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Liz Southern

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Everything posted by Liz Southern

  1. Hi I have just been on this site, http://www.oft.gov.uk/shared_oft/business_leaflets/consumer_credit/oft1002.pdf It has a copy of the CCA 1974 as amended in 2007. It says, "9.5 In addition, the OFT and Local Authority Trading Standards Services have powers under Part 8 of the Enterprise Act 2002 to take enforcement action where there is a breach of legislation which harms the collective interests of consumers.72 Enforcement action may also be taken where appropriate under the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008." Perhaps we should all write individually to the OFT about Amex? Regards Liz
  2. Hi The Stat Demand arrived on its own, by process server, with no original agreement attached. I have received notices/threatening letters from Newmans, but I can't think if I've had any from Amex. The demand was signed by Copes solicitors. What's an NOA and an LBA, please? I do have the two forms to complete to have the stat demand set aside. It's the timing of all of this I find confusing. If I have to get this application to set aside to the court tomorrow, then how can I use as grounds the fact that they haven't provided me with a copy of the original signed agreement, or should they definitely have sent one with the stat demand? Regards Liz
  3. Hi I've just gone back through my records. I got my Amex card in May 2007. Any ideas as to how to proceed, please? All ideas welcome at this stage. (By the way, my accountant says, "Go for bankruptcy - it'll all be over in a year", and my solicitor (who's useless), said it would be terrible to be made bankrupt and it will be with me for a lot longer than a year.) I just emailed President Obama, asking for his help in being treated fairly. Well, you never know! Regrads Liz
  4. Firstly I apologise if I'm doing this the wrong way or breaking protocol, but I can't find any way of starting a new thread. I only joined today. I am having trouble with Amex too. I have until this Friday to apply to have a statutory demand they sent me set aside. They typed the date 16th March 2009 on the front page but hand delivered it to me on 25th March. Yes, Newmans are nasty, even to when I put the phone down on them because they were being abusive, they rang me back and continued doing it. I am only dealing with this now at this late stage because I have been seriously unwell since all this started. I stand to lose my children's nursery and my home if I get made bankrupt. I am petrified. I want to have the stat demand set aside by saying that the debt (£17,900) is an unenforceable credit agreement. Can anyone please suggest a good wording for this please? The form for replying isn't very clear. I don't want to fill it in wrong. I guess I'm running out of time but I've been reading the thread and I'll send Amex in London the CCA letter and the Subject Access letter. I suppose if I don't get the stat demand set aside I can always carry on and hopefully prove the debt isn't enforceable before a bankruptcy hearing. I would appreciate any help. Regards Liz
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