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Everything posted by citizenkain

  1. the outcome is they will want the overpayment back and probably that will be that under the circumstances,dont fret about it
  2. what if she had just moved there or something?,some poor weak old girl wandering the streets cos she couldn't get in her house,lol,maybe collapsing with the cold? just a sad little body with no hope?
  3. there was a bloke on telly last night,had his licence revoked in similar circumstances a few years before,never got it sorted,got stopped by police and lost his car as technically he didn't have a current licence,just beware
  4. things like this do happen,I remember back in the 1990s going home to a flat I had on a estate in Clydebank,the estate was earmarked for demolition,my flat was one of the last still in use,I got home from work and their was a big padlock holding the door together,the electricity people had come to empty the coin meter,obviously no one was in,they somehow obtained authorisation to force the door,empty the meter,padlock it up and they put a note on the door explaining this and a number to call to get the door open? It was late at night when I got home and read this so I just kicked the door in but I often think what would have happened if it had been some little old woman coming home to that? because the estate was derelict someone in an office must have decided it was ok to break in,I should have taken it further but I was moving anyway,it can happen though..
  5. it seems a long time to wait and make enquiries,you are obviously trying to get a council flat from them in that area,maybe you need to just take the debt on to get on the list,councils keep long records these days.
  6. Maybe the people that put the metal door on were some kind of renegade council employees,that just found some metal doors and decided to go round putting them on random peoples houses just for a laugh!
  7. Hmm,just looking at this,some tenant gets broke into in june 1997,the council put a steel door on,tenancy ends in feb 1998,tenant has recently found out he owes £1090 cos he tried to get on council home list. Theres a whole lot missing here,where was he all these years?,waiting outside the property? wondering when the metal door was coming off? The op must have a load of paperwork from the council regards this,I am sure there story is a lot different,its a pointless post really.
  8. this person needs to get mental help from his doctor,hes on some kind of crusade,its the same old story hes posting all over the internet,not just here,its pointless advising him anything as he is just constantly tell lies for attention,to keep some kind of drama going,its phychiatric help he needs.
  9. this person needs to get mental help from his doctor,hes on some kind of crusade,its the same old story hes posting all over the internet,not just here,its pointless advising him anything as he is just constantly tell lies for attention,to keep some kind of drama going,its phychiatric help he needs.
  10. your thread doesn't make any sense,whats taxing a vehicle got to do with your details being up to date with dvla???
  11. doubt you will have too much bother over £44 a year,but some of these people try and make a mountain out of a molehill,dont worry about it and enjoy your weekend
  12. Ive noticed a lot of people coming onto forums with similar complaints about similar warranties,theyre not worth the paper they are printed on because,as you say,they don't cover wear and tear,that big get out clause,youd be better just keeping your money in the bank for when it breaks down and sort it.
  13. if the blokes been diagnosed by doctors etc and got disability pyments,why are you bothered?,its a fact the DWP don't chuck money out willy nilly,you don't personally know what the blokes real medical condition is,you seem to be miffed that hes doing ok,get on with your own life and do yourself a favour,if this person is doing something illegal,underhand he will get caught soon enough.
  14. they should chase the LL for it but councils have a nasty habit of chasing the wrong people
  15. when they get you,whether they prosecute you or not they always take the overpayment out of future benefits,however much it is and however long ago it was
  16. At the end of the day its your word against the landlords and you've got a tenancy agreement saying your responsible for any council tax,I personally think the landlord should at least half the council tax bill with you,but he probably wont,hes just gonna put you in the frame with the council after showing them his copy of the tenancy agreement,councils are notorious for chasing council tax money
  17. I don't understand this,you say you were told by the landlord you didn't have to pay council tax and it says on your tenancy agreement you are liable?,you must have signed this so you are liable.
  18. hmm,why don't you give up flogging this gay guy thing?,its 2014 nobody cares a damn if you are a homosexual or not,you are obviously some kind of attention grabbing type,come down off the cross,do yourself a favour,nobody really cares.
  19. the reason I asked how long you parked there was in case you left your car there for several days and they've added the bay you were in to the suspension while you've been gone.
  20. the fraud people can check all your bank details,shares,premium bonds etc,but your letter is from the compliance people they get folk in now and again and you've probably got nothing to worry about.
  21. well jm2k,Im glad you are getting some compensation from this person regards the damage to your vehicle which was done to your car in your designated parking space,I don't think anyone chirped in with scathing remarks just obvious comments based on your initial posting,ie,heres me parking next to this big swinging gate hitting my car,what will I do,the obvious answer was,why park there and park elsewhere,,youve only just,in your last post expanded on that saying its your parking space and you've been parking there for years,people tend to remark on the information given,Im sure everyone that has looked in on your last post is glad you have had a positive result and hopes everything is ok with you in the future,best of luck
  22. Different property owners own different premises. i woulnt be parking on someone else land would i,,, ,well,no one else would know that,if its your proper designated space and someone else is making your space into a hazardous dangerous area with a gate swinging into it, I would be taking plenty of pictures and get onto cab for a free half hour with one of their lawyers as that is out of order ,what if the gate hit you or a passenger and injured you?
  23. this has happened to me a few times,if you are sick before or just after a bank holiday they don't pay you it
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