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Everything posted by HSBCrusher

  1. I used the 0.00022 calculation, it works fine, about 75p per day on three and a half grand.
  2. As a matter of interest (no pun intended!) I was chatting with my mate a couple of days ago, he is claiming from halifax. He actually got a letter stating that all charges are automatic, and that the only manual intervention is when the charges are refunded! I know it's Halifax, but I am sure that it is the same for all banks. There will be no records of manual intervention, just as there are none when a member of staff delete a charge (yes, it does happen!) Best to get them to confirm though, for the sake of the court.
  3. I didn't get my statements back in one lot, they came in about 10,000 envelopes (or so it appeared!) so you might find they will come in over several days.
  4. Let battle commence indeed! I am in a very similar situation to you, I put in my moneyclaim in today, for a similar amount plus loads of interest. Power to your elbow!
  5. Moneyclaim sent off today, processed for tomorrow. What a pain trying to fit it all in the box! (24 lines) Reading around, I feel it might be a good idea to send the bank a recorded delivery letter telling them I have taken this action (so there is no problem with the bank saying they didn't get a chance to fight!) :D :D
  6. Thanks Barracad. This is very stressy! All saved, just have to click submit on Tuesday.... and off it goes. If this works out, I will be claiming against loads of other cards/accounts.
  7. I am now in the process of filling in my moneyclaim form. When you kick the box concerning claiming interest a message comes up saying that I should include this wording... The claimant claims interest under section 69 of the County Courts Act 1984 at the rate of 8% a year from {date when the money became owed to you} to {the date you are issuing the claim} of £ {put the amount} and also interest at the same rate up to the date of judgment or earlier payment at a daily rate of {enter the daily rate of interest}. What do I enter for the last bit, daily rate of interest?
  8. I have had a peek at some other letters on this site that have been written in this instance, this is a cut and paste type letter I am going to send. Should I bother, or should I just go ahead and claim? I suppose another letter would show I mean buisness, and could result in a pay out? Dear Mr Johnson Many thanks for your letter dated 26 May 2006. I am dissapointed that you will not return the money you have taken from my account. My claim is for £XXXX.XX in punitive charges unlawful in Common Law. I shall be sticking to my original timetable, giving the bank until 6th June to satisfy my claim in full, and unconditionally. If I do not receive a satisfactory response from you by this date, I will proceed to issue a claim for recovery of this sum in the courts, plus additional charges you have made recently, plus any costs, plus £XXX.XX in interest Yours Sincerely
  9. Here we go. I have this morning received the standard "you still get free banking blah blah why are you comlaining blah blah we do not agree the charges imposed by the bank constitute a penalty clause blah blah blah" from a Mr Johnson. I have seen this standard letter already here on this website, so I am not deterred. It ends "I hope that matters have now been resolved to your satisfaction." How can it be? Where's my money? Not a penalty clause? Why call the charges "card misuse fee"? The word "misuse" surely implies just this? Do I just put in the claim on the 14th day, or will another letter be needed about how I am now on the phone to the local papers.....
  10. Sounds good. Already taking HSBC to the cleaners, this is starting to become enjoyable.
  11. I have quite a few of these blighters, all of them have made charges. All the cards are GE capital, would I be able to combine the lot? Or would loads of little letters do?
  12. Thanks for your encouragement. This really could be quite good fun. Anyone out there had their account closed over a claim? Or is it usual for it to be left open?
  13. Oh how kind they are giving you back the tenner. My letter stated "we are happy to waive any fees". So they should. The thousands of pounds they have removed from people more than makes up for it. Well done, all the best on you claim!
  14. Hello! great to meet you. In my case the charges have not really gone up, it's just they seem to be applying them more, with tactics, making sure you go over just a little, and then bounce everying else. So they get their £125, and then lots of £30 bouncy charges, (or those "card misuse" fees, definitly some sort of penalty rather than cost) very profitable. Funny, they then bounce all payments except the bank charges. If there are insufficent funds to pay your car insurance, how is there enough to pay the charges? In any case, the only reason there is not enough money is because of last months harvest. Just one other thing- do you think they are likely to close my account?
  15. I have been reading this fantastic website for a while now. I extracted the last 6 years' worth of information out of HSBC, and there is quite a whack of money taken, nearly 3 grand in total. I have sent off the first letter (that was in your library), then I sent off the LBA 14 days later (got a rubbish standard "we are dealing with your complaint blah blah blah... and a nice leaflet as a reply). There is just over a week to go before I put in a claim in the small claims court. Am I right, but does anyone think that these guys have been actually cranking up the charges the past few weeks?
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