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Everything posted by mathmagician

  1. The DCA won't pass the cheque on to the dentist. If you want to go the route of paying the DCA then it will have to be made out to them. They will then carry on sending threat-ograms to your son for the remaining £50.24, which he can then ignore. Personally I would be sending the cheque by recorded delivery to the dentist with a letter headed "in full and final payment" and ignore the DCA. If it ever went to court (which it won't) a judge would be very upset to see that a genuine offer of payment had been rejected by the practice. Happy new year
  2. Not massively, but there are ways to make them care 1Loretta, have you started your own thread yet? Can't see it. Read your story and it's disgraceful. Get a thread started and someone will be along shortly to help.
  3. Yes, if you had an unsatisfied ccj it would show.
  4. So have we actually established whether they had the required documents to remove the vehicle? It may be difficult to prove the assault however you can still hit them in their pockets if it is proven they had no right to take it?
  5. Hi, I have been in a similar position since march with them. Each time charges are removed, but not in time to stop the next months ones going on. I have writted a letter of complaint and am now doing nothing. The charges can keep piling up but they can go whistle if they expect me to pay them.
  6. I would be very tempted to play hardball. CCA them, which they may well ignore. Place the account in dispute. Then send them an SAR. If they fail to produce your agreement you may well find you receive one of those letters that others on here have, stating they will not take you to court unless situation changes. At that point you can decide if you want to stop payments and hope it remains unresolved until becomes statute barred. Wouldn't bother with ombusdman. Total waste of time, they won't acknowledge that MBNA are in any kind of breach (pursuing debts on accounts in dispute etc...). They are a target driven organisation who try to clear as many cases a week as possible. The easiest way to do this is to take everything the bank says at face value and ignore your points.
  7. I know this isn't the solution that you were looking for, however if you're confident this won't move on to court, or at least you don't mind it going to court as you will basically get what you want there (a reduced payment schedule) I would just get a call monitor and no longer respond to them. How about a letter to MBNA and current DCA stating you have done everything in your power to reach a reasonable settlement and invite them to take you to court. Then send £1 a month by internet banking. From then on, ignore all calls and correspondace short of a court summons. I presume you have checked they can actually enforce the debt? Also you may have a claim for charges and/or PPI against the money owed.
  8. true enough in the short term, but your file will be marked and really it isn't worth the hassle.
  9. You can certainly querry it, however in my experience, if it's written in the T&C they won't be interested in any complaints you make. Insurers are like any large financial institution, pretty vile It's because of things like this that I rarely cancel insurance and just let it run even if I no longer need it as it often pays dividends in the form of NCB for example.
  10. It's possible that they are putting an extra 25 quid on and that takes us up to 91 pounds-ish which matches the figure they are quoting you. With it all being written in the T&C it looks like they have got you there I'm afraid... It is galling to have 67% of the cover (8 months out of 12) and pay 90% of the cost...
  11. Was I correct on the number of payments you have made? They might also be putting on an admin charge.
  12. Right, I'm guessing their argument is that you would have paid them £436.85. With it being 8 months into the policy you are liable for 90% of the total cost. Therefore 436.85 x 0.9 = £393.17 Then if I understand your payments correctly it would be: 33.07+36.78 and seven months @ £36.70 means you have paid off £326.75. The difference between those two figures would be £66.42. How much are they asking for?
  13. I am assuming those figures are based on having bought the policy in full and represents how much of the total policy cost you are liable for. So if you cancelled a £200 policy for argument's sake within one month you would pay £40 so got a refund of £160. It becomes more complicated when you spread the costs by DD. Going to need some figures here. What was the cost of the policy (including any interest charges for paying by DD) and how many months into the policy have you cancelled?
  14. No they can't take it once the dd has been cancelled. Let's start with the t&c and take from theres.
  15. Right, firstly what does it say in your policy regarding cancellations? Secondly, just because you were paying monthly doesn't mean that you were receiving cover on a monthly basis. It was just a way of spreading the cost of a year's policy (with added interest of course). You can't get out of a policy these days without some kind of fee being charged. Of course if it is outrageously big then I would certainly recommend kicking up a fuss.
  16. It is a restricitve policy indeed. FOS has already come down on the side of the insurer over the laptop, luckily the broker is offering compensation to cover it. The only remaining thing to see is if they will make them up the payment for the front door. Oh yes, I am a teacher by the way (secondary).
  17. Right, a few things now cleared up. Insurance broker has offered £250 towards stolen laptop. Will accept as utterly bored with this now. FOS gathering extra information from the insurer and making final decision shortly. Currently overinsuring everything...
  18. I organised mine through an IFA who does most of our financial stuff. His fee is paid by the company selling the product. Not guaranteed the best rate on the market but at least I knew I would get what I needed. I for example pay £35 a month for £1600 a month coverage in the event of going long term sick. As for the OP, I think you've been given sound advice there
  19. Couldn't agree more. Loss adjuster is employed by the insurer, now even if they aren't commission based, it is in their interest to talk your claim down as far as possible to guarantee repeat custom from the insurance companies. Complaint is already sat with fos, they have just received the file from my insurers. Still going to be weeks, ho hum.
  20. Update, broker has offered £250 in compensation, although it wasn't clear what for. I am waiting to receive that offer in writing. The FOS said to ring them once I received the offer to check it won't affect the complaint against the insurer. Interestingly when I spoke to the person handling my complaint (senior person), she asked what the purchase price was (80k) and what the insurers wanted as a rebuild figure (184k) and she said, why on earth is it that much. Very well informed outfit....
  21. If the other driver admitted fault, why is your insurance paying you out? If he's at fault surely you claim off his insurance and if you don't want a replacement car you should be entitled to cancel your own insurance seeing as you haven't claimed on it An as said above, if you can talk up the settlement figure then go for it. I talked mine up by £500 iirc.
  22. Update. The car went in and as it turns out the clutch pedal was cracked as well as the bush being knackered. All fixed under warranty, one happy consumer. Dealership also going to make an offer due to time wasted, loss of income etc... Faith restored.
  23. Now that raises even more interestng questions. I ordered a car from an Audi dealership before Xmas and in my pack, I received a special offer for an aftermarket performance exhaust system. Does this mean that as the dealer was offering to fit it, I would maintain my warranty? Interesting to hear that it voids the whole warranty. It is accepted wisdom on a number of motoring forums that it should only void the warranty on parts directly linked to the modification (the one most often mentioned being of course engine tuning which would invalidate the entire drivetrain).
  24. Well the issue was and Heliosk might be able to clarify this, they said they couldn't replace the part as it had been drilled into. Now if defective parts have to be returned to manufacturer as part of the warranty work I can see why it would have been a problem. Of course if they just replaced the broken bush rather than the whole pedal it wouldn't be an issue but that goes back to a lack of skill in main dealerships. As for dealers refusing to honour warranty claims, a lot of it comes down to them not understanding warranties. Furthermore customers don't realise it either and accept it at face value. A modification only invalidates the warranty of the part it affects, not the warranty on the whole car. A more local dealer hypothesised a lower rate of labour being paid out by the warranty underwriters compared with the rate they charge customers. Not sold on that theory though.
  25. Hi folks an update. The complaint to fiat UK got us nowhere, they just ring the dealer and ask why it was rejected. After crawling around in the car footwell we have ascertained that the pedal has not been drilled into which, it turns out, was the initial reason for rejection. On that basis we have requested it be fixed under warranty. They have now agreed and it has been booked in. I am not counting my chickens yet however. We shall see.
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