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Everything posted by HSBCrusher

  1. No offer for me, I just had a "get lost" letter. I am led to believe that they will not wait the 28 days and make a full offer as posted earlier in my thread. I am quite happy they didn't just pay up, like you say now I get the interest too as a bonus.
  2. I hope you are right. wish me the best! By the way, I have noticed by the side "rep power" below number of posts. What is rep power?
  3. They put on their monthly charges, these for exceeding the OD, and then through the month the "card misuse" (one of the old favourites) and the bouncy cheques and D/Ds. They seem to forget the reason there isn't enough to cover your car insurance is because of the vast sum removed last month. Things like arranging an overdraft are a service and cannot be claimed, but all the automated charges are just legalised mugging (legalised? not really) so count the lot.
  4. Thanks Mike. They are counting on people giving up at this stage. This is so unfair that folks have to go through all this to get money back that was taken illegally. I will be going the whole way, so watch out HSBC, Crusher is coming for you!
  5. Just got a letter back from the court, they intend to defend. They now have 28 days in which to offer a defence.
  6. I put down my local branch. The same one the local papers and television will be hanging around when you send in the baliffs:D
  7. I got about 137,876,987,892 envelopes. The post office had to recruit 53 extra staff just to bring them. OK, I lie, but there was a huge amount, like you I wonder at how much paper and postage they must be spending. Shame! All the best with your claim!
  8. Excellent! All the best with your claim!
  9. Dont lift too many scabs. They leave scars. Welcome to the site, all the best with your claim! Crusher
  10. Hello Jack, and welcome. All the best with your claim! Crusher
  11. Hello! Wecome to BAG. Take a look at the FAQ at the top, it will give you a walkthrough of the whole process. All the best with your claim! Crusher
  12. Good man (or woman as the case might be)! All the best with your claim! Crusher
  13. They have not supplied the correct information within the 40 days? You can get your statements online via the online banking facility so I am told, the important thing is that you have requested any details of manual intervention on charges, so if you get to court there are no nasty suprises. Add up your charges and send off your first letter. Some folks have made an estimate of the charges, the bank cannot disagree because they did not supply the correct information to start with which they are legally bound to do. If you were to do this, I would check with the bank, they might have been lost in the post.
  14. Excellent! Welcome to BAG, all the best with your claim!
  15. No probs, all the best with your claim!!!!
  16. At the top of this group is a post with contact info. I used the Mr Bowden address, no refund, but my letter got their attention.
  17. Hello Funk, welcome! As far as I can make out reading the forum is that account closure is not normal. Go back 6 years and retreive your stolen money, squeeze out every penny you can, including interest if you get to court action! I got several of those "get lost" type letters myself, dont let them put you off your timescale.
  18. Best of luck! I have just put in my moneyclaim too. and what a great day to put it in... 666!
  19. I used the Mr Bowden address, they got the message OK. No refund, but the address worked.
  20. I have had several "get lost" letters, but I have just put in my moneyclaim regardless of their delay tactics, according to my timescale. Go for it!
  21. Well done! This gives me a boost. My moneyclaim went in yesterday. What a fantastic website this is!
  22. You have sent the letters by recorded delivery, it's not your fault they are not reading them (or not responding to them) Check out the addresses you sent them to, if it's all ok, stick to your timeframe. I assume you have got all the details of your charges already, if so, just press on.
  23. I used the 0.00022 calculation, it works fine, about 75p per day on three and a half grand.
  24. As a matter of interest (no pun intended!) I was chatting with my mate a couple of days ago, he is claiming from halifax. He actually got a letter stating that all charges are automatic, and that the only manual intervention is when the charges are refunded! I know it's Halifax, but I am sure that it is the same for all banks. There will be no records of manual intervention, just as there are none when a member of staff delete a charge (yes, it does happen!) Best to get them to confirm though, for the sake of the court.
  25. I didn't get my statements back in one lot, they came in about 10,000 envelopes (or so it appeared!) so you might find they will come in over several days.
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