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Everything posted by Beck1968

  1. Welcome to CAG Get reading other peoples threads as well you will pick up plenty of info
  2. Well....as expected Elaine Mockler from BarclayShark sent me a current copy of the T&C's and asked if i needed any extra information........ YES, A COPY OF MY ORIGINAL AGREEMENT (hope you read this Elaine) 2nd CPR Letter in post today Urban Dictionary. "Cagging" To display a lack of effort or enthusiasm, Decidedly not trying maybe we should ask them to update for Barclaycard
  3. forgot to mention i also found out it ....He is a business partner in the letting agents.....ARGHHHHHHHHHHH
  4. Just found out on the land registry the the landlord is in Co Dublin, Ireland can i still do a Statutory demand on him???
  5. Hi Caggers, Need a bit of advice, i work as an electrician and have done a rewire at a house owned by a landlord(on insurance after a fire). the property is managed by a very dodgy letting agent who will not pay and is trying to pocket the insurance monies. after 8 weeks of trying to get the money out of the letting agent i am at my Witt's end. Question. Can i request payment from the landlord directly ? Can i take the landlord to court if he disputes the debt and say's it's the letting agents problem? any help would be very much appreciated as i feel i may be getting the run around with both the letting agent and the landlord
  6. if you want to stop this [problem] ....keep hittting the MP !!!!!!!! the "tickets" they give out are governed by contractual law.. so in order to "enforce" the ticket.... they have to take you to court and produce the evidence of a contract to issue tickets on that land in order to get you to court they have to set "Rossendales" at you, then set a solicitor at you with paper, then file the papers at court. so at some point you will get disclosure of the evidence AT EVERY POINT IT COST'S THEM TO CHASE YOU now do the math's on collecting an £80 ticket they are just bully's and some people pay if they do have a vaild agreement to ticket on that land, pay the ticket the day before your due in court TREAT OTHERS AS THEY TREAT YOU
  7. Janet Anderson is well aware of this, Her office manager is Denise Hancock at Rossendale Her PA is local councillor Sean Serridge mailto:andersonj@parliament.uk mailto:hancockd@parliament.uk mailto:sean.serridge@lancashire.gov.uk Every time you get a Ticket mail them......is your CAGGING right also send a mail to carol.longbottom@todmoredennews.co.uk she has and continues to give them hell in the local chip shop cover along with LCC trading standards
  8. Mercers phoned today requesting a payment on "account" of my Barclay card debt .....So i paid with my Mastercard & it was accepted !!!!!!!!! LMAO:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: unenforceable on both 8-)
  9. Hi Caggers, They are now hitting around Silver street in Bury Have started a Ticket log at Silvers Gym (ask for Joe) Gonna hit them with a mass action for compensation due to distress Regards Beck
  10. Thanks....been reading tooooo Mannny threads Beck
  11. Hi i have a Barclay loan June 2003 with the standard T&C's for the time ? are there any holes in the standard T&C's as i do not have a scanner to upload Regards Beck
  12. Hi, Anybody got a copy of the second letter Beck
  13. Hi, Not thread jacking but have a read of mine http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/barclaycard/201123-beck1968-barclaycard.html Beck
  14. Hi Guy's Anybody fancy helping with the second letter (or buddy so i can bounce ideas), so i can have it ready when they dont respond Beck
  15. Hi Guy's Just put my first shot across the BC bow with a FORMAL REQUEST FOR INFORMATION CPR part 31.16 with no reference to CCA in Letter Dear Sirs Account Name… Beck1968 Account Number… xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I write with regards to the above account with your organisation. I respectfully request that you provide me by return a copy of the credit agreement which bears my signature, I require this as I have reason to believe that there may be discrepancies within the agreement which may leave it improperly executed. Obviously if the agreement is improperly executed I would be entitled to ask the court to consider the agreement and make a declaration of the rights of parties to the agreement. I must stress this request is made pursuant to the Civil Procedure Rules( Pre action protocols and Part 31.16) and therefore unsigned copy will not suffice, only a copy of the original contract in its unaltered form will suffice in these circumstances. Please confirm if you still hold a copy of my signed agreement and that you will provide me with this document. I do not view this as an unreasonable request given that by supplying the document which i have asked for it will allow me to assess if my case has merit and will help to resolve matters. possibly without the need to involve the court and will undoubtedly save costs on both sides I make the observation that any sensible filing system would surely be based on name and/or account number, it should therefore be a simple matter to locate and retrieve such a document. I look forward to your reply and would ask for a response by 4pm 16th June 2009 So lets see them quote CCA 1974 and ....... whatever they try to fob me off with took the advice and hit the company sec by special delivery lets see what june brings......????? Beck
  16. Hi, "is NOT made pursuant to section 78 Consumer Credit Act 1974 but" would this text not be better removed from the template so they can't send letters quoting "Consumer Credit Act 1974" as the request was totally pursuant to the Civil Procedure Rules ( Pre action protocols and Part 31.16) and any mention would look like clear breach Beck
  17. If they were not to provided you with an exact copy of the original agreement and you know any "agreement" was pre 2007.... could you just not go down the line of "FORMAL DISPUTE" and stop all payment on your side and stop calls and letters for payment on there side (or that would be harassment)and stop entrys on your credit file could you then not have the debt wrote off and your credit file restored as the debt is un-enforceable might be waffle.........your thoughts!!!! Beck
  18. Newbie help please... I have BC & MC credit cards taken out 2000-2001 where do i send a SAR Do i send two Do i send 10 or 20 quid thanks in advance for any help Beck
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