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  1. I wont be doing itl, if i was gonna grass up her up I would've done it by now!! We had another row yday over the money she owes me and her threatening contact so I was acting out of emotion!! I just think I needed to spk to some independent people to convince me cos my friends are like "to hell with her!!" Still going to see about Joint Custody tho so, again, if anyone has any info or experience of this please let me know!! Thanks again for all ur answers!!
  2. Just did the CSA calculator - £165/m I would have to give her. Add that to her pay £800/m and other benefits of around £600/m and the fact that she lives with her mother and pays only £50/m to live there and she aint doing too bad at all is she??!! Yet still she claims she cant afford to buy him a bed or take him to any of his sporting activities which cost me around £40/m!!
  3. Our shared care arrangements are fine at the mo but she often threatens to stop me seeing him or moving away, changing his schools etc so I want something which gives me a say in these things. She honestly does not want to move out of her mothers, she has it too easy there!! I dont actually hand any cash over to her at the mo as I have him more than her and I buy my him clothing etc and obviously I pay for all his sports activities etc.
  4. Thank you all for ur replies, I tend to agree completely with all of you! We split up after I found out she has a chronic gambling addiction and stole over £1000 from me after i paid off the £1000 "Wonga" loans she had built up!! I'd like to point out that I never benefited from her fraud as she never paid a penny towards the mortgage or any bills in the 8yrs she lived here! She worked 30hrs a wk and would pay for food and nothing else. Naively I did not know about her habit or that she was claiming ANYTHING but she was getting £60/w child benefit, £80/m income support and £300+/m working tax credit on top of her £800/m take home pay!! Thats more than I get to myself after i've paid all the bills!! Assisted blonde, how much do you think I should be giving her considering I have my son as much, if not more than her?? She doesnt want to move out of her mothers cos she has it as easy there as she had it here - i.e contributes £0 and has a live-in babysitter!! And yes maybe I am a bit bitter but I am gonna take the advice I've received and do nothing about her fraud!! As for my son, I think I am going to apply for Joint Custody. Does anyone have any info on that please??
  5. I have just found out that my ex has been claiming to be a single parent, living with her grandmother since our son was born in Jan07!! She lived with me from Dec04 - Sept12 but claimed benefits; working tax etc as a single parent and even told them she did not know who the father was!! I find this unbelievable considering I am on the birth certificate, he has my surname and has lived with me since birth!! Now we have split up she is claiming that she has full legal custody of him and I really dont know where I stand??? At the moment I have him overnight 3 nights a wk and until 7pm after school 3 days a wk so I can take him to football, kickboxing and swimming lessons but I dont have anything official and as it stands I dont think I have any rights. I have my own house (which i had before we met) but she currently lives with her mother, her mothers b/f and her brother. My son sleeps in a double bed with his mother, which I am appalled at!! I am unsure on how to progress as if i report her, my son will obviously suffer from the financial penalties she incurs and also as it stands she hasn't tried to take my house but if I do try and contest custody and the CSA get involved then God knows what could happen!! Should I just keep my mouth shut??? I really dont know!!! Thanks for reading, any advice/support will be greatfuly recieved!! Haguilera
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