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Everything posted by younganfree

  1. Final decision is obviously yours Rich, but I don't see why recorded shouldn't be sufficient. I've never had any problems with anything I've sent recorded, and I use it quite regularly.
  2. Yes, nic, be prepared for it to go all the way. They want you frightened because then you may back down and they win! Don't give them the satisfaction. Stick with it and you will come out the winner. You've done most of the hard work, now all that remains is to hold your nerve.
  3. Sounds complicated, richard_b! Why do you think they'll need proof of prior addresses? If they have your current address won't that do?
  4. Goes without saying vodster, but if you insist, "Good Luck, dude!"
  5. Hi, godfreyrat. It certainly makes sense to use interest free credit cards while you can get them, but these may dry up eventually, or if the cc companies latch on to what you're doing they may not accept you in the future, so why not try to pay off slightly more than the minimun each month? That way you'll clear your debt earlier. Good luck with the claim. I read somewhere today that one forum member is not having their account closed, so maybe A&L are having a change of heart on this one. Fingers crossed that's the case.
  6. That's great news, dude! Glad you shared the fact that you'd had doubts - it shows others that it's worth continuing the fight. Mind you, if you'd come on here and told us you were thinking of jacking it in - we wouldn't've let you! lol. Well done, dude. Enjoy.
  7. Not too sure of my ground here, 1234, but maybe someone can add to the debate if I start it. I think I'd be right in saying that if the account is put into DISPUTE then they can't send in the recovery guys. I'm hoping very much that someone can jump in here with advice on wording for you! You say you don't want the account closed, but if it's o/d aren't you at risk of more and more spiralling charges? Wouldn't it be best for you to have the account closed to stop this happening? You've got your PO account so you don't have any wories about opening another one.
  8. MJ, you really want to chill! As the saying goes 'don't cross your bridges before you come to them'. You're just storing up trouble for yourself if you do. Unless of course you're one of those people who just love to worry. I've always found that worrying over something doesn't make it any better, and if what you're worrying about doesn't happen then you've worried for no reason! If you've followed the tried and tested formula of the BAG, you'll be fine. A&L use scare tactics, and reading round the threads you'll see it works, most people are scared witless! They keep up the fight though, that's the main thing. Just like you are doing. Forget about the court bundle for now. Read round the threads again and take comfort from those who've finished the fight and received their money. You WILL get your cheque.
  9. Do not mention interest in your prelim approach, monkey_man.
  10. This may not be of help or relevant to your problem, but I've read somewhere that any changes will cost you £35.
  11. Calm down, don't worry, and take one step at a time. Wait for A&L to enter their defence first. 8-)
  12. Try Customer Contact Centre, Bootle, Merseyside, GIR OAA.
  13. It's the fact that A&L have accepted the figure of £4.50 so meekly that speaks volumes to me!
  14. Just a thought, but if MBNA took over from A&L shouldn't they have taken all the old 'paperwork' too?
  15. You appear very efficient and very confident, Chris. Keep up the good work! 8-)
  16. Only MHO, MJ, but I'd let it play out and see what happens. If worst came to worst and it ended up in the courtroom (unlikely from past experiences shown on the forum), then they could go through your schedule charge by charge and have the 'dodgy' ones removed by the judge but you'd still be entitled to the rest as legitimate claims. If I'm incorrect in thinking this, I'm sure someone will put me right! 8-)
  17. Good thing your Nan has you looking out for her!
  18. Hi, helenm1984, we've always got encouraging words! Hang in there; A&L make you take it to court but up till now have always paid out after entering a defence. They're just making everyone jump through hoops to get their money, presumably in the belief that some will fall by the wayside if they make it difficult enough.
  19. You should be very good at doing that now, noisy, you've had plenty of practice! Keep up the good work.
  20. Hi, ripata. Firstly, no point jumping the gun, give them till Wednesday to see if they comply. Secondly, (minor point but important nonetheless), there's no need to start a new thread every time you've a question to ask. Just go back to your original A&L thread, it makes it easier to see what your progress has been so far. This helps us see what you've already done, so we don't give you the same advice again. It also helps new viewers to the site, who can then see the process we have to go through to claim the charges back, which in turn helps them to decide whether or not to go ahead with their own claims.
  21. Only MHO, but stick to the Bootle address, it's worked fine for other claimants. Send the letter again, recorded or special delivery, then they can't claim non-receipt! Don't waste your time and money on phone calls, you'd probably get different advice everytime.
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