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Liz Southern

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Everything posted by Liz Southern

  1. oh, and the speed at which they are proceeding is meant to make you give up, but remember that she doesn't have to decide about an employment tribunal straight away. She can do this later if she wants. However, her next employer won't like it. As for her reference, her current employer has to be careful. They're not allowed to say anything bad. bye Liz
  2. Hi, Tell her to resign and go sick for the week, or entire notice period, due to "stress". But you MUST get a gp's certificate to back this up. An urgent appointment and a flood of tears in the surgery will do it. You can drop the sick note in for her and they can do NOTHING about it. Regards Your friendly employer, Liz
  3. okay, the main link is protected, as it won't reproduce, so I'll type it in bits and you join it up. http://www torrentreactor .net/find /all-england-law-reports
  4. This is the main link. all england law reports torrents search Regards Liz
  5. Okay - this site appears to offer downloads of the complete law reports. I have not downloaded anything from here before and I am not recommending the site or otherwise. Just please exercise caution before deciding to download. Check you have Norton up and running before attempting any download. all england law reports torrents search Regards Liz
  6. of course, the only other place they would be is in a good law university library like Oxford.
  7. All ER means All England Law Reports. Alternative to Law Reports and said to be inferior. (So reasoning would be you need a Law Report to challenge? provided you can find out what 664 says - if it exists. It probably does - I just have a suspicious mind.) Searching for 664 but no mention of this in online Lexis Nexis site. If you know a solicitor, I believe it should be detailed in Butterworths (good old fashioned book) which is in every solicitor's office. Will keep digging, Regards Liz
  8. Thank you everybody, for all your kind wishes, and help and support. Bye for now, Liz.
  9. Chester County Court or Council? What have I missed? Regards Liz
  10. And it's all very well for them to take a grand off the price of a car but the industry will just hike the price before telling us they've taken the other grand off. That £2K will buy the front two wheels. Who's going to pay for the rest of the vehicle? And if you get made bankrupt, keep your old banger, as the bailiffs won't want it! Regards Liz
  11. I told Gordon Brown that. He sent me back four pages of, "We had to save the banks, blah blah blah." Yes, well, coming from a banker like him, he would say that. Regards Liz
  12. Hi All, So, I turned up at the County Court half an hour early. I asked the concierge which DJ I had, and what was the DJ like. I checked in with the usher and checked the lists to see my case wasn't listed with two DJs. The other side hadn't arrived. Chatted with the usher about any vacancies going and what was the gossip at the court. We went to the court office to see a man about vacancies! Then I went in to see the DJ - on my own (in private chambers) as the other side hadn't turned up. The DJ asked why I had filed a request to submit my application out of time, as I hadn't been out of time. I don't know what calendar the DJ was using, but I didn't argue. I told the judge Amex's claim was totally disputed. Speaking at the speed of light, the DJ rattled off a long, complicated speech, asking if I was disputing their SD because I was saying I didn't owe them any money, and I had never owed them any money, or if it was a technicality due to not having a proper default notice or if I was saying that they hadn't complied with the production of a Consumer Credit Agreement under current Consumer Credit law. I said I didn't think it was a technicality and he said, "Well, yes it is a technicality because , blah blah blah." I must admit, I gave up listening to him because I was thinking that the DJ obviously just wanted to give me the benefit of his own thoughts on the subject, and that when he eventually stopped I would carry on with what I wanted to say next, which is what I did. I said they hadn't produced a CCA and I showed the DJ the blank application form (just the form and two pages of terms & conditions) and I said my name wasn't on it, my address, date, other agreement details and no signature box for either a tick or a cross for electronic signature. The DJ looked at this and handed it back to me. Then he looked at me, and said, "I would have liked to ask Amex to explain why they haven't complied with the CCA but, (now looking at the empty chair where Amex should have been sitting), "as they haven't turned up, we can't ask