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Everything posted by younganfree

  1. Just bear in mind that the £35 fee for amending is not reclaimable. If you think you'll have more charges to claim in future anyway, you may think it's worth waiting and starting another claim. 8)
  2. If you're calling them again, all you can do is set out the whole story again as you've told us here. Whatever you do try not to lose your temper with them, they'll just dig their heels in. Failing that, I believe you'll be able to write to them with a complaint at their inconsistant behaviour, and if that fails to rectify the situation you'll be able to complain to the FSO. Sorry I can't think of anything more proactive. But best of luck anyway. 8)
  3. As they've said "...will let you have our response as soon as possible", why not decide on how long you wish to give them to consider the matter (a week? 2 weeks?), then if you haven't heard send them the letter b4 action, which can be found in the template library. Yours is an unusual approach BB, there's a tried and tested formula that we use on the CAG, so it'll be interesting to see what develops. Keep us informed.
  4. Lesley, if I was in your situation I'd pay up to make the problem go away. By your own admission you can afford to do so. It sounds like this would cause you no great hardship, so why not take the easy way out and relieve yourself of an extra headache? The charges that caused the o/d can be added to your claim so you'll get them back anyway. OK, they may win this small battle, but you will eventually win the war, and then you'll have the satisfaction of taking the moral high ground. So don't give in to the anger, it really isn't worth the emotional expenditure.
  5. Congrats! This is a much needed boost to morale for the forum.
  6. Don't know about the 'Reclaim the Right' bit but the address to use at this stage is the Bootle address. Switch to the Narborough address for the court proceedings.
  7. Were they beyond the 6 years when you first claimed or have they gone beyond the 6 years in the meantime? If they've gone beyond in the meantime, they were legitimate when you started your claim and should therefore be left in the claim. If they were beyond the 6 years when you first claimed, then you could possibly leave them in there anyway - especially as there are only 2 - and the worst that can happen is that they get thrown out if you come to the point of standing b4 a judge! They shouldn't have any effect on the rest of your claim.
  8. Just MHO Jess, but I'd've thought they'd be as acceptable as the statements we receive each month. After all it is a record of your account as provided via the A&L internet banking site, and as such is a legitimate and official 'statement of account'.
  9. Aye. When I were a lad........... Do you remember when there used to be a 'listening bank'? And 'the bank that likes to say "YES"'? If any of them bother to listen at all now the answer is bound to be "No", lol.
  10. We're all waiting with baited breath. A win is just what is needed at the moment, to boost fading morale!
  11. I get the impression that it's not a straight £12 per charge that is being reclaimed, but that they 'pick and choose' which charges they are going to refund, THEN offer £12 for each of these.
  12. I agree dudes, it's all just a sign of the banking times. Only a matter of a couple of years ago, my mum (bailing me out, bless her) put some money into my account on a Saturday morning, to tide me over till payday. She asked when the money could be drawn on and was told it was available 'Immediately'. You just don't get that now.
  13. Yay, jansus, you've learned how to do the 'link' thing. Took me ages to do that too!
  14. If they've offered money in 'full and final settlement' can it be accepted as a partial settlement? Maybe if you tried this they'd just withdraw the offer. Not totally sure of my ground on this one, though, so maybe someone else can offer an opinion. As far as 'paid item charges' are concerned, these are reclaimable.
  15. 'General opinion' at the moment, colheath, would probably be that if you're not DESPERATE for the money you'd be better to go with your instinct and reject the offer. If everyone starts accepting these low offers just because it's 'easier' then it strenghtens the bank's resolve against the rest of us! Giving in due to 'financial necessity' is one thing, caving cos it's 'easier' is something else. Keep the faith, dude. 8-)
  16. What I find slightly annoying about the forum being monitored is that they can see when something they do makes a claimant 'wobble'! And I have witnessed a fair amount of wobbling just recently. Admittedly, this has mostly been as a result of financial difficulty for the claimant and the immediate need for the money far outweighs the principle of getting all their money back. In those circumstances who can blame them for settling for a lesser amount? I know I don't. But I, for one, would hate to see a knock on effect of others settling just cos it's 'easier' - this will have a diluting effect on what the CAG site has spent a great deal of time achieving. CAG members have never made a secret of their usage of the site, (there are envelope stickers and all sorts available!), so let anyone who wishes to, go ahead and monitor the site - there is nothing to hide. But please, everyone, let's stay strong and show these geezers that no matter what they throw in the way or however long they try to draw things out, they'll not deter people from claiming back what is rightfully theirs!
  17. Try to keep all your posts on one thread, tequilacat, it can get confusing if you have too many on the go at once! Stick to the other thread as your main one.
  18. The best advice anyone can give you tequila is to spend a few hours (better still a few days) reading round the CAG site. Read some of the threads on the A&L and A&L SUCCESS forums to see what other claimants are going/have gone through, that way you'll know what to expect. Also have a good look through the FAQs, so that you'll be 'tooled-up' with everything you need to follow through your claim. We'll be here to advise and encourage, but ultimately it's your claim and we can't do it for you. Remember, you are threatening to take the bank to court, which is a serious undertaking, and though there is a high %age rate of success on this forum it will be a roller-coaster ride for you, so should not be entered into without knowing what you're doing. Good Luck.
  19. Hi Maximus. Why not take the simple route to begin with? You could write or e-mail them to the effect that - due to the upheaval of changing banks and in the confusion of having to switch your dds between banks yourself, an error arose causing the recent application of a £34 charge to your account. Under the circumstances, and as you have now hopefully got all your banking needs settled and should therefore not be in a position to warrant such charges again would they use their discretion in this instance to refund the £34 charge on this occasion. Thanks in anticipation, etc. It may be enough to do the job for you, sometimes the softly softly approach works better than getting stroppy - all they want then is to strop back!
  20. Letters in the template library can be customised to individual needs as necessary, colheath. Good luck with the claim.
  21. Hi, Russjo. I'd hazard a guess that the difference in treatment of your and your son's cases by A&L is purely down to the difference in amounts you're claiming.
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