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Everything posted by tobyjugg2

  1. +1 I'll add that I have had MAJOR issues with 'honesty' from VM over the years and bills that rarely equated to what I should have been paying, and when challenged, promises made on refunds that were repeatedly broken, and refunds which were given, then reversed in following months. I know some report that of SKY, but I never saw more than occasional glitches which happen with pretty much all companies, and which were quickly and efficiently resolved. With VM it was like living with a pick pocket thief in your house. Extremely distasteful.
  2. Already have in the link to Boris' spiegal interview, where working hours, conditions, and health and safety were one of the very very few things Boris has firmly stated as his being strongly against the EU - the rest he was pretty 'C'est la vie and also the cornerstone of the Brexit camps desires as shown in the Brexit camps comparisons. also already linked Now you Conniff (as if)
  3. I think that the main out campaigners would love that to return. The sad conclusion is that neither the in or out is being run on whats best for the people of this nation, but just whats best for the various pressure groups. It seems that if Boris and the out campaigners get their out vote, then the out would most likely be on their terms, which is NOT the sort of terms I would want out of the EU on. So whether I would want out of the EU or not, and my opinion is by no means set, I don't see that any of the potential GOOD that could happen for the nations populace would come of it, just whatever was good for Boris and his billionaire business mates and a path of return to the workhouse days.
  4. I cant see he is concerned the way he is waffling. Lots of 'we are better off' - take this short sentence as proof'
  5. I disagree. We are clearly seeing who is and is not giving straight facts to the public. and it appears to be no-one is giving straight facts. It was an opportunity for politicians to show they know and share our concerns and that they had the answers. PHUUUUT Its interesting that the brexit crowd are (almost certainly accidentally) showing that 'figures' show a TENFOLD (10x) return on the cost of entry, (per annum approx £340 per household cost vs approx £3000 return per househod) and that losing health and safety and work limit laws is one of the cornerstones of the Brexit campaigners 'benefits'. http://brexitthemovie.uk/brexit-the-debate/
  6. It seems that over the last decade a lot of people are getting more active about their complete disillusionment with all the political party options available to them. More and more people seem to want them all gone and something different and better. OR just different if better doesn't seem to be an option. or simply ANYTHING but the established political elite who have failed for so long
  7. Yes its something reported by a newspaper which could be called speculation - as everything can be until confirmed - and often beyond that. Given the situation with terrorist attacks it would make some sense, but given the total lack of any real. solid information on the In/Out issues - probably the real questions are 1. Would it make Cameron look bad having to delay - yes 2. Would he gain more momentum for the in or out? 3. What are Camerons real desires in this area. Which beggars the question : Do any of them actually KNOW anything and are deliberately withholding it, or are they all as clueless and/or self serving as Boris clearly is. (Although Boris has long stated his real issue with the EU as reported last year in his Der Spiegal interview) "We don't need the European Union to tell us how many hours we can work, we don't need all this health and safety stuff." http://www.spiegel.de/international/europe/spiegel-interview-with-london-mayor-boris-johnson-a-1047789.html
  8. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/david-cameron-may-delay-eu-referendum-until-2017-to-buy-time-for-concessions-from-european-leaders-a6680856.html
  9. +1 The Russians and Yanks appear to be coming to some possible partial solution in Syria, which would alleviate some pressure and open some options regarding migrants and terrorism via reduced base of operations for ISIS. The Iraqis also appear to be beating back ISIS. The Turks wont like this at all. this might allow more focus on Yemen (Sauds wont like that) and Libya provided Turkey and the Sauds dont blow a hole in the side of the boat. There are downsides depending on what Cameron really wants from the referendum.
