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Everything posted by phatram

  1. They sure do☹
  2. That I was told repeatedly I did not have to pay for!
  3. Oh well someones got to pay for the health tourists eh?
  4. Dear Mrs P All staff are aware that non mandatory courses are attended voluntary as these count towards your continuing professional development. I will not be able to pay you through the bank as you have been removed off the bacs list. I am disappointing that you seem to want leave on bad terms as we have always been accommodating to your needs. I will pay you the four hours that you attended the course as a gesture of goodwill. I will need to get the accountant to work this out as obviously this will be subject to tax /NI. I will need you to come in and sign to say this amount is in full and final settlement of your dispute. If you can let me know when this will be. Kind regards ***** ********
  5. Dear ******, At no time was I told attendance on the Saturday first aid course was voluntary and I expect to be paid for my time and I would not have attended voluntarily to attain and pay for something I already have. If you would be so kind as to either pay me when you do the wages as you have my bank details or please give the cheque to **** or ***** when they collect **** as I’m unable to collect it due to work commitments. I expect payment to be for attending the first aid course and the £75 Fee. Regards
  6. Mrs P is adamant she was told attendance was compulsory for the 1st aid course. It took place on a Saturday(not a working day) and it seems none of the attendees have been paid but won't say anything which is saving the owner between £300 and £400. She says as she did agree to pay back the DBS fee she wont claim it back. I find the last line of the email a little disturbing, why on earth would they say that? they have her bank details still or could put it in the post. Maybe I'll pay the owner a visit to collect it.
  7. Their reply, Dear Mrs P As you have previously stated you agreed to the DBS reimbursement as we paid this to help you with the costs before your employment began. As a gesture of goodwill i will reimburse you the cost of the First Aid course, this was not a mandatory course and you attended this voluntary. I will issue you a cheque for £75.00 and this will need to be collected by you, at a convenient time to suit us both. Kind regards ****** **********
  8. Dear **** Having checked my payslips, it seems I have not been paid for attending the First Aid course on *************. Would you please provide me with a copy of my signed Contract, and a copy of the document where I gave written permission for you to deduct any monies from my final month’s pay. May I remind you that wages are protected by Statute and you should not be making any deductions without my written consent. I request that £****, plus the unpaid wages due for attending the Course, to be paid into my account by 1 February 2017. A failure to pay the amount which I believe to be due, without also providing me with a contract, signed by me, which authorises such deductions as have been made, will result in me being forced to take legal action which will add further costs and interest Yours sincerely Mrs P Does this look ok? Mrs P
  9. It's my daughters and they've cut the internet and phone off even though my daughters paid for January.
  10. I've accepted the first "fine" even tho' I have had it confirmed to me I WAS given incorrect info by my dentist, I'm asking about if a late fee of £50 is OTT as a penalty charge for forgetting to pay £11. I've never deliberately tried to rip off the NHS and was told repeatedly over many years I didn't have to pay 'cos of the medication I have to take. When this changed I should have been notified! I am not Mystic Meg.
  11. I enquired about joining BT in December. While I was still with TT they kept sending me 'don't leave, speak to our loyalty team to see what they can do' messages...so I did. 28 Dec - agreed a new deal 10 Jan - not heard anything so rang them. New deal hasn't been processed because I'd 'missed Jan's payment' (it's DD so it's their fault they didn't take it!) made me pay Jan's bill there on the phone. Couldn't talk about new deal because payment hasn't been processed 12 Jan - they rang me back & agreed new deal. Later that day I received confirmation email of package....it's completely different to what we agreed on the phone!! 14 Jan - they stop my internet & phone. Turns out they've 'processed a cancellation' from the beginning of all this mess.. .even though I stayed with them!!! I've paid Jan's bill for them to cut me off!!!! The new deal I've agreed starts on 26 Jan - and I keep getting letters emails about the package I'm having and they're all different!!!!!
  12. Is this £50 fine lawful or is it worth challenging?
  13. Mrs P says that she signed a form after her induction which she thinks was to confirm she had completed the induction. She can't recall anything in there about reclaiming monies for courses. She never received a contract or any other work related literature. What should she do next? Should she ask for a copy of contract etc?
  14. The owner of the business is well known for cutting corners, it looks like they've cut one too many.
  15. I was told by them I had to attend the first aid course even though I was already a qualified first aider being a foster carer which they said didn't matter. I didn't need it now they've charged me for it and to cap it all not paid me or in fact any of the staff for attending!
  16. They've replied with the following, All costs that we incur are deducted out of the last months pay as stated in the induction and contract if you leave our employment within 12 months. The reason for this is as you can appreciate the cost of you now being a qualified first aider and leaving within a month would be quite significant to any business. Regards **** **** The only cost they told me about was the DBS which I accepted.
  17. Been paying £11 a month and completely forgot last month and now I've received a letter saying I've been fined £50 for missing a payment. FUMING!
  18. I have contacted them by email stating that I was never informed these costs could be reclaimed, and that I consider their action to be unlawful. I have given one week for their response. Thank you for your help Mrs P
  19. I started work at a local business but left after a few weeks after being offered a more suitable job at a local school. During my Induction, I was told that the DBS fee they had paid for me would need to be repaid should I leave within 12 months, which I agreed. I was not told of any other fees that might have to repaid. I have finally received my final payslip and P45 to find out that I have had 2 deductions - the DBS fee (which I had agreed to) and a fee for a First Aid Course that I had to attend on a Saturday morning, which, although I was told I would get paid for attending, I have not been. I have never received a copy of my Contract/Terms of Employment, and think the charge for the Course is incorrect. Any advice gratefully received. Mrs P
  20. I would like to say a big "thanks" to the Halifax for sorting the problem in Branch today. I received compensation for the inconvenience caused and a wavering of all charges that had been applied to the account. Very competent staff member who went out of her way to help.
  21. Maybe.I'll check if SB when I get time. See page 1 post 4. Cheers.
  22. Text message from Experto asking me to contact them about something they are dealing with "for" me. Very strange way of putting it.
  23. I've blocked the number. I'm sure this will be statute barred by now anyway so I'll just play along for fun. Letter just arrived with a return address of PO Box 189 Huddersfield HD8 1DY.
  24. I assume so. I do know there was a nil balance on this card before we moved so I would love to know where a "debt" of over £200 has come from in 9 months.
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