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Everything posted by mathmagician

  1. Update They have agreed to release her from the contract but they took £200 for services they didn't provide. The manager she spoke to has said he will listen to the sales call to see if it was mis-sold. Anyone had similar experience or advice?
  2. Has anyone else had any issues with this company and how were they resolved. My partner has paid them for a profesisonally designed website but it turned out to be templates with personal information copied in. It was riddled with typos and poor grammar. After my partner went in and edited it (including changing the template to make it a bit more personalised) they went in and changed it all around without informing her. Customer service has been appalling with promises of call backs which never materialise. My partner has cancelled all payments to them and is taking legal advice. She has drafted her first letter which gave them 14 days to respond however they failed to. She is about to write a second one with a 7 day deadline after which we are going to file court action. This company is an absolute disgrace, avoid at all costs.
  3. Oh they need to eat, but they need something that won't make them boom and bust if you'll forgive me stealing the expression. Slow release carbs and protein. Not processed sugar.
  4. Going to jump in as a non-nutritionaly trained teacher here Schools will have policies regarding what is allowed to be sold on the premises and will encourage students who bring packed lunches to consider healthy options where possible (I teach at secondary). However I would like to turn the argument around somewhat here. While this isn't the reason healthy eating in schools was launched,there is one major benefit. Now munchkins haven't hoovered up 1000 calories of fast release energy at lunch, they aren't all sat in my lessons crashing from their sugar highs. Quite frankly, while they're in my classroom and on school time, they should be fed with something that will provide them with lasting energy and without causing them to go into carb-laden digestive stupor (chips etc). If my job is to educate them, as has been underlined so many times in this thread, then surely the students should be in the best frame of mind and well energised to face the challenges I set before them.
  5. Interestingly I thought I'd remove mine as well because I had 15 odd calls last week due to running my account close to the overdraft limit...? (really, no one ever bothered contacting me when I went over and they could charge me!) And you can no longer leave the fields blank... Means some poor sod whose number I have randomly entered will get harassed next time I run it too close to the wire
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