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Everything posted by tobyjugg2

  1. It's Camerons Hunt that should be experiencing a lightning strike. (say it fast to kill two birduns with one stroke/strike)
  2. Even the ubercapitalist Americans are more 'socialist; than the UK as they quite rightly protect their national industries. As would the EU if Camerons Crew weren't blocking it (proof linked above in thread), and as the Germans and others already do within the EU rules. National socialism as it should be, NOT the malformed monstrosity that Hitler and the National Front define. So the current UK government is neither Capitalist nor Socialist - but the worst self-serving bits from them all in my opinion. (and Labour is little better)
  3. That the London stock exchange could well end up run by the EU financiers, from within the EU, whether we leave or not ....
  4. From 2013 - they will be looking to unload rafts of these toxic debts now they have been 'fuddled' http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2013-10-09/bad-banks-turn-toxic-china-debt-to-treasure-for-investors
  5. Isnt that the case in pretty much every industry? (LOL - both)
  6. I apologise for my assumption Connif, It could easily have been that you didn't see the answer, or the cider.
  7. or realise how much you are enjoying watching those programmes, and how many hours have passed
  8. Strange, I had assumed you had seen the answer and simply used your usual avoidance tactics as you didnt like what you saw.
  9. Flipping heck, you can't even get that right. try this one whats 1 * 100 *100 *100 *100 *100 *100 ....
  10. It cost enough when I divorced the last one :/ and she didnt even do the ironing at the end
  11. You are missing the point. Read the stuff in that link more carefully. What collapsed the wests banking systems? What is Cameron allowing the Chinese to 'invest' in us in return for real things from us, including shafting our national steel industry (even if it is owned by India)
  12. From the link already given: "Britain has been privately supportive of China's position, with George Osborne saying that Britain is China's closest ally in the West." Now I'm sure the UK could beat China at their own game, except when the UK's own government is scuttling the UK's efforts. Read this regarding the UK/China deals and how one way they are http://www.theguardian.com/business/2015/oct/24/britains-deals-with-china-billions-what-do-they-mean
  13. Exactly, so lets tell Cameron to stop helping China destroy the UK's long term industry .... and let the EU protect UK/EU industry as it wants too ... just as India has, Just as the US has
  14. Yes. So the taxpayer will carry the weight of these just as it does with the Royal Mail selloff.
  15. I'm not certain on this yet, but I saw one report that Camerons' fathers' tax avoidance company processed money for a certain media mogul
  16. So why do you think that TATA evidently right up until the last minute apparently showed no intention of withdrawing from the UK? Perhaps they were hoping against hope that their lobbying to make their (TATA's) continuation of supporting the UK Steel industry possible would bare fruit and the UK government would change its stance? Perhaps they didn't believe that the UK would throw one of its core industries to the dogs while supporting China who are the main source of fake memory, let alone cheap poor quality steel, and who are one of the major users of the Panama tax evasion systems. If you had multiple locations to make and sell your goods, and one location became a decidedly hostile environment to your manufacturing/trading there, would you continue? Its commonly why multiple sources/locations are used ... Err yes - the changing of which is what the UK government and its allies are blocking "The European Commission advocates higher punitive tariffs in cases such as this," "The EU did impose some duties of up to 16% on some Chinese steel products, enough to make them unprofitable. But the Commission issued a call to remove the "lesser duty rule" to allow it to raise anti-dumping duties against China much higher. Independent analysts Fitch calculate a tariff of nearly 60% would be allowed under these arrangements, enough to deter the bulk of Chinese imports. :: But the British Government (Sajid Javid) argued against the move" (
  17. lets put some really real perspective on that. The UK and its allies blocked the EU from imposing UPTO a 60% tariff on Chinese dumped steel, NOT 266% as the Americans have already done (and quite rightly in my opinion) and even if imposed the higher tariff would only be on steel traded below a minimum price - Why should we not support preventing the destruction of our core industries by dumping. Particularly as it isnt simply the Steelworks, its the thousands of people who would be made unemployed and not only not be contributing to our economy (as the steel industry has continued to do) but that those people would then be claiming benefits as is their right. DUMPING "The European Commission advocates higher punitive tariffs in cases such as this," To darn right but Britain has led the defence of the principle of lower duties levied in such cases." To darn wrong. TATA steel has successfully lobbied for anti-dumping measures in India So why do we think TATA have decided to withdraw from the UK - anyone else think its because the UK are making it easy for China to shaft the UK industries? Heres the link again http://news.sky.com/story/1669533/understanding-the-steel-crisis-10-key-points
  18. How is Britain connected to these tax havens? Mossack Fonseca, the world's fourth biggest provider of offshore services, has acted for more than 300,000 companies, of which more than a half are registered in British-administered tax havens, as well as in the UK itself, the International Consortium of Investigative Journalism reported. http://mashable.com/2016/04/04/panama-papers-british-politicians/#4c7eP9wRgaqH An offshore investment fund run by the father of British prime minister David Cameron avoided ever having to pay tax in Britain by hiring a small army of Bahamas residents to sign its paperwork. http://www.theguardian.com/news/2016/apr/03/what-you-need-to-know-about-the-panama-papers Interesting read re the Cameron family https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Family_of_David_Cameron As a magistrate, Mary Cameron imposed prison sentences for peaceful anti-nuclear weapons protest by women at the Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp
  19. and of course China limnits access to the articles and news - well they need somewhere to hide the money they make and any bribe paying for allowing them to dump steel on the EU markets while loading levees on UK/EU steel http://www.reuters.com/article/us-panama-tax-idUSKCN0X10C2
  20. and of course HSBC seem to be up to their necks in it http://www.reuters.com/article/us-panama-tax-banks-idUSKCN0X208M
  21. Yes, One would think knowingly (per the document shown) laundering the proceeds of crime is a crime in any country.
  22. Just on Panorama Interesting that they did loads on a chellist because he's a mate of Putins, yet our PM's father got a brief mention lost in the middle. I think our nation would be far more interested in our political leaders family than a mate of Putin.
  23. I think putting that in perspective, 30 quid on a bill is nothing compared to a 46% premium on UK steel to China, while the UK government protects the Chinese from even a like for like response. and nothing compared to the over Trillion pounds poured into the banking system to protect the shareholders - rather than simply paying bottom dollar for the shares as other shareholders would and then refloating the bank to the nations benefit Let alone selling off the countries crucial assets like Gas, Electrity and Water companies and I blame ALL the political parties - just Maggies policies most of all Grab 25 of the worst offenders from each of the Tories and Labour and hang them for treason - that would make the rest think twice. - but no - they will give each other titles and wealth instead.
  24. There is no reason why a state owned - or majority state owned company should not be run on the same basis as the 'privatised' industries, except with the profits going to the state. Especially as the government via tax payers money bails out the shareholders anyway As in the PO sell off pension scheme, and of course RBS - one of the VERY few loss making banks in the world.
  25. LOL Apparently PM Camerons father had craploads of money held there and allegedly never paid a penny in UK tax. (source France24) So much for Camerons inheritance ....
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