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Everything posted by huggy41

  1. Thank you for your responses. I rang the Credit Services Association this afternoon so that I could be sure of my facts before I gave Freds both barrels. According to the CSA and as Conniff has stated, they cannot contact an employer without prior consent. The CSA advised me to make a complaint to Freds and also to themselves. I intend to complain to whoever will listen because this practice needs to be stopped. I had never really understood the impact these calls can have on people until it happened to me. I have tried to speak directly with Freds compliance officer but apparently she doesn't speak to customers (the boy on the phone was taken aback when I told him I was not one of his customers and after this carry on never would be!), the boy then tried to tell me that Freds don't have an email address - he soon found it when I said that there would be somewhere on the internet where I could find the name and email address of his chairman or CEO. Unfortunately the only email address he gave me was the info@freds.com and not a direct one for the compliance officer Lorraine Moat. I don't intend dealing with Freds too much on this other than being a pain in the rear for a short while so won't be wasting any money on postage. After forcing the name of the compliance officer and the email address out of the little boy (it's easier getting passed a doctors receptionist than a dca phone jockey) I then told him that I would be complaining to Vodafone about Freds behaviour and telling them that they needed to get the account back from Freds if they wanted it clearing, and his response........................... "Can we now go through your financials to sort out a suitable repayment plan?" (I was very good, I didn't shout and swear at him, I just asked if he was deaf, daft or just plain stupid) emailed Freds just after lunch but still not had a reply. Will update with what I get including the details of the official complaints I will be making.
  2. Hi all, Huggys Boss here I have received a call from my work this morning to say that they have been receiving calls from a guy call Mo asking for me. He left a contact number and ref number and told them he was from Fredriksons!!!! I have rang them this morning and blasted them. They told me they were entitled to contact my employer, are they correct????? I asked them how they got my employers number (I have only been in the job 5 weeks and have certainly not given them the contact details for work) he told me they did not have the number on file, only an old telephone number from my previous address. When I asked him why I had not had any letters he said they had been sent to my updated address - they have managed to update my address from my current address to my previous address bloody idiots. I am not disputing the debt, it is a vodafone account which I left early and I know I owe them the money but if I am honest I forgot about it because I have had no letters. My questions are - are they allowed to contact my employer especially when I know for a fact I have never given them or voda the number? and how the hell do they know where I am working? should I be reporting this to anyone? Huggy thinks that they are not allowed to contact employers anymore because of the embarrassment it may cause. I have only been in the job 5 weeks and still in my probationary period, I hope my boss is understanding.
  3. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-business-29452980 This sounds a very good article but fails to tell you how to go about getting it
  4. i totally agree bigshoes i wonder if he works for the gutter press
  5. well that did the trick manager rang my wife to say that she had been busy and all monies owed will be in our bank midweek . will update when it happen's . it's a shame when you have to resort to this level .
  6. the word fraud seems to follow you around.
  7. i would now totally ignore them and see what other toy they throw out of there pram. can you please let us know the name of company at it will help others.
  8. well i have hand delivered our LBA and got it video recorded on my mobile now lets see what happens.
  9. Yes CitizenB the email was tracked and I have a list of the calls I have made and who I spoke to, today I started to record the calls.
  10. Quick question, it is a Limited Company, who should I address the LBA to and if I do have to go down the small claims route to I name the company or an individual?
  11. Hi all, I am about to send a letter before action to my previous employer for wages and fuel allowance owed to me. These monies should have been paid to me in my last wage which I received before I left them. I only worked for the company for 5 weeks, I enjoy the work but the workload and pressure they put on their staff was too much for me to handle, when they expected me to work 25 hours over 2 days with no time for breaks or travelling I finally snapped and found another job. The cut off date for the wage I received was Sunday 17th August and I receive my pay on 22nd August. I told them I wouldn't be going back to work for them on 23rd August. I received my pay slip after I was paid and noticed that I had not been paid for 2 training courses I had been on, they have paid me the hourly rate for an unqualified worker when they have my certificates to prove that I am qualified and the big part is they have paid my mileage short by over 300 miles. Looking on the government website, it states that I should be paid for all hours worked even if I didn't work my notice (I was not expecting to be paid for the work I had done after 17th August). I have been trying to contact the person who is dealing with my wage issue all week, other than a call from her Tuesday morning to ask me to reconsider leaving I can not get hold of her. I have rang daily and keep getting told she will call me back but to date she has not. I sent an email yesterday afternoon with a tracking code in it and the email was opened at 11.05pm last night from an Iphone, but as yet I have had no response to my email. I think my only option now is to send the letter before action. Is there a set time I have to persue this matter before I can send the LBA? How long should I give them to respond before using the small claims system? Should I tell them that I will be adding interest and charges etc onto the monies owed at this point? Not getting paid the full amount has left me really struggling this month and they know this. It wouldn't be too bad if somebody would turn round and say "yes we are looking into it", but I am getting no response at all. I am hoping the LBA will give them the kick up the behind they need to look into this. Any advice will be really appreciated.
  12. huggy41

    tax deductions

    hi i hope someone can clear this up for me. me and my wife are on the same tax code 1000L . we both get paid 4 weekly. wife pays more TAX than me even though i earned alot more this has got to be wrong ? or am i missing something. any input gratefull
  13. me and my wife do not work full time and pay tax so people can rip us off i sugest you delete the post asap
  14. Just play him the song DILLIGAF down the phone
  15. even if it is a CCJ unless action is taken it is stat barred they will have to go back to court for it's re-instatement which i doubt any judge will allow it still comes under the limitations act
  16. first off this site is to help people pay what they owe if they owe it in an affordable way not the dca way. have you ever claimed back the charges and ppi on the credit card. STOP USING YOUR OLD ADDRESS if i where the new owner or tennant of your old address i'd be well annoyed and looking to find your address will have been found on the electoral roll and your credit report.
  17. they can call the police who will arrest THEM for breach of the peace then you can sue Brighthouse for any damage that has been done to your property , but it will not get that far because BRIGHTHOUSE bullyboys are all mouth and no action if they ever come back go to the window with a mobile phone on record or a cam corder and film them then put it on youtube for all to see. THE LAW IS ON YOUR SIDE AND SO IS YOUTUBE
  18. well bit the bullet and paid them i know what i owe and thats all there going to get
  19. i have a payment plan set up with wonga i told them how much they would be getting and when all done by email. all i asked of them was to put in writting that no interest or charges would be added to the account while on the payment plan. needless to say they have not provided the email and there for not got my money nor will they i will waite for them to take me to court were i can prove i have been more than willing to pay it back and wonga have not accepted this.
  20. these are wonga bank details that i use for wonga just add your loan ref number to the tranaction. Sort code: 200605 Account number: 43151468
  21. to put you at ease . when it says within 7 days it's from when you recieved it not when they decided to post it that is why we say keep the envelopes the letters come in hope this puts you at ease.
  22. or you could just play DILLIGAF down the phone to them after all they are paying for the call.
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