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Everything posted by cfs_too

  1. Hi, I'm only in here briefly tonight but I have been through this personally myself. As Emmzzi says, you must contact HR and find out the exact terms of the policy. I believe your employer is obliged to give you the policy terms, I attained a copy under the Data Protection Act. I had major problems with my company attempting to 'terminate my employment', whilst they were not bothered in chasing up UNUM to establish the exact reason as to why the policy stopped paying. In my circumstances I was still entitled to cover, (i.e. the terms had not finished) and UNUM sent me to a Psychiatrist in an attempt to place ME/CFS under mental health when in is recognised as neurological. UNUM were really awful, and I had a fight for the policy to continue whilst in employment. My employer like yours attempted to get rid of me, but I took advice from a solicitor who has expertise in this area. I believe your employer has to follow up with UNUM properly, ie if you want to know why payment has stopped. They cant just take UNUMs word for it, there is an 'appeal process' which the employer is obliged to perform on your behalf if you request this of them. This is of course relevant to the policy still having time to run, and UNUM just stopping payment as they (find any excuse to) decide you are not covered ie fit for work. I know I am not allowed to advertise on here, but there as details of this in a well know ME magazine. With leaflets also available for advice on PHI. You might want to call them up and purchase a leaflet, and a magazine for some advice. Also searching on PHI and employer responsibilities on the internet can bring up some interesting reading. Also, as the ball has started rolling you might want to sent DPA requests to both UNUM and your employer. UNUM send you all your info directly (due to confidentiality) so don't let your employer tell you they are entitled to see all of UNUMs notes. Likewise, you should get a complete copy of the policy and all correspondence between your employer and UNUM, from your employer which should fall under the DPA also. Not a nice thing to request from the employer, and mine got quite annoyed with me for requesting it. But I found out that my employer was not completing the documents accurately to UNUM, in addition to the basic fact UNUM were using any excuse not to pay. Im sorry I cant help any further tonight, Ive just signed on quickly as I have ATOS issues. Funny enough i've heard the ATOS test was contributed to by UNUM! Good Luck Me_too
  2. Hi Margaret, Thank you for taking the time to read my thread, I have followed yours for a while, looks like I'll be following in your footsteps. I was rather stressed so I called them. Wrong I know, as I mumble and get confused, but am I glad I did and am I glad I have a truecall machine! In summary, there are no notes of my request for either centre a or a recording. Surprise surprise. However after a while I established that one of my requests, ie notice for the appointment WAS on the notes. This 'notice period' due to my driver for the day having to give notice at work. This request was written in exactly the same paragraph, each of 3 times but below the request for centre b and recording. They have been extremely selective in what they have placed on the 'notes'. The ATOS person just kept telling me 'not on my notes'. ATOS person reminded me I can only change the appiomtment once, I questioned is this relevent if they have not taken my disability into consideration when making the appointment? No response. When I explained 'accessibility issues' with centre A, (which is a well known centre and clearly reported on BBC news as inaccessible), the ATOS person stated that there is nothing on their notes which indicate I have accessibility issues!!! I kind of knew that they would be selective, but that is ridiculous! Not sure how many time I quoted 'reasonable adjustments', ATOS were very good at ignoring this comment. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, but so far all I have experienced is blatent lies, looks like I'm in for the long haul. Also good for me that another person has taken them to court re access issues, and that the centre A has been clearly defined as inaccessible, and that alternative centres will be provided as a 'reasonable adjustment'! Oh, and they will not accept 'appointees', Again why have this in the damn form if they are not reading it! I have to contact DWP, who in turn will not accepts appointees over the telephone, in writing only. Off to bed now, need some rest before attempting to write some lettes! Thanks for your advice, I will have a read later. Me_too