  10. For those who haven't seen it, the following gives some insight into out campaigner Mayor Boris, which I think many people will draw different conclusions from. http://www.spiegel.de/international/europe/spiegel-interview-with-london-mayor-boris-johnson-a-1047789.html
  11. http://anotherangryvoice.blogspot.co.uk/2013/04/vested-interests-iain-duncan-smith.html
  12. Fruit is to be banned and replaced by fizzy drinks on health grounds due to the totally unacceptable amount of sugar Mother Nature puts in them in order to tempt people into eating more of her produce to reverse falling sales. Breaking News Mother nature is held in custody and faces record fine amount. Class actions brought against Mother Nature in the US. http://thepaleodiet.com/fruits-and-sugars/
  13. I broadly agree apart from the fact that there will not be a debt jubilee, why/ The crash made it clear that the entire system is held up by bad debt, based on loans of unreal 'money' The bubble has been growing since DE-regulation and the move from the gold system. Its hard to get even a glimse of teh true picture, but it seems quite clear that at least 90%, and possibly fara far more of the apparent 'wealth' of the world simply isn't real in any way whatsoever. So just like last time, a 'wrong' chunk of the bad debts coalescing would collapse the entire system again, particularly as the money that 'central banks' have been feeding into the financial systems has just been again used in money trading to make bigger bubbles of fake wealth again rather than to fund business and home loans as was intended. Back around the very not merry go around. and Camerons just saved them from the EU regulations which were intended to prevent it, just as Cameron has reversed the UK regs. The choice was more bubble until it bursts or decades of controlled spend on real things and managing those bleeding the system. They chose the existing failed mechanism and presumably hope they can blame somebody else when it goes wrong again - it wont be long.
  14. Your tongue may be in his cheeks Conniff, but Trumps is definitely out at anybody and everybody who's tongues aren't - and probably most that are. He is classic spoiled, socially undeveloped, self-centered child psychopath/sociopath material. I dont doubt he always had his own way and thinks laws and even common decency apply to everyone except him, but that he HIMSELF is above all that. Trump insult females - 'I dont remember that' http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/female-victims-trump-sexist-insults-article-1.2317875 http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-07-26/donald-trumps-top-30-insults https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-conspiracy/wp/2015/08/19/donald-trumps-abuse-of-eminent-domain/ http://www.news.com.au/world/north-america/interactive-see-what-donald-trump-thinks-of-his-opponents-and-of-you/news-story/db80084a6e71acc53ea438b5e910729b
  15. and we thought the world had gone mad 25 years ago, and how could it get worse, yet we and our world are still very capable of throwing up things to make us put our head in our hands and say WHAT!!!! A madman like Trump with a good chance of being US president Corbyn making Cameron seem like the better bet. Give anyone who can get Turkish papers freedom of movement in the EU to get a deal that does damn all to address the migration crisis from Syria really, let alone Afghanistan, Lybia, Pakistan, West Africa etc etc. (80 million with visa free movement from just real Turks + anyone else the Turks want to give papers to - al-nusra etc etc) Talk about increasing the security risks In fact, Talk about choosing the frying pan or the fire
  16. I'm still quite surprised at even the partial and temporary turnaround, even with IDS' very welcome treacherous sneak attack from the rear ....
  17. Link seems to be struggling Tawnyowl Hers an alternative https://politicalscrapbook.net/2016/03/three-tory-mps-have-been-disowned-as-patrons-by-mental-health-charities-for-cutting-disabled-support/ and here regarding benefit cuts still on https://welfaretales.wordpress.com/2016/03/23/billions-of-pounds-of-welfare-cuts-on-way-despite-pip-u-turn/ and this might be worth a read http://www.pressreader.com/uk/the-herald/20160323/281805693053848/textview
  18. I think most people see that migration is going to be one of the massive issues in the referendum to stay or leave. and its what sort is getting in, despite sky and the BBC managing to find a few women and children to show. Anyone who only watches the bbc and sky news will not be seeing the reports showing gangs of men blocking roads at Calais, and at other borders, throwing bricks at CARS let alone lorries that do not stop when they stand in front of them, the police moving them on just for them to return. These are criminals who have destroyed their identity papers and ignored the laws of entry to countries, let alone the laws and society of the countries. They are NOT refugees, MANY of these are criminals. The refugees are in refugee camps. These people have broken law after law to get where they think they will get benefits, not to escape persecution - except perhaps the 'persecution resulting from their criminal activities in their original countries. They are happy to push the few women and children to the front of huge gangs of men, In fact, these seem to be the sort of people who probably would have abused and persecuted people wherever they were. Our big problem is that they know they can do what they like, but once inside a countries borders, however illegally, will be entitled to all sorts of things whatever they do. Now, EU countries are starting to do something about it DESPITE Merkel, and NOW is the time for the UK to be part of that move to bring sanity back to the EU, else we will only be able to hide behind our borders for a very short time. The BIG problem is that the ones we need as allies to do that (eastern European states) are also the ones we want to refuse passage.
