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Everything posted by 1littleduck

  1. Hi.. I have given the links below to all the letters I have done to Restons, and the defence letter to the court, along with the 3 sections required on the a/c from the courts. I hope this helps... Do you really think that this is unenforcable.. if so, I can go to court, and tell them what pedross has written and hope for the best! http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee344/gangsta_caz/9SEP081.jpg http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee344/gangsta_caz/9sep08.jpg http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee344/gangsta_caz/2oct08.jpg a/q responce http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee344/gangsta_caz/SecC.jpg http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee344/gangsta_caz/SecF.jpg http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee344/gangsta_caz/SecI.jpg
  2. Hi again.. Citizen B.. the above links are from all the paperwork that hfc have sent me since I offered to pay half the amount.. I was up to date before this. The DN is a copy of the origional they say.. I never received an origional from them.. I was using GP as a debt management company but got rid of them because they were charging me £100 per month, and I simply could not afford all this. The hfc along with n/w were the only 2 companies that origionally refussed my payment offer. N/W have been struck out of court, so I never had to attend, but the hfc are going for blood. Do I have to go to the hearing..? If not, could I send in a good letter to the judge and explain things to them to take into consideration? I will check the statements for all charges they have applied, as they kindly sent me them 3times now.. they also sent them to the court, who sent them also to me... is this normal?
  3. Awww thanks Elsa... Will get on to that when my u/b come in next week. How many little ducks have you got.... bet the dont have and debt problems
  4. Thanks everyone..... the court hearing is 24th November, I guess I have to attend this, so just to be clear of what I have to do... Should I write to the courts now and ask them to make sure that HFC produce the origional copy of the signed agreement, and point out to the court what they said when I requested it, then tell them that their application form is not sufficient as a credit agreement in it's self. What is a summary judgement please? I will continue to put up all documents, as this may help others in the same possition... Thanks again.
  5. The application form is the 3rd they have sent me, and the same has just arrived from the courts with all of the statements since the account was opened. The letter was a direct result of asking for my cca, but fortunatly I can use this in court.. their mistake. I did try and make payments, but as you can see, they were not interested... is this agreement legal.... have they got a case? What worries me, is that they will try for a charging order on my house..
  6. aww, I have just answered this question.. I have read the template and it is £10 each... omg thats £50... I guess I will do them one at a time.. When I put the curser over the explanation of the subject request, it will not stay open long enough for me to read this, and if I click it, it send me to the home page, any sugestions?
  7. Hi all... The hfc are taling me to court in November, I have posted all the correspondance up from start to finish.. should I get some outside help with this one.. I know that one of the letters from them told me I had no rights to ask for a copy of my agreement, and they have not put on the letter p&confidential, so I can use this to show the court how unhelpful they have been. http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee344/gangsta_caz/H4.jpg[/url] The above link is the application form/cca they have. the rest are the letters they have sent me.. I would not talk to them on the phone, because they were very rude. http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee344/gangsta_caz/11Aug08.jpg http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee344/gangsta_caz/5Sep08.jpg http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee344/gangsta_caz/12Sep08.jpg http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee344/gangsta_caz/12September08.jpg http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee344/gangsta_caz/3Oct08.jpg http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee344/gangsta_caz/3October08.jpg http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee344/gangsta_caz/15Dec08.jpg http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee344/gangsta_caz/18Feb.jpg http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee344/gangsta_caz/9April.jpg http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee344/gangsta_caz/12May.jpg http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee344/gangsta_caz/19May.jpg http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee344/gangsta_caz/4June.jpg http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee344/gangsta_caz/4July.jpg http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee344/gangsta_caz/4july2.jpg http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee344/gangsta_caz/21Aug09.jpg http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee344/gangsta_caz/28Aug09.jpg http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee344/gangsta_caz/3Sep09.jpg
  8. Hi Undercover, can I send just one £10.00 for all of the accounts, and if so, where would I send the letter... 2 of the accounts are loan accounts and the other 3 are credit cards. I have started another link with all the HFC marbels stuff on.. thats the one who is taking me to court at the end of November.. Just wondered if it was worth my while going to get some help from someone.. to go to court with me. I will post the link up.. so sorry to be a bother to you all. and I am really grateful for you help.
