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Everything posted by 1littleduck

  1. Hi all... here it is.. the notice of discontinuance http://i748.photobucket.com/albums/xx125/1littleduck/Re1.jpg http://i748.photobucket.com/albums/xx125/1littleduck/R13.jpg http://i748.photobucket.com/albums/xx125/1littleduck/R12.jpg Does this mean they have dropped the claim Can I bin all this now, or do I have to keep it just incase they decide to start it all over again.
  2. I have just read the 'your rights to cancel'... It states that I have the right to cancel the agreement on the day after submitting the agreement signed by you to us by clicking the 'confirm' button below... Is this the signatures that are required by law?.. If so, then there will be no point in putting in my defence, and just taking the ccj.
  3. Hi F DCA. Thanks for getting back to me... I think the loan was taken out either 2005 or 2006 and done on the online banking. There are no pages missing and no boxes blanked out at all... it is just as I have put it up.
  4. Hi all. I am being taken to court by Lloydstsb. The loan account is a personal loan and is unsecured. I have requested a copy of my agreement, which has been sent to me.. The only thing I think may be missing is that there are no signatures at all on it. I have to put my defence in on Monday..It was received a while ago, but due to illness I have just managed to look at the paperwork. I have uploaded the agreement, if someone could have a quick look and advise me on my defence..If I have one at all. Thank you.. sorry for such short notice http://i748.photobucket.com/albums/xx125/1littleduck/Tsb01.jpg http://i748.photobucket.com/albums/xx125/1littleduck/Tsb02.jpg http://i748.photobucket.com/albums/xx125/1littleduck/Tsb03.jpg http://i748.photobucket.com/albums/xx125/1littleduck/Tsb04.jpg http://i748.photobucket.com/albums/xx125/1littleduck/Tsb05.jpg http://i748.photobucket.com/albums/xx125/1littleduck/Tsb06.jpg
  5. Ummmm.. I have just found this.. BBC News - Banks win partial High Court victory on credit cards I would like to ask.. that with them talking about a signed agreement...where the HFC have only produced a copy of the application form..it leads me to believe that no such agreement ever existed...is this correct? A credit card agreement in my eyes is not the same as a application for a credit card agreement! am I right or wrong on this one please. Are the rules concerning the default notice still the same?
  6. Hi all... After receiving another latter from Restons.. identical to the last one.. I received a telephone call from them.. They offered me a payment plan.. paying just £1.00 per month for 3 months and then review the situation.. I told the lady I was speaking to .. that it was the HFC'sfault this had gone to court, they would accept my offer in the first place, and now I am unemployed.. the courts are very likely to set the same payment.. so I may as well continue with it. Is there any news on the outcome of the trial court cases...Has the law changed now.. and are the application forms now legal...? I am not sure if my situation has gotten worse as far as the court is concerned.
  7. Hi.. No sorry... I have heard nothing at all.... Will post up anything as soon as I receive it. Happy New Year all. x
  8. Awww.. Thank you Citizen B and Supersnooper... I will not respond then. I have not received anything else from them, so No to the witness statement...and I guess the courts haven't either. The test cases were to see if these creditcard agreements needed to comply with the law..as I understood it anyway.. BBC News - Credit card debt cases face showdown as reported, but not sure where to find the outcome... I'll keep checkin the martin's money site..
  9. Hi everyone..I have received this today from Restons...They have marked it without prejudice and have also got the name of the ccc wrong..it should be the HFC. http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee344/gangsta_caz/LastScan003.jpg Should I reply to them and tell then I am in no possition to make any kind of arrangement with them because I am unemployed? Does anyone know the outcome of the test cases as well please.
  10. Hi all... I have received this from Restons solicitors.. http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee344/gangsta_caz/Hfc2333.jpg http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee344/gangsta_caz/Hfc323.jpg I am not quite understanding what it means... Has the claimant still got to send the courts and me the witness statement by 15th december or have they prosponed this until 23rd feb.. I think they have but would like ot be 100% sure. Thanks
  11. Thank you pedross. Could anyone please have a little luck at the link below for me. I have been battleing Nationwide and they have today sent some new stuff from a new solicitor.. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/debt-collection-industry/161804-nationwide-taking-court-action-7.html Any advise would be helpful.. This again was an application form trying to be a CA. Thank you.