  19. Corbyn is proving himself not just a useless self centered idiot, but a complete liability to the labour party. All he had to do was add a few bullet point facts about the Coalition and Tory monetary failures, and a few supported facts about robbing the poor to pay the rich - The sheriff of Nottingham's revenge (evil Robin Hood) sheeesh he could get the figures from wiki or a Tory newspaper. But no, just real content-less, political gain-less rants. Just imagine what the following would do if presented as a response to the 'Labours black hole' retort? http://blogs.spectator.co.uk/2013/11/the-tories-have-piled-on-more-debt-than-labour/ - and at least labour had part of an excuse as being the victims of maggies banking de-regulation Corbyn is proving to be one of the best things that ever happened to the Tories.
  20. I find it mind boogling that ONLY Farage appears to be campaigning honestly for their beliefs (and I'm not saying his campaign rhetoric is honest or the whole truth). The out campaign and Boris . Now Boris is Mayor of London - the one place where almost every major business would be better off in the EU provided they retain their protection from EU regulations as Cameron has almost certainly done in his renegotiation. Cameron Is a strange one. He should be an outer as a grass roots Tory, but was the instigator of the referendum and leading, albeit very feebly the in campaign. Perhaps he thought that he could offer an EU referendum as political advantage as opposition as he didn't expect to win the election (and they didn't expect to win). Perhaps he quite rightly thought offering it was their only hope of winning the election. and of course the renegotiation was a farce apart from protecting the city. Corbyn Has always been a confirmed eurosceptic and would undoubtedly vote to leave as he has before. He is sitting on the fence and avoiding the issue at the moment as he is want to do with everything that isn't on his very limited personal agenda. SNP Inners as every aspect of it is in their interests - including a successful out vote when they promote IN.
  21. LOL. and I thought you and yours were complaining that my posts were one sided and unreasonable, rather than its that they aren't.
  22. That is part of the point Conniff, and why I referenced two pages from that site, one of which the right wingers outers here would love, and the other that they would not like - critisising the Tory government. There is 'truth' in both pages, and lots of it, but presented in a biased and selective way which makes it almost worthless to a truly inquiring mind without looking elsewhere for further confirmation. ... just like some people here present their very coloured and one sided opinions. Like I said - I try to balance the facts.
  23. and although the reversed (well only partially if you look into it) disabled benefits slashing is quite rightly causing political furor, what is being completely missed is that the budget is stealing from future budgets in an attempt to set up the pension system for the next fall http://home.bt.com/news/news-extra/george-osborne-is-stealing-money-from-future-chancellors-according-to-money-expert-martin-lewis-11364046535560 another of dunny-can Smith and the Tory parties great causes
  24. I call it giving a balanced view and more of the actual facts, but you are entitled to your opinion, just as my sig says. You might like the following which gives an almost entirely negative perspective http://truepublica.org.uk/category/eu/ but you should also read the following and if you accept all at one of the pages, you should accept all at the other. http://truepublica.org.uk/category/united-kingdom/
  25. And despite his being quite correct, that simply avoids answering the question of why they are actually making that black hole bigger despite all their promises.
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