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Everything posted by *Thumper

  1. More to come ............buy with credit card, people !!!!!!
  2. I wanna come back as Buzz Lightyear !!! There's a lot of Barbies I want to get to know Along with my best friend ........ Mr Potatohead.
  3. I would fail to see, it become mandatory Many many professions, and careers, are just not advertised, on the site. Any profession over £15 per( as an indicator) uses alternative methods. And would never use Jobcentre resources. Well done Mr Baker, for joining the site I hope you dont get bashed!!
  4. Congratulations, on making £8K from nothing!! Time to start a second website, me thinks
  5. Very strange, indeed!! Via her conversation with the CSA, she will have "moved" to Private agreement..... Thats what will go on record. If she has second thoughts, then her new claim, will start from the date, she applies to the CSA In the meantime, put the money aside, in a sepearte account. She will have no entitlement. The issue of not seeing the child, is seperate. And not paying CSA, will have no bearing on a future court case Should you two so wish to persue, through Cafcass. I find it most strange, that a parent with care, refuses funds through the CSA ............... most strange!
  6. Customers slicing there heads, on them ??? ......... well if store managers, earnt their wages, by using their own heads and put them down at a level, where all customers could use them ........ problem solved!!
  7. Looks like an unbranded Bristow .......... both, the same tap Bloody annoying, this price match, con Wickes, Travis, Toolstaion, dont make taps ..... they have unbranded, as a way to get volume sales. The annoying part, is they see it as a game(as in the way they spoke to the OP)rather than an opportunity to make a sale. Carried out by many retailers, especially electricals ...... change a model number to be unique to theirs stores, etc
  8. I took out my contract, in August, for £36 a month, all you can eat, type My usage is low, but I wanted fixed cost.................. I'm extremely unhappy, with the proposed increase. As there seems to be better people, than me on the case ......... I shall, watch the thread and wait with interest. o2 ........ shame on you ........ fancy contract terms and fast speak Does not a happy customer make!!!!
  9. Simple answer ......... do the donkey work yourself, next time. And let us know, how much it cost you, in time, travel, phone calls. Something for nothing, society. ........... fully paid up member!!
  10. I do a lot of importing, mainly from the states. Basically......... you've bought something cheap from China, without doing all the work neccarsary to get it to your door, without a 3rd party (DHL), having to sort out the administration for you, and paying the dues demanded By Customs, and the VATman ..... (robbing dogs) So you want DHL, to do it all for nothing ??? They have no choice but to pay up, and then recouperate, the monies from you. And you whinging, over a fiver ?????????? Pick ya battles, buddy . pick ya battles. You must have a lot of time on your hands. Good luck with it!!
  11. £5 Admin charge ..... Bargain!!! I'll be looking to use DHL, in future ........... Saves a trip to the Bonded warehouse and all the balony, that goes with it (and cost) Been there........ pain in the arse, time consuming, and costly. Are their charges, a % of the goods value, or just a flat fee?
  12. The CSA, will not take the mortgage into comsideration, and will asses your claim as a percentage, of your ex partners, income. His morgage payments, will be taken into comsideration, as part pf the maritol asset, when you file for divorce. However, the counter claim, would be you need to pay rent, and he's living there. A solicitor, will get you through, all that ............. but for now, ring the CSA, with his details,.... where he works will help Your baby needs feeding !!! .... he has to pay his share! Do it 1st thing .... tomorrow!! If it takes a while for the claim to be sorted ....... it will be backdated, to the 1st day of your claim. i.e ...... tomorrow.
  13. It's gonna get worse shortly ....... you will have to demonstrate, no less than 35hours, of job search The scheme, will be introduced, on a drip feed, over the coming months!!
  14. Ah !, the sole reason that brought me this website, in the 1st place. A Parking Charge Notice, is not a parking ticket....... it's an invoice!! A disputed one at that .... ignore it! They will send you some poorly worded threats, using lots of "May", and "Could", within their letter. Depending on the company, 3, maybe 4. Ramping up the pressure each time. Ignore them, they will stop, eventually!!
  15. Sometimes, You need to pick your fights. Technically,your correct, in wanting recompence for the fuel, I guess But, really....... it's a consumable!! The dealer could have quite easily, have said, it's your fault, that the fuel tank, was contaminated. Handing your money back so easily, I would class as a result. And would walk away. No wonder the dealer got upset !!!!
  16. CSA Payment stops, when they reach either 16 and in full time work Or 19, in fulltime education. The rest ......... will be dealt with. She can't ignore the letters for ever.... they will stop benefits, if she does'nt communicate.
  17. There are 2 names, that have been released .. most mainstream press, seem to be not reporting, for some reason Call me cynical, but they are under pressure, to be reformed at the moment. But some regional press, and net based, news site (offshore) are reporting widely. I'm quite saddened actually, as you are incoent till proven guilty But not in this day and age. We have a community of uneducated, who think an arrest, is bang to rights ............ sad , isnt it! deleting my post's wont make any difference.
  18. Clifford, xxxx .... who next .....it's turning into a witch hunt.
  19. Top fella!! will be sadly missed. Another Great British excentric, lost!
  20. It is a marital asset, (if there's a surrender value). or a marital liability, if there's non. Either way, it will need to be dislcosed, before you can arrange an asset split. And then can be negotiated as part of any settlement, to either of you. Ad it to your list of assets, and liabilities, to declare to your solicitor.
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