me this question and I will happy to assist you further Beck As above i said take a look at my last two statements So you think it is Ok for a girl of under 10 to be married.....you must be a sick individual to think that, and i would hope you are already on the sex offenders register as for the rest....your just A Not Right
  9. Uncle Tez......You to the words right outa my mouth...........(time to sing)
  10. Maybe you should re-read the above:idea::idea::idea::idea::idea:
  11. NOT IN THIS HOUSE (time for a bath) renegotiating the last post
  12. CORRECT..............renegotiating is the key to winning the last post
  13. I am renegotiating the right to renegotiation of the last renegotiation
  14. I think renegotiate needs to stay off this thread as he would win by renegotiating the final outcome :lol: p.s I WIN
  15. Well you certainly chopped my previous post up.....so let's have a look then Quote: Originally Posted by Beck1968 Firstly I will use your own words....... if it is all here 'already', then why are they pushing so damn hard for more political union The fact is you, me and every other member of the human race on this planet need to get along, or not only will we kill Ourselves, but all the other species on this planet. we need to adopt a set of global laws that govern the acceptable actions of mankind for instance - in some countries, it is acceptable for a girl of less than 10 years old to be married to drive a car with no driving licence to hold 50 pounds of explosives in your own home laws not only govern but protect the public Tell you what. How about I see that working in our country before expanding it globally? Furthermore, I take it you are of the opinion that the people should have no say in this? Take a look at the last two of my previous statements and then take a look at your response Quote: Originally Posted by Beck1968 and mass adoption of a single currency? as such in our brief history we first traded goods and services with each other, then the exchange of gold made the transaction a little more simples, then the exchange of the promissory note made it even more simples. promissory notes evolved into state currencys and today currency is constantly exchanged all over the world in nothing more than one's and zero's A single currency is well .......Simples You were supposed to be backing up your point that a NWO is already here. Giving a history lesson on currency doesn't do that. They have got the Euro, but have a long way to go yet. Again, you don't think the people should have a say in this? Some people in the world still have a chance to fight back, especially us in the U.K. regarding the pound. If we had got our referendum the Lisbon Treaty probably wouldn't have been ratified. We'll see about that though... A currency lesson....... No i was explaining how the banking system came into being Quote: Originally Posted by Beck1968 there are terrorists in this world and not all of them carry a gun, some are actually politician's that have a mis-guided view of how to further what they think their country wants or needs (oil at the moment) and some people choose to overlook the indiscretions of their leaders when they think it will benifit them or make them more like us take the Iraq enquiry as an example of the people questioning their leaders or former leaders As I said, and you haven't challenged, the 'War On Terror' is a crock of ****. Yes, the Iraq inquiry is just hot air. We can at least agree on that. I'm not daft and understand the world is a grey place and some dark deeds may need to be done. That isn't the case here. Things could have been done differently. This was motivated out of greed more than self-preservation. I was not challenging the war on terror, i was highlighting how the political systems around the world work Quote: Originally Posted by Beck1968 The largest threat we face from the New World Order as you put it, is the very easy to use debit card as the banks are no longer backed by gold and the use of the promissory note and physical currency is phased, out every transaction will take place by debit card, each transaction attracts merchant fee's which only serve to further inflate the price of the goods you purchase the total adoption of the debit card will give the banks the power to create "money" out of nothing more than thin air just like the Bank of England & the US Treasury do everyday It's massive control and they own governments as it is anyway. It's completely f**ked up. They are psychopaths. You surely can't be supporting this? Please re-read the above.......as i am not supporting this and made it quite plain by saying in the opening line "The largest threat we face is......" and you answered your own question Originally Posted by Beck1968 Take a look at my signature below........all three statements came from US presidents Beck "There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. one is by the Sword. The other is by Debt." "If the lie is big enough, the People will fall for it." SWINE FLU was manufactured in a LAB......and accidentally got out I hope the third statement is indeed sarcastic. If so, then three credible statements. Are you making a specific point here? er.... Yes, this is what you would call the NWO President John Adams “There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. One is by the sword. The other is by debt.” Sheldon Emry, expanding on this concept two centuries later, observed that conquest by the sword has the disadvantage that the conquered are likely to rebel. Continual force is required to keep them at bay. Conquest by debt can occur so silently and insidiously that the conquered don’t even realize they have new masters. On the surface, nothing has changed. The country is merely under new management. “Tribute” is collected in the form of debts and taxes, which the people believe they are paying for their own good. “Their captors,” wrote Emry, “become their ‘benefactors’ and ‘protectors.’