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  1. Hi, I should have updated my photo on my driving license six months ago, but forgot due to ill health. I am doing it now but unable to do it online as my passport is more than 5 years old. The dvla message just says my license is invalid and I must renew it using standard post office method. Problem is, Im going on holiday tomorrow and am using a hire car. Does anyone know if Im still allowed to drive whilst waiting for new license to arrive ? and more importantly do hire companies check dvla database? Everything else is fine as Im still licensed otherwise for another 15 years. Thanks
  2. Hi I wonder if anyone can help in advising me? I had a WCA with atoz nearly 2 years ago. They failed me, benefits stopped, I appealed and won my tribunal on mental factors, then put on ESA (WRAG). Just had a letter from ATOZ calling me in for a second interview only this time face-to-face only (no physical exam). Does anyone know why this is? and as its face-to-face only is it still assessed on points gained? I still suffer with mental health problems and heavily medicated and Im worried how this will come over at the interview. Thanks
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