  3. Hi, I've had a look around the forums and can't quite find the answer to my question, so I thought I'd post here to see if anyone has some advice on what I should do. Last week I returned my ESA50 for my conversion from IB to ESA. It was damn hard work filling it in, i had help and we wrote pages of supporting information etc, with specialist medical evidence. I've had a relapse in my illness which means I have completely lost the past 10 days due to post-exertion fatigue. I was hoping that I would be one of the lucky ones and avoid the dreaded medical, but it wasn't to be. I got my appointment through for an afternoon, 14 days from receipt of the letter. Why do I have a problem? I have mobility issues and having been to my closest centre (A) before, which is approximately 20 miles away, I specifically requested 3 times, on my ESA50, on the attached pages of notes and in a separate covering letter not to goto centre (A) and I specifically requested centre (B) which is 8 miles further away from my home address. I made sure I was specific in my explanation that centre (A) is inaccessible with no drop off point, and that centre (B) I could be dropped off outside. I explained mobility issues upfront and yet this has been ignored. Also I requested a recorded assessment (again on all 3 documents) and there is no mention on the appointment I have received that this has been granted. I also have issues on the telephone, so I have requested for postal contact only, unless when discussing an appointment and I gave a friends number for them to specifically call. Of course there was no call. Having read around, there is clearly no reading of any of the literature I sent! I should have known better really. What can I do? I don't want centre (A) as I cannot be dropped off outside, and attending there will be detrimental to my health. I also want the assessment recorded, do I or my friend have to call to confirm this and try to change the centre. Or doi wait until Monday (earliest opportunity) to post copies of 'centre b' requests to DWP or ATOS? To ensure there is a paper trail? What happens if I turned up to the appointment and there was no recording equipment? Do I have to participate? Stressed is an understatement! Thanks Me_too
  4. Hi Dx and Annie, Thanks for the reassurance. I thought I should ignore and place to the back of my mind, I think I just needed a little convincing. As always, thanks for the advice. me_too
  5. Hello Dx, The default date is early 2009, as defaulted by HFC before selling to Marbles. I think this is why Capquest provided a 'T&C' printed between 'Me_too and Marbles' dated September 2008, which is before Marbles even purchased the debt! It's a little late to read the small print, to see if it allows them to add interest, but as it isn't valid anyway I don't think it really matters if it states if they can add interest. I think I'm fairly confident that this is unenforceable, I seem to recall reading HFC shredded lots of their original documents. The DN has failings, the CCA is a copy of a 'moisten and seal' application form and I haven't seen any T&C's which relate to the account upon opening or default. If it was enforceable I'm sure I would have been taken to court long before now. I've just had a look through old statements and there are a few £12 late payments, but not many. Not enough to make a dent in the balance. Also very few PPI charges, as when these were all added to my account incorrectly I made sure they were cancelled straight away. I can definitely vouch that companies added PPI on without permission in the late 90's and early 2000's as I working in the Loan industry and had PPI added when I have never taken it out! But seeing the wrong balance has started me thinking......what if they do take me to court......not a good thing to worry about really. As I said I have a pile of 'we will take court action' letters from Capquest, none of which have ever been followed up. Me_too
  6. Hi, Many many years ago I opened a Beneficial Credit Card (a moisten and seal application) which later was sold to Marbles and then to Capquest. From 2008 I made token payments to HFC (Beneficial) as I was struggling with my finances (due to disability etc). Beneficial were not the most pleasant to deal with, defaulted the debt quite early and sold to Marbles. Marbles were a pain in the ****, and refused to correspond in regards to the debt. I stopped token payments at this point. Marbles did not contact me at all for the whole year they owned the debt, nor provided any statements (as the account was already defaulted) before selling on to Capquest. Then I had the 'experience' from Capquest merry go round of harassment so I CCA'd capquest as well as writing many formal complaints. also SAR'd both Marbles and Capquest and received numerous 'constructed' documents. It was quite shocking. In response to the CCA request, they were unable to attain a copy of my CCA, and stated they were trying to attain a copy from Marbles (good luck there!!). I finally received a copy of the original app