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Everything posted by exasperated

  1. Andy Thanks so much Whatever I get from these pirates I will give 20% to CAG Should i send them a copy of this? and ask for all a full refund? Ex
  2. Hi Had a reply from the litigation dept can anyone advise a legal response? letter below: docs2c .pdf
  3. Thx DX I will send Cigna Insurance services(HSBC mortgage arm) a letter stating HSBC have already deposited my cheque. The mortgage was with Midland bank and I have mortgage acknowledgement form with the PPI shown. I sen this to HSBC and they said they need proof of payments.
  4. Hi Following DX advice I have SAR all my previous creditors. Some of the banks have returned my cheque informing me we need to send a cheque to each subsidary and in the case of HSBC one for my account and one for my mortgage account. Is this right?
  5. Okay Ill resend a SAR request to each one. MBNA have admitted to this should i send a reply or a SAR?
  6. Hi DX I didnt send an SAR request Is sent this.. Name Address date Dear Sirs PAYMENT PROTECTION INSURANCE Please forward us any information you have on either us individually or as a couple regarding Payment protection insurance on any product at any of the following addresses: xxxxx Yours sincerely
  7. Hi Had two replies AMEX say I have no record of any PPI but MBNA have sent the following: REF:XXXXXXXX DATE;XX/XX/XXXX Thank you for your letter requesting information in regard to payment protection insurance (PPI) We confirm that you hold/held the following card accounts with MBNA ltd. ACCOUNT NUMBER: PPI START DATE : PPI PREMIUM HELD: **** **** **** **** XX/XX?2004 £1600.00 We trust this information fulfils your request Yours sincerely REGULATORY TEAM MANAGER What should my reply state/ Thanks Exasp
  8. Hi I posted a few months ago about chasing old PPI and this particular one is very long winded dating back over two years. Its particularly interesting because they admit PPI on a business overdraft but wont pay it back and more importantly they continued to take money from a totally unrelated separate personal joint account for two years without my permission(though they have paid me that back) Scores of letters but I have uploaded the relevant ones here for your help. I discovered PPI on a business account and asked them to repay me to which they refused saying I had signed for the product Letter tennis ensued for over two years whilst they sorted out other PPI but consistently refused to be drawn on this particular matter. docs .pdf
  9. Hi, ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND: Just had a further file back from RBS with 5 accounts of PPI which they have settled. One of the accounts they moved the PPI payments from a business account which failed, to my personal account without my authorisation. I have been writing to them about this for two years after they rang me and refused to pay out. I have written to them asking to outline it all so I may post it up on CAG. MIDLAND BANK (NOW HSBC) In the credit file RBS sent me they included a file from the midland bank for critical illness cover midland bank sold me for the mortgage I had, they requested confirmation from them they had no further interest in this payment as they were offering us a new mortgage. The file is from 1995 and gives all the details I need if I can claim against them for this. Any advice please ?
  10. Hi I've been on to the trust as advised and they have cancelled the charge. Result!!! Thanks all.
  11. Thanks EB Several Car Parks surround the hospital, front rear and sides. It isn't a secluded car park for staff as it was a bay on the road at the A and E dept which everyone has to drive past who parks on the front to exit the hospital as it's a one way system. Not sure I can get down their anytime soon as I have now moved away with work. Soon as I'm back in the area I will go round and take those photos. Despite this being in disputed the original charge which was £70 is now £130 which sums these characters up. Appreciate yours and everyone else's time whose trying to help with this.
  12. I'm operating on that person and he told me he asked you to keep it quiet
  13. Thanks both DX and Maroondevo I will do exactly as you say and report back.
  14. Hello I had a large number of improperly executed credit card agreements which I had been paying for 20 years. After advice from CAG I decided not to make the remaining payments and they are all now statute barred. Due to the length of the time I had the cards their will have been PPI payments made but... 1) Some credit cards were paid in full before I got into financial difficulty many years ago which I don't have records for. 2) Some accepted full and final settlement payments to clear the account, 3) Some accepted a final payment and marked as partially satisfied 4) Some would not negotiate and I had no money left so they were not paid anything Which of the above can I reclaim PPI for Thanks
  15. Hi no it's not the same, in that you park up buy a ticket and display on your windscreen much the same as in traditional car parks. The ticket ref number is the same as the a anpr capture and time on the ticket covers the PCN. Thanks Sgtbush
  16. Thanks Homer/Bazooka Here is the letter, appeal rejection and my parking ticket. Should I respond to Equita as the last thing I need is a sly county court judgement
  17. Sorry DX I dont know what the original letter stated but the one I have which came through recently is the same except the bottom paragraph differs in that it states... The signage which is clearly displayed at the entrance and throughout the car park states that this private land,the car park is managed by Parking eye ltd, as a permit/authorised vehicle car aprk only and that those parking without the appropriate permit/authorisation will incur the parking charge displayed along with other terms and conditions of the car park by which those who park in the car park agree to be bound By not gaining the appropriate permit/authorisation in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in the signage the parking charge is now payable to parking eye ltd by the driver. We originally wrote to the registered keeper of the vehicle whose details were held by the DVLA at the time of the parking event and they have informed us that you were responsible for this vehicle at the time of the parking event. As we do not know the drivers name or current address, if you were not the driver at the time you should tell us the name and current address of the driver and pass this notice to them
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