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Everything posted by angryandy

  1. If both agreements didn't have signatures on them then stop paying. No signature, no money.
  2. They won't call and even if they do, tell them to fu**off as they have no powers what so ever. I heard they are making a new pyramid in Egypt with them!!
  3. http://www.consumerforums.com/resources/templates-library/86-debt-collectors/571-failiure-to-provide-a-copy-of-the-agreement-within-the-prescribed-timescale
  4. Hi Sams88. If you sent your cca request off on the 3rd September they have until tomorrow to give it to you. If you don't recieve it tomorrow, do not pay them. You can then send the account in dispute letter and they can not do anything to get money out of you. Even though they sent you the 'we need your signature letter' this does not postpone their obligation in sending you your agreement. They still only have until tomorrow to give it to you. Just another tactic by them to get your signature somehow.
  5. Stop paying your £78 a month. Your account is now in dispute and you are not obliged to offer any payments to them until they come up with your agreement, furthermore they cannot ask you for any payment until they come up with your agreement!!!!!!!!
  6. Glad to know you're a Liverpool fan Mr T;)
  7. If you decide to write to them with a new proposed offer of a payment plan then make sure it is what you can afford!!!!!!!!!!! Do not let them tell you what you can afford as only you know this. If they decide not to accept this, let them take you to court as any judge worth his salt will only make you pay what you can afford. I would cca them first though to see what they come up with
  8. You say the bailiff has been round twice so lawfully they can charge you £42.50 if they have not levyed a distress on anything. The first time a bailiff visits he/she can charge £24.50, for a second visit it is £18.00. For any other visits where no levy is made and no walking possession order signed they cannot charge you anything. These fees are under the council tax (administration and enforcement) regulations 1992. On another point the bailiff has no right of entry to your home unless you invite him in or they can gain 'peaceful' entry to your home through an unlocked door or window. My advice is to pay the council directly through their online banking system and not to open the door if the bailiff decides to make another visit.
  9. So what you are saying then is you can reclaim your standing charge then? What money have they pad me back then? I'm very confused, can someone confirm what money it was that i claimed back then please......
  10. Is it just me this is happening to or are quite a few caggers commenting on threads or posts without reading them properly. It is really starting to get on my nerves. Perhaps we should start to name and shame them, you shouldn't have to go all the way round the world to make a simple point about something when people can't be bothered to read threads properly. As i said i am just letting off some steam so here goes AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGG HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek:
  11. If you read the thread properly Mattlamb you would see i am no longer their. I would prefer it if you would not post about this subject anymore as it is not my thread and i don't want to be intrusive of the OP's thread. Please read threads properly before you comment as it is happening quite reguarly lately, people who comment who haven't bothered to read through the posts properly!!!!
  12. Thanks very much for the quick replies people. Much appreciated
  13. How do you find out what threads or posts you have reputation points on please without going through all of them? Thanking you all in advance as i know there will be a swarm of you willing to give me the answer;)
  14. I would personally send the in dispute letter i have gave you a link for now. Send it to egg as they have sent you your (by the sounds of it) very dodgy agreement. See what they come back with after this. Again send recorded delivery and don't sign it
  15. Will not give my forwarding address to anyone who can't find it. They will have done a trace but as i am not on the electoral register their any more (haven't been for over ten years) then they shouldn't be sending letters their full stop. As you will have read in my last post the disputed debt is over four years old now and i will just wait until is statute barred before they get anything from me ie letter with true address. I have spoken to Scotcall about sending letters to my parents house (pretended i was my brother) and told them i would be complaining to the OFT and TS about their conduct. They don't even put my name on the letter. It just has a surname on it. Totally against OFT guidelines.
  16. Send them this (adjust to suit ie date etc) http://www.consumerforums.com/resources/templates-library/86-debt-collectors/571-failiure-to-provide-a-copy-of-the-agreement-within-the-prescribed-timescale
  17. Wouldn't normally disagree with you Mr T but as the OP states they don't know what the debt is for. I would personally send dcakillers letter and see what they come back with. I wouldn't send a cca request off as it mightn't be a loan or credit card debt.
  18. I have had a problem with EON (POWERGEN) fro a disputed debt from about four years ago. I have since moved out of the house i was in and they have now passed the debt on to Scotcall (dca) who are now constantly writing to my parents house. I haven't lived their for ten years!! Don't give them any information, as you say they are trying to get as much info as they can should you decide the debt is in dispute and you move out.
  19. Telephone harassement letter http://www.consumerforums.com/resources/templates-library/52-harassment/135--harassment-by-telephone-response-letter-
  20. He's not away now. This was four years ago. He has only just started to recieve letters off these idiots (last six months).
  21. It's not too late to ask for your credit agreement. If you need any help on how to do this just ask. Try not to worry to much about this as these people are bullies and have no power whatsoever. They rely on intimidating you. From now on do not speak to them on the phone, deal with them in writing only.
  22. Hello all Just been giggling away to myself over a letter my mate got off Credit Solutions today. He has just phoned me and read the letter out to me. Little bit of info for you first though. My mate worked for the job centre about four years ago. He handed his notice in as he was off to Australia for a year with his missus backpacking. In the last six months he has been recieving letters off these idiots asking for money for an 'alledged' overpayment the job centre had paid him. Roughly £600. I have told him to send them the prove it letter (and to modify it slightly) which he did. That was about three weeks ago. Well this morning he recieves a letter off these mugs-this is the letter word for word: FINAL WARNING We refer to our previous communications and are dissapointed that you have not made reasonable propsals to clear your debt. The manner in which you have conducted your account is unacceptable and cannot continue. Our client is not prepared for this sum to remain outstanding any longer and unless payment is made to Credit Solutions within 7 days from the date of this letter, court proceedings may be commenced against you without further warning or notice. Legal action would result in further charges being added to your account as follows: Solicitors £70 Court Fee £80 If you wish to discuss the contents of this letter or to make proposals to settle this debt please telephone us. Please do not simply write as our time limits are now very strict. That's all the letter. I particularly like the last two lines and also the fact that they have totally ignored his request for proof of the overpayment. Any suggestions anyone? or any comments greatly appreciated. Anyone had this letter before?
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