form (moisten and seal) dated in the late 90's. Along with some Marbles T&C's which were never applicable as the account was defaulted long before Marbles purchased the account. Capquest then stated they were 'waiting' for further information from Marbles in reference to the account, although not stating exactly what. For the last 3 years I have heard nothing from Capquest, no statements, nothing further on my CCA request etc. No arrears notices. Nothing. However I have just looked at my CRA and they continue to add quite a bit of interest every month. I thought that a DCA was only allowed to add interest if the T&C's permitted them too - and as they have declined to provide any T&C's relating to when the account was defaulted or anytime before then I do not believe this interest should be added. I know I shouldn't really worry about this, my CRA is trashed anyway for another couple of years but I have concerns that if they manage to take this to court then the balance is wrong by over £3000! I dont feel as though I should contact them (sleeping dogs and that) but at the back of my mind this is wrong and I wonder if I should get the reporting stopped? Any advice? MT
  7. I've been a member of this site for a few years, and it has been a lifesaver to me regarding health issues and debt issues as a result of my disability. Not once in my time have I read racist comment on here, and I felt so strongly that I needed for my own sanity to write a response to the op. I find your reference above to be offensive, some might see this as an overreaction, but it is offensive to me, and I'm sure some others too. Whilst my comments are not related to the content of this thread, I would point out I too am a white British citizen, I too could not afford children when I should have had them, however I am in a mixed raced relationship and I am just sick to the teeth of all of the 'British white citizen' comments that seem to be more frequently mentioned in today's society. Times have changed, get off the bandwagon of 'British white citizen'. People are born here with a different colour skin, they too are British citizens. People move here who are not British citizens. It does not matter the colour of their skin. Do you really have a problem with the government giving away 'your hard earned' cash to families? I think your issues are a little bit bigger than begrudging children a better quality of life. Get over yourself.
  8. Hi, I don't wish to hijack this thread, but in reading through a few of the BC threads I just wanted to say this has also happened to me. EGG card defaulted in 2008, default currenlty on all CRAs. Account was purchased by BC in 2011 (already in status of default). Letter through from BC referencing DN issued by Mercers (Er no, EGG in 2008). And they would add a default etc. Sent Formal Complaint, in response they said Yes Mercers have sent you DN, and included copies of DN for OTHER BC, NOT EGG accounts! That they will add a default! These DNs were dated 2008, so not only for another account, but 3 years before BC purchased the account! Sent a 2nd Formal Complaint, which was ignored. I have just recieved DSAR info, my formal compliant was referenced as a S78 request in their internal systems? A way of keeping the complaint stats down? Which body deals with complaints statistics? I feel an urge to write to them, as my stats for BC formal complaints clearly aren't being included in any figures. I'm not sure if this should, just go straight to FOS, with a copy to OFT (re we will add a default, even though defaulted years ago etc), and possibly to ICO? Surely if they are sending out letters stating they will add defaults when they cant then the ICO can intervene? Only just recieved my DSAR info, partial compliance but brain shattered reading what they have supplied. Lots of misreporting.....am I surprised. Not in the slightest. Best bit though, was the little statement next to the s77/78 request comments which said 'unenforceable'. Please don't get me wrong, I am not avoiding paying. I am disabled since 2006, and these horrible people have caused my disabity to get worse over periods of time with the constant harrasment and lies etc. Token payments were paid for many years, but now can't really afford these either. A truecall was the best purchase I ever made! Slowly but surely fending them all off. Its taken me over 5 years. At least when I read unenforceable I realise there is less or zero chance of being taken to court, which is some relief and allows me to give time to the creditors who can enforce through the courts. MT
