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Everything posted by exasperated

  1. Hi Bazooka I dont have the NTK but the PCN states the 08/09/2016. I had a relevant parking ticket for this day and the time I parked there. Parking Eye wrote to me originally (which could have been the NTK) informing me I had parked without a ticket. As I presumed this was a mistake I sent them proof of my ticket and thought that would be the end of it so discarded whatever this original letter was. I received a reply stating the money was still owed but to appeal to them I f I thought it just. Emailed them in December and received a confirmation of the appeal. I heard nothing further until 07/03/2017 when Parking Eye sent me a letter before court action. I replied by email March 10 stating I had sent them my ticket and appealed as requested but heard nothing since december. They replied on the 16/03/2017 stating they would take legal action if I did not pay. At no point did they acknowledge my ticket but then stated I was parked in a restricted area. I replied to them stating it was the first I had heard from it and still they had not acknowledged I had a ticket. In June this year I received both a PCN and appeal rejection both dated 25/11/2016 from Parking Eye In July i received a letter before court from Equita Is that the information you require?
  2. To Clarify.. Parked in same place I had for number of years whilst visiting my father After his passing and a few years later visited someone in the fracture clinic and parked in the same place. Bought a ticket and left before it expired. Received a letter (PRESUMABLY A NTK) stating I had parked without a ticket sent them proof of ticket Still demanded payment said i could appeal which I did electronically Heard nothing till March stating charge still outstanding, emailed them reattaching ticket image. 07/04.2017 Replied I was parked in a restricted area and should have appealed to POPLA. Stated they never mentioned POPLA in previous communications and I would have if they had told me that was the correct thing to do Heard nothing till june this year when letter with PCN and Appeal notice both dated 25/11/2016 came through followed days later by Equita letter with threats Any advice greatly appreciated.
  3. 1 Date of the infringement 08/09/2106 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] Dont have NTK just a lParking charge notice dated 25/11/2016 3 Date received December 2016 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] Do not have NTK 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? Yes on PCN 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] post up you appeal] Yes I was directed to send the appeal to parking eye which they confirmed they had received Have you had a response? [Y/N?] post it up The response i received in June this year dated 25/11/2016 same day as the PCN 7 Who is the parking company? Parking EYE 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] MACCLESFIELD GENERAL HOSPITAL (Macclesfield) I must add that I discarded the original communications after sending them an email with an image of my ticket attached. As mentioned previously I genuinely thought they had made a mistake and after they had seen my ticket that would be the end of it. All other communications have been by email.
  4. Hello September 2016 I visited our local hospital purchased a ticket and left before the ticket expired. . Although this was after my dads death I parked in the same place i had done loads of times whilst visiting my father who was in and out due to this illness until he succumbed to the disease. This was 08/09/2016 whilst visiting the fracture clinic on the 25/11/2016 I received a parking charge notice saying I had parked on private land without appropriate permit/authorisation. Luckily I had left the ticket in my door though it was two months after scanned it and sent them via email. Received a reply that stated I owed the money (£70) which didn't acknowledge the ticket just stating I owed the money. I have to admit i didn't pay much attention to the dates as I really believed their had been a mistake and the pay machine hadn't worked together with the cameras so I cant be exact on the replies to parking eye, though most were emails. After some correspondence tennis I appealed to POPLA as they instructed me i could do, then heard nothing for months and months then a letter came through saying the £70 was still outstanding. I contacted them to restate their must be a mistake I had bought a ticket (attached the image of the ticket showing had paid for the time they stated) appealed to POPLA as they had told me to do and heard nothing for six months so presumed the matter had been finalised. They said they had written to me and told me my appeal was rejected (which they never did) and I informed them this did not happen. Eventually two letters came through the post recently one was a parking charge notice, the other an appeal determination. Funny thing is the parking charge notice is dated the same day as the appeal rejection letter 25/11/2016. these were followed by a letter from EQUITA with the usual threats. I looking to resolve this matter but it appears parking eye are not willing to do so, what are thoughts on how to resolve this? Thanks
  5. Hi DX Sorry for the confusion!! When i say personal business manager I mean that the same person dealt with us every time we went to the bank whether it personal or business. He would often contact us when new mortgage rates came onto the market etc. We did not deal with anyone else from memory until he left. Being somewhat older and more experienced with banks its now apparent he was advising us for his own gain and the banks benefit but certainly not ours. Is their a way of obtaining the info they say they have not got? If we track down account numbers etc would that force them to release the information? Thanks as usual
  6. DX At the time when this happened we had a personal business manager who also looked after our personal affairs. I remember having a confrontational argument with him re the PPI he had sold us and after some time discovering we could not claim on it. I asked for the payments back but he said he could not do it. This was 20 years ago and we cannot at this time find anything other than copies the original application forms for two accounts. The PPI may or may not be on these. Dont know if you know a magic way of getting the info but i remember you sayiong their no time limit on PPI Thanks DX Exasp
  7. Brilliant DX thanks On another claim you may remember earlier in the thread that at a previous address many years ago I pad PPI. They have written to me to say they dont have my records but have sent a cheque of £30 to cover my time during the enquiry. I suspect they dont want to I've me the details as the claim will be high due to it being twenty years ago. Any advice? Thanks again Exasp
