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  1. Hi Who do i pay payment to, i.e payable name on cheque/postal order Would payment just be addressed to Royal Court of Justice
  2. Hi Just to update, I rang company in question and they confirmed they do have paperwork i.e BOS i was enquiring about, they stated they would not let me have a copy but confirmed to me a reference number which I believe ifs the one people are mentioning. They stated the documents were signed on 21/10/2008. Asked for copy to be sent but they refused explaining that matter is now closed regarding this and not in their rights to supply me with anything. Guess SAR is now needed to retrieve that information. I have also read about the Bill Of Sale from various threads on here, something which relates to signature and witness on document itself. Can someone enlighten me on this piece of information, the witness signature and detials on BOs are that of the Car Salesman who sold us the car, also what slipped my mind is that ACf where car was purchased from are owned by the Finance Ocmpany themselves, found this out one day as returned missed call left on my phone and its was ACF thought number looked fimilar toone I had noted which was finance company so asked for person I knew there, he said this is ACF but if you bear me me I will transfer you to Cygnety, I thought that was starnge at beginning but didnt think anything of it. Can someon ewho works for company and is paid commission on sale of vehicle be the one who witnesses this paperwork I have read and believe to be undertsanding that it has to be formal witness in no way connected to named company Anyone help
  3. Hi Guys thanks for curent info, can I ask say the SAR comes back and there is a BOS with this stamp on it within the 7 days like stated above, would that be it then case closed and they win. Will send off letter in mean time but also like to know the options should it be stamped or not stamped if you know what I mean. I have just read loads of stuff on net over last couple of days, some of it conflicting. Seen a few thread son here similar especially the one going through courts a few threads down with police intervention which is almost mirror like
  4. I have amended OP and added bit more information. One thing I forget to disclose what Police Matter at tmie and I have also added figures I have retrieved from my agreements
  5. Hi Just opened up mail, they were at another property so had them sent over by RMSD. I am looking at exactly what was received day car was purchased. Sheet 1 - Pre Contract Information, Credit Agreement Regulated by Consumer Credit Act 1974 (this has figures of value of car, interest, admin fees, deposit etc and monthly repayments Sheet 2 - Add on to Sheet one with our signatures and loads of umph regarding PPI etc that we didnt take out Sheet 3 - Bill Of Sale, has our details on it, dates, total amount borrowed, number of montlhy repayments due, repayment amount, car info our signatures and signature fom guy who sold us our car Sheet 4 -Page containing Terms thats it, no stamps or dates on any of the sheets regarding a court, just our own signatures and date we purchased the car
  6. Hi I believe so, there is a credit agreement and a further copy attached which is a Bill Of Sale.
  7. Hi Need some advice Few days ago Cygent Finance had my car repossessed. One would say my own fualt and others may say right for doing to protect your own rights. Briefly Had car since Oct 2008, paid £650 deposit and below is summaary of total amount, amount paid and amount reminaing Amount Of Credit - £4650 total Amount Payable - £10077.12 Total Amount paid to date - £4838.60 Amount Due - 5238.52 My partner at time went on maternity in January 2010 we asked cygnet to change payment dates to coincide with my pay which was 15th for next 9 months whilst she was off work and to drop payments to £120 for same period, letter sent off and no letter ack but accoun manager called and said that was fine. So we made £120 each month, first £120 on 1st of month then had to pay again on 15th to put account in advance did this until September time when I found out they had been marking my credit file late each month for all 9 months. (original date was for 1st of each month), spoke to them and they blamed computer, wrote to credit people who said nothing can do speak to finance company. Cygnet didnt budge, so we fell out. Told them needed to go back to normal as partner went back to work and I had finished my current ocntract. Said the y couldnt change dates and had to keep it the 15th, told them agreemnt was for 9 months but they said no they couldnt change it back. So paid on 15th and again red mark and next month again. So come December I had enough, wrote final letter asking them to resolve issues they had created on my credit file and that I firmly request the date to be amended as per credit agreement. Refused. So told them where to go. By this time I was failing to get credit and my limits were being reviewed by my other creditors. Now upto that point I had paid of over £4800 to them, 1 month went by and no replies, spoke to them and manager agreed they were wrong but still nothing happended. Sated I wouldnt pay until resolved as it makes no difference what they do my credit was now crap. Then in April they send me a default notice stating 2 months behind of £240 under whatever terms they were cancelling agreement and seizing car. We had split up by now and my other half had car so passed it to her. But to cut long story short a bailiff or whatver you call them came, entered driveway at rear of property via gates, and proceeded to enter car forcefully. All hell broke loose and bailiff began threatening as at time partner got in and sat in car. He then pointed out that sdhe could either get out of he would forceablly remove her and that it may be painful if she refused. Police were called due to matter and police then proceeded to declare that this man was in his right should car not have been paid for. They then requested that keys be handed over and that she remove herself from fron tof vehicle or risked being arrested. Finally police escorted her indoors and after bout 15 mins letter was pushed through door of her house with my name on dated 04/03/2011 saying 1 month behind Notice of Termination and Seizure Arrears £120 Balance £5238.52 Paid £4853.23 Letter is photocopy, has been scribbled on my bailiff stating I HAVE TAKEN CAR!!