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Everything posted by SRPO

  1. Are you saying that a correctly working reader will give erroneous readings?
  2. She had the chance to get the penalty quashed but ignored it, although they wont prosecute (IMO) they will chase her for the outstanding debt.
  3. If the movie device doesnt show a touch in when reading the card, then the person didnt touch in. There are lots of very complex scenarios that show the oyster system to be plagued with faults, but reading the card with a 'correctly working' reader is infallible.
  4. If its not on the TFL computer then you didnt touch in, there is no grey area or loop hole.
  5. Easy question for once. If you are guilty- plead guilty. If you are not guilty- plead not guilty. Do not enter a plea for convenience either.
  6. Im sure the offenders will be excused in some way.
  7. Personally, if the circumstances are as described I would say there is a zero chance of this going to court. However, this is merely one side of the story & I've spent the last 25 years looking at statements wondering if the people involved were actually there based upon what they have written.
  8. OC, I used a big bold IF to start my answer, although an offence may be apparent could you really see a court convict based on the events as stated?
  9. IF your version of events is accurate.......tell them to get stuffed, you paid the fare before being challenged by an 'inspector'. No court in the land will convict you even if you were charged with a strict liability offence.
  10. I bet the guard gets fired & the helpful passenger gets charged with assault.
  11. Can you copy & paste the portion of the T&Cs that say you can use first class? thats your defence.
  12. High probability of prosecution due to this being considered the same as benefit fraud.
  13. A good one from a solicitor will cost money, maybe OC will be feeling generous.......?
  14. Doubtful that you will get out of this, giving an old address will likely generate a second offence of false details. They will want you in court unless you can persuade them to settle out of court, you are looking at giving an exceptional reason not to prosecute & about £200 in costs.
  15. Im afraid you will need to answer the summons, london underground very rarely deal with these cases out of court. The fact that you have already contacted them & they have gone to a summons means they intend to see you prosecuted. The cheapest option for you is to attend court.
  16. Wow, that prosecutor must have been extremely poor to lose an 'adult on child ticket' case. I imagine he will be looking for another job very soon.
  17. If you bought a ticket why did you touch in your oyster?
  18. Only an 'Officer' of the rail company can alter or vary the T&Cs of the contract you have with the TOC, therefore no verbal promise made by a member of staff is legally binding. I suggest you write to the executive board of the TOC & see if they will authorise a refund in exceptional circumstances.
  19. I agree, presets can be set by an operator but this is usually only done for special events when the same ticket is going to be sold over & over again. I still stand by my point that the chances of an operator error of this type is unheard of.
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