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Everything posted by middenmess

  1. You got through to the head honcho!!!!!!!! WOW!!!
  2. :-)I read hundreds of threads and find that often the most interesting or deserving requests for advice [iMO] receive less response than other threads--it's just 'one of those things' I suppose as it occurs internet wide on many forums:|
  3. From everything that I've read on your thread it would seem that you have all the ammunition to mount a comprehensive defence but I think you need expert advice as to how you should prioritise and present it. Your needs have not had many responses so I think that it's time to click on the black triangle to obtain help from the site team.
  4. I've had a couple of replacement cards [through fraudulent transactions] with a new account number but never received a new agreement!
  5. I'd be inclined to ask them to name a figure and work from there--but there again if you're going to be robbing Peter to pay Paul it might put you into difficulties with paying the Pauls and the whole scenario of trying to find money to pay creditors will start over.
  6. This thread will tell you about Roxburghe..... http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?245294-vjohn82-vs-HFO-Services-Limited-Part-Deux-%2A%2AWON%2A%2A
  7. You could always remind them that copyright of all your posts is yours [and forum content belongs to CAG] and permission must be sought to use or reproduce!
  8. Sorry to hear it didn't work out too good for you but I'm sure if you hadn't have turned up they would have got more than the £40 awarded. What about the £1000 odd added on ''legal'' charges?
  9. I can think of one use that you must have considered with some that have been sent to you!
  10. Not worth arguing really but once you have supplied documents under a legal request I can't imagine any circumstance in which you could retrospectively limit the use of them! Drowning man and straws comes to mind!
  11. Completely automatically with no assistance from the operator to attach or connect up in a restricted area like a driveway??? Even manoeuvring a jib or any other of object into the immediate air space of your property requires the permission of the property owner in the absence of a court order I believe.
  12. If you don't go,you'll never know--why make it easy for those dicks? A fight is never lost until you give in! In my opinion only,by not attending the Judge might assume that you don't object to their request!
  13. Hi Billy no mates:eek: I'd go and explain to the Judge that you are a LIP and totally confused as to what is going on. Explain if necessary what happened at the last hearing [and about the non compliant D/N if you want] and that you feel that you have complied with the Judge's decision whilst t'others haven't. Assuming the Judge has had a good weekend he should explain the proceedings to you--if in doubt,ask. Good luck:) and look forward to hearing from you tomorrow.
  14. From the CPR 5].......All legal and beneficial interest in the monies due by the Defendant, being £7771.81 was transferred to the Claimant on 22 April 2009. 10) The Agreement was terminated on 24 April 2009. A minor point perhaps but were the claimants licensed to operate your credit card account between the 22nd and 24th April or for that matter if the supplied Termination Notice is true to the 16th August 2010??
  15. They're offering to accept a reduced sum which might well indicate that they realise they have problems with the D/N. In my opinion you can either write to Lloyds and request in writing as to what the reduced sum would be and their proposed monthly repayments--tell them you have a hearing difficulty so that you are unable to discuss any matters on the phone. If their proposals do not find favour with you then you can always let the letter writing and phone calls from SCM begin. I believe that they are obliged to accept payment by any commonly acceptable method--others should be able to confirm.
  16. Good luck for Tuesday,James:) Let us know how it goes.
  17. email them the details.I believe their address is on their home page or on their 'Streeview' page under terms of use or similar. If you read other threads on HFO you'll read that they often claim to have received a payment which resets the 6 year clock!!
  18. Contact google and make them aware that HFO are using their copyright images. Permision [and payment] is required for a business to use images from google streetview.
  19. You posted it upside down!! Readable if you can turn your laptop round but difficult if you've only got a desktop:)
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