(that is corect number of exclamation marks) 21/06/2011 @ 3.10pm and that was it, since rang asking what the hell they are playing at, told me tuff can do what we want that our vehicle, said would arrange to pay arrears but stil lpending pending resolutions to my personal data and my damaged credit file, they refused to accept the supposed £600 arrears that was owed bear in mind only £120 in arrears on 4th March plus they wanted £580 in costs on top of £600 for taking vehicle. So would only deliver back vehicle if i made debit/credit card payment for £1180. Still waiting months and months down line for them to resolve all bad data they had recorded against me. I understand that anything from February is legit but August through to January has been tarnished by their inaccuracies Also to note Told them to keep it but deciding to seek advice as to whether actions were viable or not Sorry for long winded ness just trying to paint picture and circumstances surrounding the whole affai CAN ANYONE PLEASE SHED SOME LIGHT ONTO WHAT ACTIONS ARE CORRECT ETC, WHAT THIS LEGAL WHAT THEY DID
  8. thanks, in some ways glad as car was beginning to show its age but just annoyed that they go about it this way hopefully someone can point me to correct guidance
  9. Hi Just after a bit of advice and resolution. Car has been taken today by order of finance company. Car has 4 missed payments totally £480 in which struggling to pay as not working, cant claim job seekers as previously self emplyed and wont give us income based as my partner earns £1 past the limit. So now household income just over £700 a month before anything is paid. Had Car for 3 years before today overall agreement on BOS for £9500 and paid off £5800 Rang Finance Company today and they said we had to make payment of £900 to keep car which included fees for bailiffs as such, stated couldnt do this for obvious reasons but I am i a position to pay £300 which was declined, it was full or nothing. In end they drove off, no paperwork nothing. Still have V5 etc here, not even sure whre car is being taken to. I have had ongoing battle with this company "Cygnet Finance" as when my partner at time went on maternity we asked to ereduce payments and change payment date for 9 months she was off work, they agreed, letter also stated that after 9 months we would go back to normal. When time came they refused to increase and move dates back, so we ended up paying less but at very awkward time of the month. The issue was though that they reported our payments on 15th each month late as agreement 1st of the month via standing order. Payments were made each month as agreed (letter to hand from Finance company) but still eachmonth late payment. i let this go onto till December Last year and then told them to resolve or would take legal action. In mean time I was told to check that Bill OF Sale had been certified but after writing letter they replied stating they didnt have a copy to hand it was more than likely misplaced but be assured it was and was all above board. To date after twice requesting still had nothing, even issued them Letter and payment for request of all my information they sen tme it but no copy in there either. The Bill Of Sale was include but no stamp like told there should be SO, if there anything I can do, Police did turn up as I noticed car being removed from drive I phoned police reported car being stolen thats when it all kicked off. What rights do I have, been told by fiance company they can tak eit whenever they want and dont need any form of paperwork regardless how much I have paid, even if there was only 1 more payment left that would be irelevant Anyone any advice or guidance. Wouldnt maind but paid off well over half of this car, to settle it they sent me settlement figure of £1400 beginning of year but situation went bad at time so couldnt settle Would of got in touch with solicitor is known this was to happen but she costs too much and cam eout of the blue and she is on holiday today. So hopefully so me kind folks on here can give me some free advice
  10. So my next port of call. CRA contact and tell them they have to remove that entry form my record, under what grounds do I have on my side that they should rmeove it. There answer is only person who raised it can ask us to take it off, been there done that. CRA dont side with consumer as we all know. Do I need to send of Statue Barred letter even though a suspect!!!! CCJ is involved. What is best way of raising this to OFT ans TS, just a case of sending them a letter or best waiting till I have sent Statute Barred letter to Merit and see what there reply is.
  11. Who is their DPA registered under cause it is Merit Finance, so how can they be DCA is licence expired. Firstly were they in their legal rights to run full blown credit check on me, cause my next port of call is to CRA to have this sorted. It is me. She tried to explain what the amount was from and at one point mentioned finance to Army Personnel years ago before the company was sold off. Does fit as she knew my old Barracks address didnt have any addresses for me before then just that one.
  12. Just realised, sorry. In adobe reader use ctrl, shift and +, press twice should spin it around. Keep forgetting my scanner wants them fed in other way round
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