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Everything posted by HSBCrusher

  1. ginsters. Doesn't start with R but is useful to pensioners as they can be used for a variety of things... The soles of built up shoes, propping up wonky pianos, throwing at hoodies shooting up on the lawn... All sorts of things.
  2. Oh yes. Those affront to every Cornishman in existence!!! Ahhh ginsters starts with a "G" that gives me an idea. See you in the thread.
  3. Ah good one. They certainly help elderly people. Rhombicosidodecahedron?
  4. I know. Rainbows. Yes rainbows. They help elderly people.
  5. Coke is disgusting. I really don't like it. As for the acid thing though- it's less acid than stomach acid so therefore I don't think that's an issue. It's the disgustingly sweet taste that gets me. Ugh. Nope it's a nice cup of tea with my pasty!!!
  6. Hi mate! Yeah I'm ok thanks. Things are finally starting to improve for me and my family but it's been a bit of a grind... But hey. The sun is shining.
  7. Some things that works on, some things not. But it's kind of fun trying it out
  8. Just read that Paul Daniels has passed away this morning from an inoperable brain tumour. People of a certain age will remember him very well. RIP I liked him.. Not a lot but I liked him.
  9. I see the parking thing didn't go so well. Wasn't expecting that :/
  10. I've heard she's 3 foot tall. Is this correct?
  11. Ah- she's showing now! She's a very naughty lady. Get off that bar!!
  12. That's not showing... But it's Kyle spinning around!! You're sense of humour hasn't inproved!
  13. I'm currently accessing the site with my phone- there's a massive donate button at the top of the page And a big PPI reclaim ad.
  14. Still spinning..... Much happen while I've been gone?
  15. Wikipedia has a donation push every so often.. Why not on cag? Basically a big pop-up type thing saying "donate £3" or similar. Just like Wikipedia does. When people log on to see how the thread is going the message appears. This would be every so often. Once a month maybe.
  16. That's a bit mean if I may say so London blue. This site has been helping out desperate people for nearly 10 years now, it's run by volunteers. Thank goodness they were here when I needed them. And it's a "he" BTW.
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