  9. Hello, I sent a Formal Complaint to AMEX, because they supplied an illegible copy of an application form, undated terms and no statement of account and returned £1 fee. I complained their response was a failure, and I recieved a reply, which totally avoided my 'failure to comply with s77/78' complaint but instead referenced previous payments made = acknowledgement. They also sent a copy of app form which was worse than the first one, again no statement of account and another undated terms. Application form was from 1999. I am unable to now make any payments (disabled and on benefits) and am trying to keep them at bay. Is it worth a further complaint? Is this failure enough to keep the DCA away? Thanks, ME_too
  10. Hi slick, Thanks for the quick response. Letter to be prepared tomorrow. Me_too
  11. Hi, I have CCA'd AMEX re a very old card (had been paying token payments of £1 for over 4 years but can't really afford to pay all token payments as on IB so I stopped a few months ago) and I thought that I should CCA all of the CC's to buy myself some time. It was a formal request with £1 PO. Today I received a response, AMEX have returned the fee, and provided a copy of the app form, a bad and barely legible one, with a set of terms of when the card was started in 1999 (unsure if they are a true copy). They have referred me to look back at previous statements for balances! I have been paying RMA for 4 years and not once have I recieved any documentation on the balance etc, I have only ever recieved about 4 emails requesting a new I&e form (ignored each time). My question here, is that as they do not reference any compliance with s78 etc, it appears that this is not a response under the formal request for a copy of the agreement etc. I think they have not responded to the formal request as they should have done, and have the returned the fee so that they 'get away' without responding properly? Should I sent the CCA request has not been fulfilled template letter, and should I resend the payment back to them - just to be sure? I thought they had to provide a statement of account, which in my interpretation, is a balance on the account (balance recieved for other CCA requests). Any advice will be much appreciated as I have not recieved such a minimal response to a CCA yet, and I have sent over 15 in the past few years (for myself and others). Thanks me_too
  12. Hi slick, Thanks for the advice - when I get the information I will be sure to put it into the spreadsheets. However.......Barclaycard are really beginning to annoy me! First DSAR sent 2009 (other original BC account) and i received a partial provision but left it as I was too ill to chase up. CCA request sent, response was just blurb but the best bit posted to an address up the road - same street difference house number. I tried to complain but they basically just ignored my complaints. So, Nov 12 NEW DSAR posted. Unfortunately I mistyped ONE digit wrong on my postcode, the last digit, all other address details correct as was all account numbers etc. Response, "no accounts held at the address provided" - fair enough...... Jan 13 - 2nd attempt at DSAR request, specifically stating NOT A PPI request but £10 enclosed fro FULL disclosure, and a whole paragraph stating 'do not dismiss this request as a request for PPI, it is for FULL disclosure under DPA 1998 for all accounts and for all information', I was very specific as to the information which should be provided. There is really no way (unless you are unable to read) that this letter could not be interpreted as a Full disclosure under DPA. I would say I am quite 'experienced' in DSARs as due to my illness I became very familiar with the act when I was first ill and had to attain medical records and HR records etc, so CC's are quite easy in comparison. It's just that none of the cc companies ever comply properly and I just don't have the energy to keep fighting for the information. Today I recieve a response......." in response to you request for PPI information' blah blah blah. To say I am frustrated at their blatent attempts to avoid disclosure is an understatement. I do not have the strength, time nor money to keep sending recorded requests to them to attain this information. The best bit is that 'the provision, is not as I expected' to resend the cheque, with a signature etc for full disclosure. It is just a blatent attempt to fob me off. I did not sign the postal order, nor the letter, but I would assume that as I have lived at the address for over 10 years, and that they have recently responded to me (formal complaint), and that they did include PPI print outs with the response that this would deem enough proof that I am at the address they are in correspondance with. I intend to resubmit this request, but I am extremely reluctant to post to PO BOX and to be fobbed off yet again. Does anyone know of a more "formal" address where I can complain to, so that this DSAR request does actually get actioned? Also, not relevent to my post but my partner has posted DSAR to EGG Canada square last June, passed to BC who provided very limited statements and nothing else. Formal compliaint sent to Canada square, and BC - no response. Then LBA to Canada square, no response. Jan 13 he posted formal complaints to BC, Canada square (citi data controller) and Worthing (PPI address for Egg) - and not one response! Who can he complain to? He is trying to attain records prior to Nov 11, and ASAP before they are all shredded. He is at a loss as whom to complain to, same as me but for different reasons. We both want to complain to address where somebody will actually act on our requests. Has anybody else had similar problems! I have had a browse but as I am on a tablet it is more difficult to search the forums. Thanks Me_too