them, can we?" as if asking the chair. The DJ then looked back at me over his reading glasses and said without a hint of a smile, "It IS a very complex, technical Set Aside application that you have submited, isnt' it, ..." I didn't answer. The DJ said, "I don't agree with all the points in your application but I'm going to grant your set aside application, as the matter is clearly very much in dispute." I asked the DJ if I could apply for costs and he looked at me over those glasses again, and said, "Do you mind if I finish writing the order first?" Hint of a smile!!! I said sorry. He looked over my costs. I had made a mistake on one column which he picked up and I said sorry. He asked why I thought I should have an indemnity award and I said I had taken advice from a solicitor on the phone and he told me to do that, and I hadn't had a bill from the solicitor yet. The DJ queried my asking for ..... hours (deleted for identification) and said it was too much. I said it was actually a lot more than that. I said I had never heard of a statutory demand before being served with it and I was just a layperson doing the best I could, and that I had spent hours and hours trawling through the net for advice and information. The DJ said if I had taken advice from a solicitor and then not used him at the hearing, that was my problem. Then he reduced the number of hours I had put down for research and gave me double what I had asked for on solicitor's costs at a Grade A rate and everything else!!! So his bark was worse than his bite. His disapproval of me seemed outweighed by the fact that Amex couldn't be bothered to turn up, which is of course an incredible insult to the Court and a waste of the Court's time. Now onto the next stage, but I won't put that here. Regards Liz
  13. No muppets today!! Just quicker fingers than me. hee hee Liz.
  14. Hi all you lovely people! The sun is shining where I am. It's a luvverly day. I'm going to post on my Amex Newmans Stat Demand thread and report on my Set Aside app. Bye Liz
  15. Thanks BRW, Found it. It's this one. House of Commons - Treasury - Written Evidence With Part II and the whole shebang. Bye Liz.
  16. Hi BRW, I'm trying to find the Treasury Select Committee link regarding securitization. I'm going to court later re Amex and I'd like to give the DJ a copy of it. Would you know where it is by any chance please? Regards Liz Never mind. Found it. No, everything except the front cover has been deleted from photobucket!!! Ha ha ha.
  17. Thanks for the info on the courtroom. It's a question, though, isn't it, of whether Amex would tell the truth if simply asked if the debt was securitized? I think this should be passed higher up the chain - thinking MPs. I am in touch with David Cameron's office. Perhaps I ought to speak to them about it. Do you know, Birmingham Midshires are trying to repossess my home, and I am resisting them, which I don't think they like, because I think they thought it was going to be easy, and it won't be. They have instructed Shoosmiths (arrogant idiots), and ARC (who appear to also be known as NCI), and for the last week I have had someone ringing my doorbell and banging (and I mean banging) on my front door, and just now while I was on the phone to someone, sticking his fat fingers through my letterbox and having a good look down my hall - invading my privacy. Time for a letter to go out, I believe, and a phone call to the police after I've spoken to the man on the phone! I just wonder - did these people have a childhood, or a homelife? What happened in their insignificant little lives to make them wake up one day and say, "that's what I want to do for a living - bully, harass and intimidate people". Sorry for mixing up the threads, folks! Regards Liz
  18. Many thanks, I will be taking on MBNA and Virgin soon. Very interesting, and a very good explanation. Food for thought, as to how I can use it. Bye for now, Liz.
  19. Dear Foolishgirl Absolutely Excellent! I might borrow this as a reply in court should it come up. Anyone know if a Set Aside hearing is in chambers or open court? Regards Liz
  20. Hi Alphageek Belated contrats. What's securitization, please? Is this something I can raise with Amex? Regards Liz
  21. Hi everyone, Latest development is that Amex sent me a blank application form which they state is a "true copy of your signed original CCA". They also told me that the CCA Electronic Communications Order 2004 meant that I had signed this! Amazing. Absolutely blank application form! My Set Aside hearing is on Monday. I prepared a court bundle and showed it to a solicitor, who said he couldn't add to it as it was very, very good already, and I didn't need to add anything to it. Regards Liz
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