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  1. All this needs is one person to take them to court, and defend themselves with regard libel, they will have to prove the info is truthful, which if they are unable to persuade a judge they are telling the truth then the whole thing will collapse,
  2. you should have a look at leakingwindscreen.com to see how RAC operate......
  3. THE SAGA CONTINUES:- i am still having a lot of hassle with Capital Bank, i now have a solicitor and we had an inspection carried out on th ecar today and they have found loads wrong with it including evidence of a poor repair from an accident, can any one tell me the law in scotland with regards a dealer selling used cars that are damaged repairables, we dont know how badly damaged it was but the repair was a botch and is now rusting.... It just gets better and better, i paid £6000 for the car and the engineer said today it was worth about £5-600. just waiting on his written report now,
  4. The information commissioners office is a joke, i have spent 8 months asking them to sort out capital bank and they say that capital bank have implied permission to use my data and there is nothing i can do about it,
  5. Well i ont want to give you no hope, but i have been battling wiht capital bank over a faulty car for 7 months alerady and i have been down the trading standads route also, given what you have said i think a solicior is your best bet but bear in mind my own solicitor has been ignored totally by capital bank, you will find most big companies have the atitude that they have deeper pockets than anyone else and that means they can knock over consumers easily...but saying that you must fight them How long did you have the car before the problem became aparent, is the fault major...how have you only covered 400 miles in 7 months, what is the fault, make and model of car.
  6. Are you able to give more details, how old is the car, how long have you had it, miles covered the more info the more people can help,
  7. OH yes, i reckon 2 billion this year alone, not to mention the last 6 years, at least they are not going to run out of money
  8. Just spotted this on the bbc site, BBC NEWS | Scotland | HBOS promising record dividends it basically states that HBOS has made £2.96Bn for the first half of the year and paid out £79M in charges refunds,
  9. I have taken a company to court once, and when it finally came to the crunch i had all the evidence etc and the judge turned round and said theres your money now what else do you think you want, i replied a judgement against the company as i did not come here for money, his reply! well your not getting that the defendant has paid you XXXX, case closed..... Not exactly fair....but my only court experience....and no i was not after the money i wanted the judgement....
  10. I am afraid this result has destroyed my faith in the UK justice system, i think this country is ripping us off, big business has the run of the country and there is nothing we can do about it,
  11. How could we expect Tom to win over a bank that probably has lots of goverment ministers as shareholders, they would not be losing, i see that he can not claim for compensation but the news is not saying much about the actual charges
  12. I dont understand why the fine? that does not make sense
  13. BBC NEWS | Business | US worry fails to hit HSBC profit Just noticed this on the BBC site, HSBC have paid back £116 Million in overdraft fees...still a drop in the ocean compared with profits of £6.7bn. i reckon the banks are making so much money that it does not matter what anyone does, they will continue to make more money.
  14. what time do we expect to hear, i have to go out soon and the tension is hurting me.....
  15. A conspiracy maybe, i for one will not trust big business, there are to many goverment officials working for these guys for it to be anything else, i usually will not be sitting with the conspiracy theory but it looks mighty suspicious.......
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