  13. Hello, Numbers 1-3 appear to be there (Number 3 doesn't have a start date though, but appears to be around the correct time) I don't have any further terms & conditions, so does this mean the CCA request is in 'default'? A quote from their letter - 'we are currently unable to provide a copy of the terms of your credit agreement as varied in accordance with section 82(1) of the Act'. We accept that we are therefore prevented from enforcing our agreement with you whilst this state of affairs continues'. Am I clutching at straws? If the CCA is in default (by not including 4 and 5 above) does this mean they can't take any 'collection' activity as opposed to 'enforcement' due to lack of original CCA? Is their statement correct, as they are admitting they do not have varied terms, which prevents them from enforcement, but my understanding is that no varied terms = failure of CCA. Please help me, I am confusing myself I'd like to tell them they have failed CCA and to leave me alone....at least for the time being. me_too
  14. Hi, Slick132 - thanks for popping in- I have sent a DSAR to Barclaycard, waiting a response but I have some of the early statements, then many years missing. They 'incorrectly' added PPI to the account upon opening which was disputed and stopped after several months (I worked in the PPI industry so knew what a great item it was! I never ever took it out). Towards the end of the account, when I became ill in 2008, there were some charges which took the account over the limit (their late charges took the account 'over limit' which they then charged further on!), but these amount to a few hundred pounds at the most. EGG were one of the first to default the account, very quick action there! Which at least stopped the excessive interest charges like all of the other CC's. So PPI (from early 2000's) and 'charges' are barley £200 - £300, which will make no dent on the £8k. So all I have to fend them off, is no 'original' CCA. thanks Me_Too
  15. Hi Brig, Thanks again for the prompt response. Last payment mid 2012, I was paying token payments for over 4 years. Acknowledgement in writing to EGG back in 2008/2009 but nothing later, and no acknowledgement to Barclaycard - I have started the process of challenging them for information. I have 2 years before it drops off my CRA files, but I think another 5 years before its statute barred. It's not looking rosy! I think I'm in for a long rough ride. I was just hoping that as the recon isn't 100% (many varied terms and conditions missing etc) then this is a breach of s78? And that they should stop trying to collect? I think the terms is grasping at straws? thanks, and the letter you did earlier is now ready to have posted for me tomorrow. Have a lovely weekend. Me_too
  16. Hi, I also have another question in reference to this Barclaycard account - It is an EGG account which defaulted about 4 years ago. Late last summer I started to receive the 'we will default you' letters etc from CSL, which surprised me as the account had already defaulted and I have a CRA file copy from 2009 to prove this. So i sent a CCA (inc. £1 PO) to CSL, who stated they were 'contacting their client'. No response so I sent a 'account in dispute' as of Dec 2012, as you have failed to fulfil obligations under CCA etc (from the library). Again no response so I sent a 2nd formal complaint to Barclaycard, who finally replied last week. My questions are in reference to what happens if they do not meet their obligations under s78? I have received a 'reconstituted' copy of the original Credit Agreement (or what appears to be something similar to one - it's just a word document of many pages of terms and conditions with my name at the top). A one line statement which states ' current credit limit = 0' and another stating current balance is £8000 (not exact figure here but approximately this amount) I have not received any other terms and conditions, in fact the Barclaycard letter clearly states 'we are currently unable to provide a copy of the terms of your credit agreement as varied in accordance with section 82(1) of the Act'. We accept that we are therefore prevented from enforcing our agreement with you whilst this state of affairs continues'. I understand the concept of a 'reconstituted' agreement can fulfil the s78 request, but they would need the original in order to enforce through the courts (Account opened 2001 or 2002). I have been a little out of touch over the past few years, and I would like some advice as to wether this is a viable provision of a reconstituted fulfilment under s78. I thought that as the 'varied' terms etc were not provided then this CCA provision is not complete, and therefore still in default and that they 'should' not chase for the monies. Or have I completely misunderstood what now fulfils the creditors obligations under s78? In summary I am trying to just get them off my back......I have too much to cope with at the moment - I'm expecting my IB to ESA form through any minute now Thanks me_too