  9. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/debt-collection-industry/161804-nationwide-taking-court-action-7.html This is the link for the nationwide, which I received loads of very good advise for. I know all of the companies deal with people very differently, and n/w were another that was not very helpful.. they seemed to want blood and couldnt care less about your situation.
  10. Hi.. yes they sent the terms and conditions, a statement of account and the following letter. http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee344/gangsta_caz/Ll3-1.jpg I have alot of financial problems.. one account with nationwide.. but that has gone to court and has been stayed because n/w did not respond to the courts, and this has just been left.. I have not heard from them in 6 months. Another account is going to court at the end of November, which I will post up all the details next week.. I am considering getting a solicitor or someone to help me with this one. I am un-employed and they have been not very nice at all. then I have 5 lloydstsb, and egg loan, and hfbc card.. the last one is the only one which I think complies with the law.
  11. awwww, Thanks all. I have 4 agreements with the Lloydstsb, and they have all sent the same thing.. Should I write to them and offer them a token payment of £1.00 as I am unable to pay anything at the moment as I am un-employed. I will of course ask again for the copy of my origional agreement.
  12. Hi all. I contacted Lloydstsb for a copy of my agreement, and received the following. Now as I have read it, it seems to say that they dont need to supply one and the law has changed. Can anyone help with this please. http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee344/gangsta_caz/Ll1.jpg http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee344/gangsta_caz/ll2.jpg http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee344/gangsta_caz/ll3.jpg Thanks.
  13. Thanks all, now I can send them, and will keep you all posted on the outcome.
  14. Hu all, Could anyone tell me if the CCA request letter is the same for credit cards and personal loan agreements taken out with your bank? I have already sent the CCA to the credit card companies, and need to sort out my unsecure loans. Thanks for any help!
  15. Hi all.. have you got any links on what happens when the courts have 'struck out' a claim?
  16. Hi all.... so sorry it's taken a long time to get back to you all. update on my battle with N/W I today phoned the courts as the last I heard was that N/W had not complied with the courts request for a completed a/c and the fee which was made on the 30th January. The last letter to me from the court was on the 6th April 2009 stating that unless they complied the claim would be struck out! The courts inform me today that indeed it has been 'struck out' and as from today I still have not heard anything from N/W What should I do now.... The court said I dont have to do anything but it is a bit unfair just to sit around and wait to see what N/W want to do... any suggestions. Thanks.
  17. Thanks CCM and angel for your support, I cant understand why the N/W have not contacted me, if I dont respond to the court, will they just win the case?
  18. Hi, This is what I fillin in for the A/C, , and the n/w have not been in touch at all.
  19. Hi any help available here, I have about 7 days to respond to the courts and dont know what I should do!
  20. Hi, I have received the 2 attached letters from the courts today, can someone tell me what they mean, and what I have to do... I am not sure if I have to wait until the N/W contact me.. Can someone also tell me, incase I need to know, if all of the late charges can be claimed from them, or is there anyting I can use incase they dont accept an offer of £1.00 per week..lol [/url] http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee344/gangsta_caz/Nw1-2.jpg http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee344/gangsta_caz/Nw2-3.jpg
  21. I will fone the courts on Monday to find out, if they have what can I now expect?
  22. Hi, I have received the attached from the courts, I did not put it up before, as I didn't want the n/w to know I had it until the date had passed. Does anyone know if the courts would have sent them a reminder? lol http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee344/gangsta_caz/LastScan111-1.jpg
  23. Hi, I have spoken to the courts today, they said that n/w sent in their a/c on 9th Dec but it has not been sent to the judge yet, the clerk said she will get this done and I will hear from the courts within the next 3 weeks.....can anyone tell me what to expect now!!
  24. Hi SH, thanks, I will fone them tomorrow and find out whats going on.
  25. I quite agree with fedup, you cannot trust the HFC, they only interested in blood! Stay with payplan you will then be safe. Good luck.
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