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Everything posted by angryandy

  1. What are the debts for? Bit more info in order to get the best advise please.
  2. You will get a different story. They make things up as they go along
  3. Any one like The Beatles YouTube - The Beatles - Nowhere Man
  4. If you send your request off today, they will have until the 6th October to supply it to you. If you don't recieve your request by this date then you can put the debt in dispute. You are legally entitled not to pay them a penny at this point until they supply you with your cca.
  5. Don't understand all this. That sounds like a charge to me. Everyone seems to be getting different explanations. As i have stated before i got told it was a charge for each day you are in your emergency (average 30pence a day). It seems to me British Crap don't know what they're going on about. If my mate hadn't been charged why is he getting a cheque off them for charges he incurred for using his emergency then. As my last post above states where did £1.50 of his top up go to? According to British Gas this was a charge for being in his emergency credit for 5 days. If British Gas knew what they where going on about they would give the same explanation over and over again. This doesn't seem to be the case though. Looks like they are hiding something to me. I don't know what you should do from here, all i know is what i have told you and i came on here so you could all try claim your money back too. I personally think BG are playing hardball here and maybe the only way you could find out about your charges are to subject access request them. Sorry i couldn't be of more help (but i do think they are telling porkies)
  6. Once you get the hang of it you will be advising other people on their issues. Just take your time looking around the site and you will soon catch on.
  7. If they can't find or have 'misplaced' your cca you are in your legal right not to pay anything. However if you still wanted to pay you could and you would be in a much better or healthier barganing position than you are right now. I personally wouldn't give them anything though as they have tried to screw you. Lets just see what they come back with first!!!
  8. Big Brother, they have 12+2 days to respond to the request. The +2 days are time for your request to reach Triton (recorded delivery) The 12 is working days for them to have give you your agreement. CCA 1974 stands for consumer credit act 1974. Hope this helps. MHJHRH make sure you send the £1 postal order to Triton and send it recorded delivery. If you send your request off today they have until 5th October to have given you your agreement to you. If you don't recieve it by this time you can put your account in dispute and then Triton can no longer ask for payment off you and you are not obliged to offer any payment either. Hope this helps a bit. Goodluck
  9. Good advice, just 2 and a half years late:p
  10. http://www.consumerforums.com/resources/templates-library/86-debt-collectors/573-general-debt-letter-if-you-know-nothing-of-the-debt This one should do it
  11. As Sillygirl states they ask you to do a screen check. Let me just point out one thing for you all. Screen 02 For emergency credit. ( Thit is the bit where they are charging you for going into emergency credit. You have to be eagle eyed to notice it). Hope you can follow this as i will explain how my mate noticed his charge. Here goes. He had £2.40 remaining on his emergency credit. He had been in his emergency credit for 5 days. He then went to a paypoint and put £8 on his card. When he put the card in his meter it took £5 for debt. The remaining £3 then should have paid his emergency credit off and left him in 40pence in credit. It didn't do this. He noticed it said £1.50 for emergency credit and then £1.50 for gas. He was still in emergency credit when he took his card out even though he should have been in credit. He only had £3.90 emergency credit left after this. He wondered where this £1.50 had got to and low and behold when i phoned BG for him they admitted it was charges for going into his emergency. They then stated to me that if i hadn't been informed of the charges then they should not be charging me (my mate). He done a check of all charges they had taken off him in the time he had had a meter fitted and are now sending a cheque to him. 7-10 working days he has to wait. Do not let them fob any of you off. I got it back and so can you!!
  12. Best title i have seen on here!!! Chuckling to myself now:p
  13. They always seem to assume they have an agreement until they can't find it. As Cerberusalert states they very rarely find/have them. Now is not the time to panic. Just see what they send you/don't send you
  14. Hi Sillygirl Defo keep us posted on how you get on. It only took me one phone call. As i stated earlier the average they charge you is 30pence a day so if you are in your emergency credit for 5 days they will charge you £1.50. If you reguarly go into your emergency credit this will soon add up, so if you have had your meter for years it could come to a decent amount.
  15. Shouldn't do. I'm not racist, but if i phone British Gas or they phone me i expect to speak to someone British. It totally defies the object if you can't communicate with one another. I have already made complaints to British Gas about their foreign advisors and how they can't understand you. They could be white for all i care but if i can't understand them what's the point in them phoning me. Ps Why do they always pretend to have a British name? Is this to make us believe they are calling from Britain. Why do they do this if they believe their customer service from abroad is up to scratch?
  16. I hate British Gas with a passion and i to will be leaving them when i have paid my gas arrears. They treat you like s*it and speak to you like you are stupid. What winds me up the most though is when they get their 'asian' employees to phone me and tell me i owe them money. Most of the time you can't understand them and they certainly can't understand you and they call this customer service. Yer s*it customer service
  17. How can you possibly owe them money when you have £400 credit on your meter. They're not happy unless they're ripping you off.
  18. yes that's what he thought. But apparently everyone who uses their emergency credit gets charged an 'overdraft' fee which they don't tell you about. This is why they have to pay you back when you ask them to. Just another con by British Crap. Everyone should claim the charges back (and i suppose you could argue for interest as well if you where in the mood). My mate was just glad to get his back though so no arguments on his behalf!!
  19. Moorcroft are not a bailiff firm they are a dca with absolutly no powers what so ever. They could send a 'field agent' around but if they haven't got an appointment with you then they are in breach of the OFT guidelines if they do send someone round. I have had the pleasure of dealing with these morons a few times and if you stand your ground and fight they will soon cower under another rock until their next victim comes along. I would complain to the OFT and Trading Standards as Moorcroft are misrepresenting themselves into being something they're not ie bailiffs when they clearly aren't.
  20. Hello again people Just a quick one for you all. One of my mates has a gas meter fitted in his house. He struggles to find any paypoints around his area to get more gas (as most of the paypoints are always broke). He quite reguarly has to go into his emergency credit to continue to have gas. When he put gas on his card the other day he noticed that it had charged him £1.50 for the use of the emergency credit. (This is the first time he had noticed this). He asked me if i would phone British Gas up for him to see what was going on. I explained the situation on the phone to one of the operators who explained that the emergency credit was like an 'overdraft' and if you go into it you get charged on average 30pence a day. This is all well and good but if they haven't told you about this ie in writing then they can't charge you. This was my argument then to the operator. My mate has had his meter for nearly two years, and the operator then added up all the charges and is now sending him a cheque for £87 and something pence. This mightn't sound like a great deal but it is better than nothing. I must also point out that British Gas didn't really argue with paying the money back as i think they know they haven't got a leg to stand on when it comes to this. Anyone else done the same? If you haven't then i think it's time you should.
  21. If the agreement is not enforcable he should put it in dispute. If you have cca'd a different dca for the same debt then you shouldn't have to do it again. There is a template letter on here to say the account is in dispute. Lets just get your cca on here to see if it is enforcable first. If it isn't you can then send the in dispute letter to 1st credit. Hope this helps
  22. Bankruptcy proceedings a merely a scare tactic. Has he still got his 'documentation'? Are you in a position to scan it on here to see if it is enforcable? Delete all personal data etc before you do scan it on though
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