  17. Hi Brig, Thanks for the quick response, you are a superstar! Me_too
  18. Hi, I am a bit lost as what to do next in my 'ongoing saga' of debt collection with Barclaycard and I hope that somebody can advise what I should do next. My 3rd Barclaycard account was sold by EGG to Barclaycard in Nov 2011. Both EGG and Barclaycard (for my 2 other accounts) were previously advised 'all communication in writing' - in 2008 when I first became I'll and unable to cope with phone calls for my health's sake, and when I discovered this wonderful forum. I sent the standard letters and also included a bit about disability discrimination (I.e. my disability prevents me from speaking coherently on the telephone etc). Due to illness I didn't change over SO bank details, so my £1 was being sent to EGG, for 4 years until mid 2012, when it started being rejected. Firstly I didn't notice the rejected payments, and secondly I didn't realise I should have changed the payment to BC as I didn't receive any 'change of payment details' from BC or EGG. I did get a basic, 'sold to BC' letter but didn't really pay much attention to it. Out of the blue in Sept 2012 The delightful CSL started calling (on behalf of BC) - The TRUE CALL was duly set up and a new complaints letter sent to BC re: telephone harassment. I had paid token payments for over 4 years, I am unable to pay anymore as I am disabled and unable to work. I cancelled the SO and did not reinstate. I sent a 'in writing only' letter and a new CCA request to CSL - no response. I wrote a formal complaint to BC re telephone harassment, to which I received a reply saying "Yes we have deleted your telephone numbers from our records and i will ask CSL to hold all calls for 3 weeks whilst we await your repayment proposals!" I am not sure which bit about 'do not call' and 'in writing only' they didn't understand. About 4 weeks ago, I sent a second formal complaint to BC re 'telephone harassment' and failed CCA request. I have received a response to CCA request, and a 'we are looking into your complaint' response to the letter. I will ask questions on CCA in a bit, but I really need advice on what to do about the telephone calls. Meanwhile, Barclaycard now have AIG on the case, who are calling every few days for the past month. I do have a true call which is currently blocking them, but I do live at home with my parents and it is a major problem if my father heard any call from a DCA. I really need to stop the calls, as if it gets passed onto another DCA the initial call gets through before I am able to block them and this could cause major complications in my life. The letters I have sent are the standard ones on here, which include 'harassment act' etc. What can I do next? Thanks Me_too
  19. Hi, I would sit tight, as already mentioned if he sacks you it could be an ET. I have ME and have been through an ET. It was hard, it made me far worse but it is possible if you have to do it. You should not return before you are able, your husband is right. Im sure you already know this but are worried in regards to returning to work and keeping the job long term. If you return too soon, under pressure from somebody who does not understand the ME or the issues relating to it, then in the long term you will not be looking after yourself. The main issue with ME, is that you do need to recover properly before returning, otherwise you will prolong your illness for longer. I have also been referred, and attended a hospital for ME. There are always a long waiting list to get on any courses, as they are few and far between. But it is worth waiting for. What hospital have you been referred to? Don't be bullied into returning too early, listen to your body and your GP. Me_too
