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Everything posted by ltc1607

  1. Hi no statements just letters and the cca request was my own as I included the fact the account was in dispute.
  2. The NOA from Opus say account purchased by Cabot uk who have appointed Cabot europe to administer it. I sent a CCA request to Cabot who today have informed me that they do not have a copy and are going back to Opus to see if they have.Opus have told me they do not have an agreement but I notice interest is continually being added to the account by Cabot.
  3. I worked for a Company on a self employed basis and every week they kept 10% of my money in cas I left and there were cancellations.I left in Jan this yeqar and my retention account was due to be paid mid May I have been told the balance and have been waiting for three weeks for the wages guy to get the cheque signed. I emailed them yesterday with a copy to the MD who is the man that signs the cheque to say I have waited long enough and that if they did not respond to my email I would assume they did not intend to pay. I have had no reply to my email and it is a fact that companies do all they can to avoid paying out retention accounts I wish to take this further should I send a letter in recorded delivery giving them 7 days to pay or I take it to small claims court?
  4. Hi that will apply to us all who have just been told Cabot now have the account but CITI could not produce a cca
  5. My letter from opus stating that the account was not enforceable says We shall continue to search our records with a view to providing you with a copy of your agreement.In line with oft guidence your credit card account is therefore not enforceable.Enforceable is a legal term meaning that the lender is not entitled to commence legal proceedings against you however you should contimue to pay any amounts due as your contract with us is not void. What Contract ? Surley this means that Cabot have no chance.
  6. I have the letter coming had phone call Friday and I also have a letter saying not enforcable.
  7. Hi Dotty I have just had a call from Cabot looks like the same has happened to me and I have a letter from Opus to say they cant enforce.
  8. Hi yes I am aware of that but when you call them and I have 5 times now they are rude say they do not understand or hang up. There is another UK number but I just cant find it. They are the worst Airline I have ever come accross. Thx for your help.
  9. Hi thanks for reply but that number gets transfered to Casablanca.
  10. Hi would anybody have a telephone number for Royal Air in this country all the listed ones go abroad. I have a letter offering me free tickets from the MD due to a 24 hour delay last year but the problem is the staff do not answer emails and the numbers that are listed hang up on you when you call. I have written again to the MD but that was 3 months ago and no reply.
  11. good luck Dotty. I just sent sar request and got it back minus cca sent a few letters and this is the result
  12. I have just had a letter from Opus to say that my outstanding cca cannot be found so they are closing my dispute with CITI and refunding my £1 they also say that my account is not enforceable due to the fact they do not have cca.
  13. ltc1607

    Mbna Cca

    I have just received a letter from experto telling me they know my financial situation has improved (THATS A JOKE) and I should now sort out my debt.I like a lot of people had a DN but the account was sold before expiry of the DN.I have done an sar and that shows the sale but I am trying to get MBNA to put in writting the date of sale and who it was sold to. How do you think I should respond to the letter just received from experto?
  14. I am at arguing the case that I had a DN asking for the full balance and the fact the account was sold befor expiry of DN I wrote to MBNA to get them to confirm the date of sale and to whom sold they replied on mbna paper but from experto that the account had been assigned to Varde no date, on my comms sheets it says account sold to experto so I have written back asking them to confirm the date and to whom sold,now the calls are startind again.The reason for asking if we are flogging a dead horse is the fact lots of threads on here are saying the DN and Termination route are dead in the water.
  15. Is it the general opinion now that those of us fighting experto and mbna on the dodgy default and sale before expiry of default are flogging a dead horse?
  16. Thanks PH I have just read somethingvthat says they can do it but must inform the staff they are being monitored.
  17. My wife works for a major charity shop and has just found out that people are going in from head office after the shop has closed and installing secret camaras, my question is are they allowed to do this without informing the staff? Also most of the staff are women and they are concerned as to where the camaras are.I must point out this has not yet happened in my wifes shop but its going on around the country and I think it is wrong.Advice please.Thanks
  18. I am in the same position wrote to MBNA to ask why it was sold to Varde before expiry of DN and why on the log it says sold to Experto and yet I have a letter from Experto saying sold to Varde and like you just ignored.Also my DN asked for the full balance.
  19. My situation is the same as yours but on my DN they asked for the full balance
  20. I am waiting for a reply from MBNA like you they sold mine before expiry of DN my DN asked for the full balance which I have been led to believe is termination and also on my SAR it says account sold to Experto but experto said in the first letter I had they were acting for Varde who were now the owners of the debt.
  21. Sarah you have a good case you have the soga on your side as you have 6 months as Sam says but I think you will find when you tell them you are rejecting the car you will get something done.Good Luck
  22. As I understand it this is not a garage but a taxi driver who does repairs if it is a proper garage and the bill is not paid they do have the right to sell the goods but the taxi driver would not.
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