  12. hi all.... an update on this case.. The nationwide seem to have changed their solicitors and I have received the following.. any advise would be welcome. http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee344/gangsta_caz/Shed.jpg http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee344/gangsta_caz/Shed1.jpg http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee344/gangsta_caz/Shed2.jpg http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee344/gangsta_caz/Shed3.jpg http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee344/gangsta_caz/shed4.jpg I have posted up the envelope because it does not make any relevance to the contents being from a solicitors and could easily have been binned as junk mail.
  13. Hi all.... well I am back from court, and it went as follows: The HFC was represented by what she said was an independant solicitor.. In court we did not agree on the legality of the the CA or the DN, and the judge asked her for a witness statement, of which she didnt have. It has now been adjourned until 15th January, to give her time to comply, send me a copy and then for me to reply. The judge also held up the APPLICATION form (CA) and said 'this is not good enough' On leaving the court, the HFC rep did say that bank/solicitors had not complied well with the law, so hopefully, they will drop the case... fingers crossed! By the way... the judge was lovely... very,very nice to me and made sure that I understood what was going on. I will post up their witness statement when it arrives. Thank you all very much for your help with this, and I hope this will give everyone in my position some hope.
  14. I have noticed .. going through the paperwork, that when I asked in August 2008 for my T&C they supplied them in Sep 2009 and are different to the ones they have supplied to the courts. The one supplied to me were in a bood type, you can clearly seen the fold lines and the date they were printed (one year almost before they were sent) no many of the sections are the same.
  15. Thank you both very much. I seem to be ontop of things now, and will let you know what happens when I return tomorrow.
  16. Hi all.. sorry it's been awhile, but I have had many problems, and this is now on top of me. I have been through all of the thread again, and I feel that I am ready except for the s127 that may be spoken about... I have look around and cant find it to print off and study. Can anyone please help.. The court case is tomorrow.... awwwwwwwwww running out of time.
  17. Hi to you both... If you go to the link just aboue the CAG announcement, click on that.. you will be at the home page... then just clic the NEW THREAD button and post away. Someone will be along very soon to help you! You are in the very best hands here..
  18. click the consumer forum ajust above the CAG announcements, you will then see a button to start a new thread.. any problems just shout.
  19. link to my thread, but you would really need to start your own http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/debt-collection-industry/216866-cca-request-lloydstsb.html#post2390301
  20. Hi Clairwood.. This is a very old thread and it is unlickly that people will see your post. I would advise you to start a new thread and help will be along. You would need to tell us when the loans and cards were taken out, and if possible, it may help if you could scan them and post a link for us to see the agreements. (i use photobuckt) Dont worry.. I have 2 loans and 3 credit cards with lloyds tsb and am in the same situation as you. you will receive a great deal of help on here, you are in the best hands possible.
  21. I agree pedross, surfaceagentx was brilliant and so are you all. Without you, people like me would loose everything.. As I am un-employed, I am working on a website along with someone who knows what they are doing I will make sure that there is a link on our site to here..(a banner if anyone can help there) and be sure, If my site works, we will be donating every month to this site. I dont know what I would have done without you all
  22. My defence was written by surfaceagentx20.. they kindly helped me out many months ago..and when I didnt hear from anyone, I thought that hfc was going to drop the case... but they havent. Do you think I should get a solicitor to go with me, or will I be able to manage this on my own.. (thats if I get my facts right)
  23. wow... I guess all I have to do, is get my argument right and understand what I am saying.. (do I have to recite the case law's relevent or can I just read them out?) then HFC will have a problem.. I do hope so, because they are all to willing to get people into debt, but are like vulture's when things go wrong.
  24. ok... I received the application form, a full set of statements up until 14th August 2008 and a copy of the DN. I cannot recall receiving a DN from them back in July 2008 as they state, but G/P were sorting out my accounts by then. I have listed the last 6 statements, you can see that in April, although I was late, the account was up to date, then it was passed to G/P, late charges and interest were added on each month until June, where the interest was stopped. They then passed it to Restons.... nit giving us a chance to sort things out. G/P made 2 payments in August but we know that this was not acceptable by then hence the letter from Restons. I notice that the DN was dated 4th July, this would have put the account 2 months in arrears..I thought the account DN is usually served after 3 months arrears? http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee344/gangsta_caz/14april08.jpg http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee344/gangsta_caz/14may08.jpg http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee344/gangsta_caz/15june08.jpg http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee344/gangsta_caz/14july08.jpg http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee344/gangsta_caz/14aug08.jpg[url=http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee344/gangsta_caz/14aug08.jpg][/url] The August statement is the last statement I have received from HFC.
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