  20. Hi, I haven't been around for a while and have just spent the weekend reading up on many threads, mainly re: credit agreement requests and selling of accounts to DCA's. As a summary up until a few years ago I was working and able to keep control of my debts, then I became disabled and unable to keep up repayments. I started with token payments, many CC's refused, bumped on extortionate amounts of interest before selling to a selection of DCA's. As I am disabled it is taking a while, but I am gradually sending CCA & SAR requests to all CC's and DCA's. My current aim is to get the DCA's off my back, to stop harassment until I am able to offer a F&F (my mum wants to help get rid of them and will be able to offer a small %). In 2009 I CCA'd Barclaycard. The account was originally a very old MSDW credit card, purchased by BC. BC did not provide any credit agreement and only supplied a copy BC terms from the early 2000's (which appears to be the norm upon reading many other threads). Absolutely nothing related to the account. I complained, received the usual 'we have complied - contact FOS..etc' response. I replied with another strongly worded complaint, stating the account remained in dispute. This was posted April 2010, and they didn't even bother to reply. Roll forward to Nov 11 and they have sold the account to Cabot. I have a few questions, and I wondered if anybody can please help? 1. Can they sell the account whilst they have not complied with a request under the CCA 1974? 2. secondly, all telephone numbers were removed from BC systems (letter from BC confirms this) but they are now hounding my mums telephone, the very old number on the account, which was apparently deleted by BC, is ex-directory and clearly not given out by me during the past 4 years. Are BC in breach of DPA if they have supplied this to Cabot? I am about to send CABOT telephone harassment letter. Thanks Me_too
  21. I'm so sorry to hijack this thread, but please may I ask for a little more confirmation to the above posting, I will give an example of one of my debts. Default is 3.5 years ago, and I have been making token payments since then, if I stopped token payments today - when would this debt fall off my credit report, is it 6 years from today or in another 2.5 years, ie then it would be 6 years since default? Is is that the default may disappear in 2.5 years, but underpayment still will appear for another 6 years from today? Thanks me_too
  22. Hi, I have just been reviewing my documentation for this CC and I have noticed the DN to be issued for an account of 'Beneficial' when in fact the account is a 'GM Card'. Whilst both are trading names of HFC, who are ultimately owned by HSBC - is this correct? I have not received any documentation that the 'GM card' has been renamed or purchased by Beneficial. The DCA's are also 'collecting' under the name of HSBC, which is what caused the initial confusion, as I didn't initially realise HFC is owned by HSBC due to the incredibly small print at the bottom of all letters. thanks Me_too
  23. Hi, and sorry to hijack your post......did you get a reply re: can a DCA act on behalf of another DCA? I have the same problem with wescot, and I'm not sure if I should be writing to CSL (working on behalf of wescot&oc) or just wescot? I can't write to them both and NGP who are harassing me too! As well as CSL sending a real person to my door under the disguise of a doorstep collector!
  24. Hi, They are CCs, DCA wescot, NGP solicitors (wescot), who have shipped it out to CSL. I think the account is still with GM as all letters are on behalf of various 'clients'. The most recent client is 'wescot & HSBC', so I am assuming that as wescot is the internal DCA it has now been shipped outside for a more severe 'threat'. Although I know I shouldn't panic (I've had many threats over the past 3 years by most DCA's) But I haven't read up too much on CSL recently - I think these ones will start court action sooner rather than later and I am too unwell to have to defend, although I would if I have too! The problem I have now is that I am a little stale on the more recents cases in regards to A defence used to be stronger if they don't have the original credit agreement or if the DN is faulty, a while ago this would have helped my defence but with more recent changes I don't think these defences are appropriate anymore. I've been trying to read up on newer threads but there are quite a few!
  25. Hi car2403, thanks for the advice, I am trying to achieve a F&F settlement, offer by my mum as I have no money. Just to get the DCA's off my back. I am receiving letters at less than two week intervals, and have had a doorstep collector irritating my mum at the home address. I am not there at the moment as I am away convalescing due to my illness but now that I have recieved a doorstep call i feel I need to get these people off my back or more so away from my mums doorstep when I am not there. The continued harassment by each new DCA and inability to understand I have no money is not good for my health. I was thinking that if the DN was invalid it might help to get the default removed from my credit file as all other defaults are over 3 years old, and this is a fresh one and to achieve a lower F&F settlement. Thanks
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