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  1. Yes Just as i thought, I was not expecting miracles from the police, But i was expecting some justice. i dont know if i mentioned it earlier but all this happened in front of my 8 year old daughter. who is still asking questions about that day. And still ive had no reply from the police following my statement. I still cant get it in to my head how you can be assaulted on your own property in front of your children, and it be a totally acceptable thing!!
  2. Its not the same one is it??? Ive taken photos of the bill of sale with my phone, Hope they are clear enough, Cant find anything with a court stamp though??
  3. Ive just been on their website now and found this "There are, however, certain complaints that cannot be dealt with by the association. These include where: They include an allegation of violence, or other criminal act – any allegation of violence, or other criminal act, must be referred to the police for investigation". I also replied to the letter from logbook loans telling them the statement was a joke, iand im far from happy with their outcome on the matter. and to see if we can come to some sort of arrangement on the £1300 i had to pay as i could not afford this sum of money. She replied 5 minutes later with: Dear Mr xxxxx, Thank you for your recent e-mail to us regarding your account. Your correspondence has been passed to the Professional Standards Department for a full investigation and response. We aim to respond to all formal complaints within 14 days of receipt. Should you have any queries about your account in the interim please direct them to the repossessions department on 0844 209 0052. Kind Regards xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Professional Standards Officer Log Book Loans Now this is no good to me as i only have 6 days left to get the car back.. and they know that!!! Im now thinking of cutting my losses and letting the car go, but i will fight till my last breath to make sure this thug gets what he deserves.
  4. Hi all, I would like to thank everyone for the valuable info and knowledge. I had a letter from logbook loans this morning. attatched was a very detailed 2 page statement from the Bailliff in question. first of all the letter from logbook loans said "Having carefully considered the agents account and the evidence at hand, we are satisfied that they acted correctly under the circumstances". along with all the other dribble. the statement from the bailliff is an absolute pack of lies, he says " Mr xxxxx approached me and with both hand pushed me, as i turned to face him he continued to push and grab hold of me...he goes on to say, " As this was going on i made a number of attempts to call the police due to the assault occaisioned on me, while i was about to speak to the police he made a grab for my phone, he then came up under my right arm, and grbbed me by the leg with each of his hands by my thigh to lift me in order to move me away from the vehicle. ( Now if you seen the size of me and the size of this guy, you would laugh your head off. im 9 stone, he was probably 18+) Also it says this" The police did mention to me that Mr xxxxx was known to them but did not elaborate, and while i cannot be sure how he sustained the marks on his back i do not believe in all honesty i caused them, i even suggested that he may have had these marks on his back before i even called. (well this is news to me?? ive never been in trouble with the police in my life) Sorry its such a long post, i did shorten it quite a bit. feeling under the weather from the whole incident, this was a big kick in the stomach from logbook loans, the only thing they are concerned about is money. Where now guys?
  5. Dragging their hells, No doubt. im still waiting to hear something, Nothing since taking a statement. I did try to reply to your PM. but its saying your not accepting pm's.
  6. Looking at the Baillif Register now that is him the top 1. His name is on the receipt i got
  7. I certainly will be getting on to my MP, im also thinking of phoning my local paper to see if they are interested in a story (would this be ok?) What got me was when the bailliff was at my address he did not show me any I.D. No paperwork, He had no court order and when we were arguing i snatched the paperwork out of his hand, The police officer who took the statement this morning said to me "That is also ASSAULT" So i showed him my injury and said " and that is not assault". He said well i wasnt there so i cant judge what happened.
  8. Right the police have just been to take a statement. the offficer even said to me he dont think it will go anywhere. Why are these people allowed to do this? its an absolute disgrace. no wonder this countrys in the state its in.
  9. ok i will go to A and E first thing in the morning, I will also find out if anybody saw anything. While typing this a chap called Michael called me from logbook loans in regard to my email about releasing my car, He said it will be staying in storage while pending further investigation.
  10. Hi all, Ive found the website for the company in question D G Collection Services. And i have a contact number for them, Would it be wise to call them and see what they have to say?
  11. Just a little update. I just had a call from the police confiming an appointment for tomorrow morning at 9am where an officer will attend my address and take a statement and photograph my injuries.
  12. As far as i am aware only my partner but the police told me she could not be a witness. it happen inbetween my car and a neighbours van so its unlikely anyone else saw it. After he let me go i said i was going to call the police and told my partner to get my phone, he then said he was going to call them. and did so.
  13. Ive also just put the pics on my pc so i thought i would share with you all the lengths these animals are going to, to get their commission, this is the worst of the two
  14. Ok just got back from a very swift visit at the station. I spoke to the lady on the desk she informed me she was a police officer. I told her what happened and showed her the injuries on my back, and she went off to check the log. when she returned she told me that the log had been closed as a civil matter, so what did i want to do, Have him warned or press charges for assault, Obviously i chose the latter, and she said they will send an officer round to take a statement and photo my injuries. she even said to me she does not know if it will go anywhere as the officers believed he had the all te paperwork in order to recover the vehicle. to which i then replied "so that gives him the right to cause injury while doing his job" ??? she looked as confused as i was. and we said our thank you's and i left.
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