. . . Without realizing it, they are conquered, and the instruments of their own society are used to transfer their wealth to their captors and make the conquest complete.” “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” The NWO as you put it, are not just going to turn up on your door step and say........... HI, Were Here, They came into being, the moment we became a debt based society So looking back at your previous responses on this thread, you just seem to twist....sorry i mean renegotiate anything and everything to suit your next post So maybe you are the NWO, as you keep shouting about it and you keep twisting.......i mean renegotiating it to suit your political stance So are you now going to twist.......i mean renegotiate this post yet again if so please renegotiate it until you have something credible to say, then write it down on paper and post it back to yourself via the royal mail, as this will make you feel a far better person in life, as you will actualy receive mail, rather than bumping your own posts and on a FINAL note to this thread....... You yabber on about the New World Order So here it is in blue and white, available in books and on the internet The first U.S. institution with central banking responsibilities was the First Bank of the United States, chartered by Congress and signed into law by President George Washington on February 25, 1791 at the urging of Alexander Hamilton This was done despite strong opposition from Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, among numerous others. The charter was for twenty years and expired in 1811 under President James Madison. In 1816, however, Madison revived it in the form of the Second Bank of the United States. Early renewal of the bank's charter became the primary issue in the reelection of President Andrew Jackson. After Jackson, who was opposed to the central bank, was re-elected, he pulled the government's funds out of the bank. Nicholas Biddle, President of the Second Bank of the United States, responded by contracting the money supply to pressure Jackson to renew the bank's charter forcing the country into a recession, which the bank blamed on Jackson's policies. Interestingly, Jackson is the only President to completely pay off the national debt Now that’s what you call a New World Order !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and to further back it up........................ In the United States, Independence Day, commonly known as the Fourth of July, is a federal holiday commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, declaring independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain. Now the Declaration of Independence was signed by the “Founding Fathers” – seven men 1st President George Washington 2nd President John Adams 3rd president Thomas Jefferson 4th President James Madison Benjamin Franklin John Jay Alexander Hamilton The second president, John Adams died on July 4, 1826 The third president, Thomas Jefferson died on July 4, 1826 And who was the president at the time …….John Quincy Adams, the 6th president and son of the 2nd president John Adams Now what are the chances of two former presidents dying on independence day 1826 and one having a son as president on that day, it’s like saying……. The Magic-Bullet Theory is the truth and steel buildings drop straight down when they fail through fire all i can say is "Free Tooting" Beck "There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. one is by the Sword. The other is by Debt." "If the lie is big enough, the People will fall for it." SWINE FLU was manufactured in a LAB......and accidentally got out
  16. Firstly I will use your own words....... if it is all here 'already', then why are they pushing so damn hard for more political union The fact is you, me and every other member of the human race on this planet need to get along, or not only will we kill Ourselves, but all the other species on this planet. we need to adopt a set of global laws that govern the acceptable actions of mankind for instance - in some countries, it is acceptable for a girl of less than 10 years old to be married to drive a car with no driving licence to hold 50 pounds of explosives in your own home laws not only govern but protect the public and mass adoption of a single currency? as such in our brief history we first traded goods and services with each other, then the exchange of gold made the transaction a little more simples, then the exchange of the promissory note made it even more simples. promissory notes evolved into state currencys and today currency is constantly exchanged all over the world in nothing more than one's and zero's A single currency is well .......Simples That's like saying everyone knows the 'War on Terror' is a crock of **** there are terrorists in this world and not all of them carry a gun, some are actually politician's that have a mis-guided view of how to further what they think their country wants or needs (oil at the moment) and some people choose to overlook the indiscretions of their leaders when they think it will benifit them or make them more like us take the Iraq enquiry as an example of the people questioning their leaders or former leaders The largest threat we face from the New World Order as you put it, is the very easy to use debit card as the banks are no longer backed by gold and the use of the promissory note and physical currency is phased, out every transaction will take place by debit card, each transaction attracts merchant fee's which only serve to further inflate the price of the goods you purchase the total adoption of the debit card will give the banks the power to create "money" out of nothing more than thin air just like the Bank of England & the US Treasury do everyday Take a look at my signature below........all three statements came from US presidents Beck "There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. one is by the Sword. The other is by Debt." "If the lie is big enough, the People will fall for it." SWINE FLU was manufactured in a LAB......and accidentally got out
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