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Everything posted by angryandy

  1. Hello all Halifax just sent me an agreement out with no signature on it and state that this complies with the cca request. They say they are not obliged to send an agreement out with a signature on and that this constitutes a 'true copy'. Should i just send the in dispute letter or is there another letter that is best to send in this situation. A cca agreement should have my signature on shouldn't it? I know the process in all this but you start having doubts when it is about yourself. This is worth a few quid as well. Any help welcome please. Thanks Andy
  2. Just found it http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/benefits-tax-credits-minimum/209282-housing-benefit-dispute-advice.html
  3. Already doing it!!!!!! Think i want a bit more than £100 though for the crap i was put through. Got an old thread somewhere if you can be bothered reading it. Will put a link on for it in a minute.
  4. Didn't actually owe the council a penny!!!!!!!!!! They won't turn up again as the 'case' is closed as i have won my appeal. I just want to show the council what a shower of liars they are contracting to do their dirty work for them. When a bailiff does apparently call at your house what sort of evidence would they need to prove it? Simply stating that they did turn up would not be sufficient, would it?
  5. He probably wasn't a bailiff but a 'field agent for a dca'. He has absolutly no right whatsoever to be knocking at your door. As the poster above says, if he knocks again phone the police (not 999) and have him removed from your property.
  6. Litigation in person £9.25 per hour. £9.25 x 15 hours = £138.75 Invoice them for this amount plus your letter costs and stamps + your phone calls. Should shut them up;)
  7. I will keep this as short as possible so please bear with me. I am trying to prove Equita where trying to defraud me out of £42.50 for writing me a letter. I have complained to my council about them and they wrote me a snotty letter back to me explaining that Equita had knocked on my door on 18th and 26th May 2009. This is where the £42.50 comes from. I then explained to the council that if that is the case why have i got a letter dated the 19th May with a £42.50 charge on it when they had only apparentely visited me once. The charge should only have been £24.50. I then recieved another letter off the council stating Equita had infact visited me on the 14th May as well, this was missed out due to an alladged typing error on Equitas part. Yeah right!!!!!! I need to know that if equita had visited on these so called dates (i know they haven't) what sort of proof do they need to confirm it and how would i get my hands on it (or not on it, so to speak). I know i could subject access request them but what is to stop them adding false documents to it etc etc. Any help much appreciated. Thanks in advance
  8. I think what Mr T means is that a dca can ask for payment but you don't have to agree to it. If you insist on not paying then they can take you to court where a Judge will order you to pay what you can afford. If they are asking for silly amounts (which happens more than not) then a court is the best place to resolve it. A DCA has no rights to legally collect money from you unless they have a court order to do so!!
  9. Any good lookers goin? Has this turned into a girlie night out or what? This sounds like one sexist thread to me!!!!!!!
  10. Perhaps if we whacked everyone who works for Scotcall over the head with a doorstep then they might just grow a brian (sorry, i meant brain).
  11. Thanks Spamalot. Big help. I assume it will be the SAR place for Alliance+ Leicester as well....
  12. Thanks people. Sending them to the OC as no dca after me yet!!!
  13. Thanks dx. Have looked and their seems to be a few addresses for each. I need the correct address for the cca's to go to.
  14. Thanks very much guys. Have already checked those addresses but don't know which address to send a cca request off to. Both of the links have different addresses on them if you know what i mean.
  15. Can somebody please give me the addresses of Alliance + Leicester and Halifax please as about to cca them for a friend. Thanks people..
  16. Just about to cca Alliance + Leicester and also Halifax so could someone give me the addresses of both please. Thanks in advance
  17. Yes, it's the signature. Keep your reciepts as proof of postage, from then it is just a waiting game. After the 14 working days are over and you don't have your agreements, then you are legally entitled to stop your payments and they don't have the right to ask you for payment. Goodluck!!
  18. Seems too many women on this one so i will throw one in for the boys. Leeds defo better for me though if you see where i will be coming from.
  19. The first dca will buy it back for less than they sold it and will still hope of some sort of payment arrangement from you. MUGS!!!!
  20. Always the latter. Most of the time they look embarassed to be their. Saying that i have never had Scotcall send someone round for me. I have only ever had face2face call round. I told him if he didn't fu**off he would have a new name, fist2face:cool: You're missing the fun Mr T:(
  21. Lucky git:shock: Normally they are just threat monkeys. Bet their faces were like thunder when you told them to sod off. Either that or they cowered away with their tails between their legs!!!
  22. Make sure you send the letters to the dca's chasing the debt!!!!
  23. You need to cca both of these to see if either agreement is enforcable. Send this letter. For HSBC change the the s78 to s77 and for egg keep it at s78. Send these letters off recorded delivery with a £1 postal order with both of them. They have 14 working days to respond from the date of your letter http://www.consumerforums.com/resources/templates-library/86-debt-collectors/581-cca-request-letter
  24. No info is the answer. Only a court can ask for that information. Infact next time they phone you tell them you will be lowering your payments as you can no longer afford what your paying. They will soon shut up and leave you alone!!!!!! By the way, what are your debts for?
  25. Have you got a link to your other thread?
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