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Everything posted by ltc1607

  1. I sent a CCa request to CITI and received nothing so I did an SAR request I have received that today no CCA enclosed or terms and conditions and a paragraph that says unfortunately we have been unable to locate the application form for you under the account number given so it seems they cany find the CCA any ideas what I should do next?
  2. Thanks DD should I just sit tight and wait now I would like to bring it to a close but not sure how.
  3. I did an SAR request to the co-op and when I received it it did not contain a copy of the DN or the Termination notice also the terms and conditions and cca were not the same as I had before,Iwrote to them and asked if they had the original cca and why i had not received the DN and termination their reply.A copy of customers Credit Agreements have been retained on Microfiche and the terms and conditions have been retained manually we confirm they are true copies.Regarding the DN and Termination they say the letters are generated by our system and an exact copy of the letters has not been retained.My question is it ok for them just to have the cca on microfiche and if they do not have the faulty DN and termination letter should I send them copies and point out that they are faulty?
  4. ltc1607

    Mbna Cca

    Hi since starting this thread I handed my dispute with MBNA over to a claims company mine like a lot of others was sold to experto,today I have received a letter from the claims co. solicitors saying, As your agreement is currently unenforceable your lender cannot obtain judgement but can chase you for payment.We had intended to apply to the Court for an order that your lender delivers up a copy of the agreement compliant with S.78 Court decisions however have indicated that such an application is unlikely to succeed.The Courts are taking the view that the Consumer Credit Act provides its own remedy for borrowers who do not recieve a compliant response to a S.78 request namely that the agreement is unenforceable until the lender has complied.In the circumstances they are refusing to grant delivery up applications.As a consequence we are closing your file.Has anyone any idea what I should do next regarding Experto I have never done an sar request is that worth doing? This claims company has taken a year to get nowhere I knew it was unenforceable from the start I just wanted it brought to a close
  5. Hi I did the cca last Jan and got a screen print I put the account into dispute and after it was terminated I put it with a claims solicitor.I emailed that solicitor this morning when I got the results of my SAR and told him that the terms they had sent me were not the same as the ones they sent him his reply was in our opinion it is enforcable dont understand that as we have different terms.
  6. An update as I said at the begining of this thread the co-op sent my solicitor a set of terms and conditions and the solicitor dropped my case saying that as they have supplied them the must have the original or a copy.I did an SAR request and have just received some terms and conditions that are not the same as they sent the solicitor so do you think this means they do not have the original or a copy and what should my next move be? I informed the co-op that they terminated my ac on the back of a faulty DN but they have not replied to that.
  7. The DN was dated 11/2/09 giving me until 25/02/09 to remedy I have a termination letter dated 11/02/09 I have a demand for the outstanding balance to be paid in full dated 5/03/09 and a further termination notice dated 18/06/09. I complained to the FOS about the DN they contacted me and said the DN was fine and I cant use it against the co-op just because they had made a mistake. The person I spoke to at the FOS said she had read the act and could not find anything that said it had to be 14 days plus 2 if I could prove to her that I was right she would act.Within minutes of that conversation I emailed her some info I got off her saying it should be 14 plus 2 but she then decided that the co-op was entitled to make a cock up and I had no case Yer Right.
  8. Hi all has anyone else had problems with CITI cards not sihning for recorded delivery at the PO Box 49920 address as it could be the reason nobody hears from CITI just had a conversation with Post Office as I have sent 3 recorded and none signed for the Post Office say a lot of them will not take recorded delivery.
  9. To be honest with you the terms are so small they are impossible to read even with glasses on.Lets hope we win that Cup PF
  10. 15.00 overlimit 15.00 late charge returned dd 15.00
  11. Hi thanks all I have sent an sar request but I expect I will get the screen print and a copy of terms and conditions.I have a faulty DN and termination but I really want to see if they have the original CCA or copy because if they do not and I can prove it I will go back to my solicitor who is a claims company and demand my money back as I feel claims companies are riping people off big time.
  12. Hi Bazooka acording to my solicitor who bottled it that front page is ok and the seperate terms and conditions they sent me must have been on the back.So the only way I can find out if they have a proper copy is with cpr and I have to wait until they take me to court to do that then.Thanks for your help.
  13. http://i480.photobucket.com/albums/rr162/ltc1607/co-opcca2.jpg
  14. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/debt-collection-industry/176711-help-co-op-please.htmlAll info is on other thread its that I just dont know how to find out if all they have is the front of the doc on a screen
  15. Hi DD thanks for the reply.I requested the cca last jan and was sent a screen print of the front and seperate terms and conditions.I handed the cca etc with the account in default to a solicitor 8 mths later the solicitor says that as they have supplied the front and terms and conditions on a seperate sheet that they must have come from the same doc. I dissagree if I have a screen print and a seperate sheet who is to say they are from the original.Accoring to the solicitor they dont have to have the original a copy will do but I am not so sure the terms come frome the same document they could have come from anywhere so my question is how can I find out if they have the original or a copy or that they are just spoofing me.
  16. How do I find out if my credit card company have the original cca agreement or a copy.I did a cca and received a screen print of the front of the agreement I then put it into the hands of a solicitor and they then received a front copy the same as mine and a seperate copy of terms and conditions the solicitor said the terms must have come from the original and dropped the case but I am not so sure the terms could have come from anywhere.According to the solicitor the company dont have to have the original a copy will do but how do I find out if the terms they sent were on the back of the print they sent me? Thanks.
  17. Thanks Pinky what do you think I should do now as I have been told they dont have to have the original cca agreement to take it to court so left with faulty DN and termination?
  18. I have a DN from the co-op dated 11/02/09 giving me until the 25/02/09 to rectify also a letter dated 11/02/09 terminating the account.I have had the account with a solicitor since july 09 regarding the cca as all I had was a screen print of the front of the doc.The co-op have now sent the solicitor a copy of the terms and conditions that they say are on the back of the doc the solicitor has now dropped the case as he says they dont have to produce the original in court. a copy will do, so it will be enforceable.I am now left with the DN and dont know what to do next I have a DCA keep phoning me and up to now I have told them to deal with my solicitor.Anybody any idea what I should do next regarding the DN as it seems its the only leg I have left to stand on should I write to the DCA or co-op.Anybody.Thanks
  19. Hi thankyou,I emailed my solicitor and asked if the co-op have to have an original doc.to take me to court he said no all they need is a copy.Do you think I should go back to the co-op myself and see what the have to say regarding the DN and termination?Thanks Again
  20. I just asked my solicitor if the lender needs to have a copy of the original agreement to take me to court he said no all they need is a copy.
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