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  1. I'm perfectly aware of what I said and I don't like your tone. If you don't like my post don't reply but do yourself a favour and have a proper look at my arguments first if you want to say anything. There are people who 'just don't do anything' in this country for sure but the one's I'm talking about are the one's who can't afford a nursery place so they can return to work after they've had their children. Dare I say it, most don't and never have had anything to go back to. So while we're all busy shelling out for these people, some attention should be granted to those who either have no interest in having children or who, like me are waiting until they're in a job that pays at least 30K, because only this amount will safely cover the expenses of raising one child by yourself. I think this is a very socially and personally responsible attitude. If anyone wants a pension then they should be good at earning and saving, rather than wait for the state to step in.
  2. Yes and? That's not what I was talking about in my post. I was talking about the inequality between families and singletons. This notion of always having to feel sorry for families could very well form an excuse for everyone else to work a 60+ hour week. Especially if the population keeps growing.
  3. Thanks for that, we already have a homeless population in this country and you've raised a valid point in that those with children shouldn't get to that stage. However the point I clearly made in my post is that some like me postpone having children until they're earning enough to raise them in the first place. Clearly not everyone in the UK is of the same understanding though and this is the problem.
  4. All due respect you must not have gone for a job interview in the last twelve months because 'White British' is on the list of ethnicities you get given to complete. Along with 'White Irish' or 'White Scottish'. So it is perfectly valid. Check the facts first. Everyone has a right to post. Also yes I have got a problem with my hard earned cash being given away, that was the point of the post afterall? So you're saying we all should be like you and have children? Strangely enough some do and this just makes for an over loaded welfare system.
  5. What has always surprised me every time the budget has come in is just how much single people and childless couples in the UK are ignored, for the sake of those who have children. If anyone doesn't understand where I'm coming from then they should be aware that most single people aren't entitled to working tax credit if they earn a certain amount but you can be sure they'll be paying towards someone's child tax credits, no matter what their income is. This I find disgusting and I'm so sick of being a white British citizen who's worked all their life and made decisions not to settle and have children until they have enough income coming in to keep a family. This used to be the traditional expectation in this country but clearly not now. 200,000 in skilled occupations left the country last year in search of a better life. I can't see this figure going down. This is only a small country and with a growing population it will further sink under the weight of those who just don't do anything but still need to be kept. We don't need more children, no country does but we do need people who can work and keep the system going, but they are leaving and why should they stay? The government should be encouraging those who only have themselves to rely on and not those who will always need benefits. The former would be a much cheaper option for the government anyway, clearly.
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