  8. DX Could you have a look at my reply and see what you think... Dear Thank you for your letter dated April 2015. I would like to register my disapproval of your facts stated in the above letter and register an appeal to your decision thereof. My objection is based on the fact you twice called me when I explicitly informed you I was busy but you insisted that you only had a few questions. On reflection, I now view the nature of your questions over the phone as, in the least misleading, in the worst, rather loaded toward your intended rejection of my PPI complaint. Despite me informing you I did not remember the exact details from 11 years ago you persisited in channelling your own questions to suit your companies desired outcome. This is very unfair. Though a loyal RBS customer for many many years, I have been totally abused by your bank on a personal and business level and this episode further confirms that. It is also pointless to say in your letter that ''you were informed/told this'' and that ''your signature was on the document'' I was told, in a closed room, alone with XXXX, that in order to obtain the overdraft I must take the PPI. I have recovered notes relating to this, It was a bank loan I required as the overdraft facility was expensive. My notes confirm that our earning to lending ratio was not good enough at the time but a way around this was the overdraft facility. I would imagine the ombudsman will be very interested to here that you continued to collect payments from another account not related to this overdraft for over two years after this account was closed!! I expect you to reconsider your decision and upon receiving your reply I will review taking the matter to the ombudsman Regards
  9. Thanks DX Should I forget this one and move onto the next? Exasp
  10. Hi Ive been waiting since October to sort out this matter and have found four different cases of PPI at this time, one has been paid, one has an offer from them, one I have flatly refused and one they have refused. I have copied the letter below explaining their reluctance to pay on this particular issue and would appreciate any advice on whether I can go back to them with a response. As always thank you to whomever replies. Exasp here
  11. Hi DD Hope you are well. Got a reply and heres what it says.. We thank you for your recent letter and have noted your comments noted with regards to the documentation provided in response to your formal CCA request. Following your completion of the application form and its acceptance by Capitol One the credit card was sent to you with the terms and conditions applicable to your account prior to any use of the card. The application form clearly states that you are signing an agreement and by doing so you agree to be legally bound by its terms. These were enclosed together with the latest set of variable terms and conditions that applied to the account. The procedures and processes of Capitol One would not have allowed any credit facility to have been or utilised if they had not received a signed application. Details copy statements to evidence the credit used by you under this facility have also been provided. Since April 2007 the court has discretion to decide whether any amount is properly payable taking into account all the circumstances of how the debt accrued and whether the agreement was improperly executed. We have noted the reference you have made to the consumer protection from unfair trading regulations 2008. We do not believe to be any substance in your view that Lowell are undertaking an unfair practice by not having a copy of the credit agreement in our possession at the point the debt was purchased from Capitol One. Lowell has purchased this debt in good faith from Capitol One whose records indicate that this debt is properly payable. lowell has not received any indication from you if the debt claimed is denied and can confirm we are comfortable with the fact that the documentation provided is sufficient to ensure that we have complied with your request under the provisions of the consumer credit act. On the basis that we have provided you with the evidence that this debt is outstanding and belongs to you we should be grateful if you would contact us by telephone on ....... to discuss the ways in which you intend to repay this account which are affordable to you.
  12. Thanks DX Ive copied in the ICO and RBS customer relations hopefully someone will see it who cares Regards
  13. Thanks DX/SS I intend to send my last SAR request with the ICO and their complaints debt copied in. DX Do you know where the PPI letter asking for all related accounts that include PPI is on the site Thanks
  14. Hello everyone As DX predicted this has turned out to be a nightmare dealing with this slippery lot, in context to explain this has been the course of action over the last 130 days:: THEM 1) Cant find me on the system 2) by letter informed me no PPI owed send more details ME 3) SAR request THEM 4) We owe you small amount of PPI ME 5) SAR THEM 6) Cannot find me on records no PPI owed ME 7) SAR THEM 8) We need your account number,sort code and details of your last account in order to send SAR ME 9) Do not have details send SAR THEM 10) four further letters saying no PPI owed, we cannot send SAR until we can verify whom you are I saw a great template on here demanding all personal data relating to PPI payments on any and all accounts but i cant find it, does anyone know where that template will be stored? Im reluctant to accept their offer until checking the SAR but i desperately need the money to pay against a CCJ which i have been re summoned to court over Thanks
  15. Thanks DX/honeybee That is what I wanted help with to see if anyone knew the contact address for finding out whether I can have a refund or its forming part of my pension. I paid into it for over 2 years whilst working within the NHS Exasp
  16. DD Thanks for your time I will get this sent to them today Really appreciate it thanks Exasp
  17. Hi DD Lowell have been searching my credit file every two moths since april last year. I would like to send the letter so soon as you have time please can I have a copy of it? Thanks for your help
  18. Hello My current situation has caused me to go through absolutely everything Ive paid in my life. I have a payslip from the NHS in the 80's showing super Ann payments which I have never had back. Can I reclaim these and if so anyone know how you go about it. Thanks to anyone who looks at this thread Exasp
  19. Hi DD Personally I don't mind sending them one letter and informing them at the same time that I don't intend to get involved in 'letter tennis'. I don't like not to adhere to Anyorch advice but I would feel more comfortable in this instance sending them a final reply to their legal threats. If you could advise therefore it would be appreciated. How did it come about that they wrote the balance off? Thanks Exasp
  20. Ok Andy, The success IND had over me recently with the same rubbish these guys have got for a CCA has made me nervous. Ive noted your comments and will ignore until they litigate Thanks
  21. DD Any thoughts on the letter I should forward Lowell? I was going to send Cerbs letter but CB says its out of date Regards
  22. Andy Got a reply from IND today, needless to say they refused the offer Interestingly though IND state the court has set another hearing and given me the date and details etc for a record of examination but surprisingly I have had no contact from the court. What is this likely to be? Thanks as usual
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