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Everything posted by 1littleduck

  1. Hi angel1 and all, Happy New Year to you! may this year be better than all the rest...lol (wishful thinking) I have not yet had anymore from the courts after sending in my ac questionair, but I have had a letter from the n/w drawing attention to my arrears. I have posted it up for all to see. http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee344/gangsta_caz/NW1-1.jpg http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee344/gangsta_caz/NW2-2.jpg I am not sure what is supposed to happen now, do I just wait for a court date or for them to contact me in view of some sort of settlement?
  2. Thanks CCM..I will hand post it tomorrow, as it is in the Rugby court where I live.
  3. Should I send a copy to the HFC as they were not kind enough to let me know what was happening...I am sorry that this problem in on another thread, which is an old one so I am hoping I could get a little advise from here..
  4. Hi all.. Happy new year to everyone! I received another a/q from the courts and by mistake, I assumed it was for N/W and have just looked at it....OMG it was from the HFC bank instead...I have used the same information to complete this as I used for the N/W can someone please re-asure me that this will be ok.. The HFC started proceedings many months ago, and did not respond to the last court letter, so I thought as it was stayed, which is what the court had told me, I thought I would not hear from them again, this is a dirty trick as I think thay are assuming that I would not fill it in and return it due to the holiday season...I am thankful I have had the time to look at it today.
  5. Hi all, I have received an a/q from my local court which has to be replied to by 1st January. I have another thread going as Nationwide are also taking me to court, so I have filled in the questionaire in the same way as the other one received. I hope I have done the right thing..any advise would be very welcome.
  6. Hi all, should I just leave it now, or should I contact the HFC to find out what they are doing....not sure what to do, coz if they are not going to take it any futher I dont want to rock the boat!
  7. Thanks poopsie, it's mainly down to all the great information supplied from CCM and SH, and I hope it answeres alot of questions for others...I will continue to post up everything regardless..lol to much information may be good in this case. They have until Monday to respond to the courts, and I guess it will take the courts 7 days to let me know what happens next, but be sure, the letter will be up as soon as I get it.
  8. Hi have received this from the courts today, and have shown it for information only. I mguess it's a waiting game....fingers crossed! http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee344/gangsta_caz/LastScan1-1.jpg
  9. Out of cash will be along with some good news for him very soon......keep an eye on this folks.
  10. Thank Maz...I would really appreciate the support...I will pm you my e-mail and if you on msn we can talk.. I can't believe that people who dont know me are far more caring than the people who do and I am really grateful to you and all.
  11. Hi...I have just spoken to the court and they say that the solicitors have not responded and they case has been stayed....they can lift the stay at any time and ask for the case to be transfered out...whatever that means...they said to phone the solicitors, but I dont want to as no news is good news...lol On the last letter i received from HFC they said that the account would be closed from the 27th Nov...if the card has not been used within the last 12 months, so if they have closed the account is the debt still outstanding (link in above post) as they no longer deal with orangemarbles?
  12. Thanks again all...and Maz I have to go on my own so if you are willing...I could use the company..I am still really worried, but trying not to as I have so much faith in this site now...lol one thing for sure, I will write a full account for all others so they know what to expect.
  13. They would have received my QA copy yesterday, do you think that they thought I would not complete it and send it back, as the letter is still refering to my defence which they would have received 28 days ago!!
  14. Hi CCM, SH and all. I have received the attached today from the n/w, I must say that they cut it finer than me with their time to reply... http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee344/gangsta_caz/Nwe.jpg http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee344/gangsta_caz/Nwe1.jpg Fingers crossed.xx
  15. Thanks sugarbabe..I have found the cccs website and will fill in the forms tonight.i think on reflection brent is quite right in what they say, and i will ask the cc companies to take a payment in settlement..as i think he is going to come up with a solution to get me out of the house, and just maybe he will part with some of his money..lol
  16. is there anyone you would reccomend me get in touch with, maybe online as i cant really take to much time of work..
  17. i would have to get another morgage on the property and he would not agree to this, so i could not borrow the money to pay the creditors off even at 50% reduction He is making life so difficult here, we live in 60 degrees as he wont turn the heating up, we have no food in the house, so we dont eat and he keeps sorting his money out when i am around, he has about 40k in the bank and keeps going on about his interest on his savings etc so making me very depressed.
  18. I have just pm'd out of cash and hopefully he will give all an update very soon...
  19. I owe 60k in debts as well so the equity will all go if i go bankrupt and i will have nothing!! I am fighting 2 cca at the min and these total 11k so if i win them the debt will be 50k.
  20. hi brent, no you are right, there is about 60k in it for me and i didnt know i could offer to buy it and even if he said yes to this, how could i afford it when you are not allowed to have debts. The other person wants it sold coz he wants the money to start again he has bin to bank to get a bigger morgage but they wont give it to him as he is 55 now..it's not to bad for him as he has no kids, but i still have 3 although they are all over 19..so renting a property will cost me loads.
  21. I would like to also add, that I know people who are considering bankrupcy believe they are the only ones in that kind of debt..as i did, but to my suprise, my daughter use to work in a building society (and yes i finially told my children) and she told me that they had 100's of bankrupt's on their books, and it shows up in bold red letters on the pc..and 1000's paying gregory pennington..so it goes to show we are no longer in the minority...and I live in a small town! ...lol
  22. Fantastic news Sugarbabe...well done and good luck in the future.. I am going to do it after christmas myself so your thread really helps.. I have a question about my house, (if anyone knows the answer) ..I part own this with the B that i live with..there is about 60k each in equity once the morgage is paid off...now my part of the morgage is 300 p/m and a rent on a property is about 600 p/m...and i cant afford that..I earn 175 p/w and I have 2 children in uni and another at home...does anyone know if i would get a council house, or maybe.. be able to stay in my home and it not be sold or would they split up my children and put me in a hostel?
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