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Everything posted by *Thumper

  1. Jeez!! I hope non of you guys, get to watch, Lizard Lick Towing. You'll have a coranory!
  2. I must have watched something, completely different, to the vast majority of posters. I did'nt witness assault, I saw the guy being attacked by an idiot, and show restraint, in the way he stood him off. And everytime, he asked for the keys, he got them, to the cars..... in a very clever manner. He was quick, clever, and knows how to do it! The defaulters, were caught by suprise, and did'nt know there rights. Thats the big big difference, in those instances.
  3. Whatever you're politics ....... you can't deny she divided opinion. And was a world class leader. She changed our country, brought it from it knees. And of course, there can't be many that would want to hate post. She was voted in by the people, ....... 3 times, no less!!
  4. Mobile phone calls, are recorded ....................... no chance of getting hold of em though Only exceptional circumstances .............. which I wont go into, as not relevent to thread.
  5. I can't belive how serious this thread is ........ Absolutely hilarious ......... lol So the PM can't do his bit for comic relief, because you think he has'nt done his job. What a load of old cock!! It's a good job, both PM and everyone else, is taking no notice ....... lol
  6. As she lives with her mum ...... I fully understand, the pressure, your duaghter could be under. As for the finances ... I'm afraid there is nothing you can do. The CSA is there, to take money from the absent parent. and pay directly, to the parent with care. Any other circumstances are never taken into account. But hey!!! .......... it looks good on paper, and wins votes ............ apparently!!
  7. Harry, I'm not questioning, your honesty......... You obviously sold in good faith And offered all the relevent facts at point of sale. The point I'm making is............... if the buyer goes through will small claims action. You are in for a whole heap of time effort, and possibly cost. More than the value of the sale. It's not worth it!! Refund ..... learn from the experience ........... move on ......... and be bitter, it's your right!
  8. You've left yourself wide open here!! The buyer can take action ............ because he can if he wants to .... thats it!! Repairs wont be cheap, and you could end up with quite a bill, if he goes through with it. Refund him.......... and bin the faulty goods. There's really no point selling low value faulty goods.......... just bin it ....... learn from the expereince, and move on quickly.
  9. Whats wrong with promoting good causes?? A sense of humour, can help with allsorts Are Daily Mail readers allowed to post, on this forum ............ lol
  10. Thats the point .......... " a good few hours" At how much an hour, main dealer rates??
  11. Consumer law apart . thoise foggers are not desiigned, for the amount of use, they are getting. You would need a more commercial unit, costing in excess, of £1000 to do the job I use foggers, for Promo/show type work, on a regular basis amongst other things I do. I would expect the problem to reocur, under that sort of pressure.
  12. Lots of issues to address hear Reporting Benefit fraud, can be done anonymously, and the fraud team at the local office will check it out. Your shared care arrangements seem fine, so leave well alone. She can, at anytime inform the CSA, to ask for contributions from you But this wopuld affect her benefits. If the domestic arrangements are as described She should talk to Housing, and would be deemed a priority on the waiting list, and would probably get a referal to social housing providers.
  13. She indeed, can ...... at anytime in the future. You would only be liable, from the date she, 1st made a claim, though. At which point, you could dispute you are the father, and insist on DNA (at your own cost)
  14. I reckon........... they did'nt realise how cold they would be to sit on. If they leave there heating off all day, and return from work to sit down It's a bit of a shock....... particulaly if it's laminated leather.
  15. Thats What I was originally thinking, Aretnap. In Theory, that could happen. I reiceved, my "Further to our conversation" letter, this morning. "Don't put down to malice ........ what you can put down to stupidity." I tend to live by that, where officialdum, is concerend.
  16. I reserve the right, to open any mail, sent to my address On the basis, of resposibility, to act in a manner, as to inform the sender of, the failure, to reach it's intended recepient. And yes, I do agree, with NIP's sent to your address That you may have to prove, you are not the person stated. It's a pain .......... is'nt it! I can see, how something as minor as this, could be turn out to be a right royal ......... Pain in the arse!
  17. I agree also! I'm hoping commone sense, and people doing their job properly, prevails Is'nt it annoying, that a random document, through your letterbox That has nothing to do with you. Has the potential, to cause all sorts of problems. Rediculas!
  18. Its over before its begun!! They finally returned my call, this morning. The vehicle was on hire, and the info supplied by the hirers, was a digit typo. They are happy, that they had incorrect details, and have told me to bin the NIP. I asked for them to confirm in writing, for my records, which they agreed. Commone sense, and having the resources to counter check, the descrepency. Wins the day. Thanks for all the advise ......... and I'm glad, it did'nt escalate, towards the cautionary wisdom from prior posts. I would have been most displeased!
  19. So! Someone makes a typo, or other genuine error That results in an NIP dropping through my door. How can I be fined, upto £1000? It was'nt addresed to me, It was to "Mr Brown" And I am "Mr Grey"... (I wish) So they can take Mr Brown for upto £1000, surely. Don't worry, I'm gonna respond, recorded delivery I may even charge, for my time and the post cost ???? It's none of my business!!!
  20. I understand what you say. I'm not looking for confrontation But, it is'nt my business, so thats all I can tell em. Dear Plod, I called your dept, dealing with this document you sent me. I am not the person named, and I don't recognise the reg number Yours sincerely.
  21. But it is, none of my business. South Yrks Police, have sent it in error Why should I be bothered with what I write them?? In fact, why should I bother at all? I called them ... they hav'nt called me back They have made an administrative error, and then failed to return a call. I don't wish to spend time and effort, on something ........... thats none of my business.
  22. Thanks! Blimey, that was quick....lol I will return the NIP, with a note, stating, "none of my business" Some poor sod, is due a speeding ticket though
  23. Late last week, I recieved and NIP, from South Yorkshire Police For speeding on the M1, through roadworks. The NIP was not in my name, and the vehicle reg was not one I recognise Although the address was mine. I called South Yorks Police, and told them. No one of that name lives here or ever has. And that the vehicle reg is not one I recognise. They took my name, and said someone will call me back. I'm still waiting! I'm not going to call them. I've tried that once. Advise ??
  24. Personally, I would stick with Aviva Theres always cheaper out there But in my experience.......... it's when you make a claim You find out how good they are!!
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