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Everything posted by BellaGoth

  1. It seems a common theme amongst certain bailiff companys (Rossendales being one of them) to claim to have sent countless numbers of letters out, but the people who were supposed to have received them never have.
  2. This would be funny if not for the fact that so many people get conned into paying debts they don't owe by this BS.
  3. This is the second letter they've sent to me ... what can they do if I continue to ignore them?
  4. They want about £200 off me. If the debt is mine (and I'm not convinced) then it's from back in 2000 - most likely statute barred. Should I send them a CCA request anyway?
  5. A while ago I made a post requesting help for a letter I recieved from RCS requesting money for non-payment of a gym membership. A membership I won in a gym. I phoned the company asking for details of this debt, they didnt' reply up until now. After coming here for advice I decided not to bother replying to them but wait for them to contact me again, and so they have. I don't have a scanner so I'll just type the letter out.
  6. Is the £110 definitely a separate charge? The reason I ask is because the total of the visit fee's, levy and walking possession comes to just under £110.
  7. This is illegal, your friend needs to contact her bank asap and get that card cancelled, and then make a complaint to the police.
  8. Lucy I am so happy for you, I've been checking here regularly and I must admit when you weren't on yesterday I was worried something bad had happened. This is fantastic news, your councillor sounds like an amazing woman.
  9. I'm glad to hear you got it sorted twitchen, the Bailiffs aren't going to be happy when you only bay £42.50 but stuff 'em, it's all they're entitled too.
  10. It might lead to the council taking the debt back but it's not a certain thing, complaining is still important though because it's an official record of the bailiffs wrongdoing. For all you know there could be other complaints against this bailiff and yours might be the straw that breaks the camels back.
  11. Wait there's something not right, the bailiff said charges have to be paid, and then he changes his story to say that the council paid the bailiff fee from the money you paid in at the PO, and you owe more council tax, is that right? Have you spoken to the council about any outstanding balance left to be paid?
  12. You might get some help from the Citizens Advice Bureau with filling the form in, it'd be worth a try anyway.
  13. First off, don't let the bailiffs in your house, secondly, don't let the bailiffs in your house, thirdly, don't let the ... you get the picture. Don't phone the bailiffs, communicate in writing and make sure they only write to you. Do you have the above demand in writing or was it verbal?
  14. Good to hear you got this sorted, you should definitely make the complaint against the bailiff, what he did was unlawful.
  15. Fifty nine quid a week and they want a third of it, that's ridiculous. In future if you have to communicate with these people, send your letter by recorded delivery, it costs a bit more but at least you'll have the proof that you've sent the letter, it's amazing how often letters to companies such as this seem to go missing, incredible even. Legally they can now force entry into your home and take goods to satisfy the debt, what you need to do tomorrow asap is contact your local councillor, they might be able to intervene for you. Directgov: Find out about councillor advice surgeries Also you can phone the National Debtline for advice. National Debtline England & Wales | Debt Advice | Factsheet 02 Bailiffs And Council Tax
  16. If they said 7 days then you have till the 10th so yes, this week. Have you spoken to the council at all about this? PS Don't let the bailiffs in your house!
  17. Lucy has let them in to her house and signed a walking possession, just ignoring them won't solve this one. Have you received the payment confirmation email from rossendales yet?
  18. Not if you've requested a CCA. Unless you acknowledge the debt they can't make you pay. They have to provide evidence that you owe it in the form of a true copy of your CCA. They're basically just huffing and puffing at you and trying to scare you into paying up regardless of whether you owe the money. Oh and don't phone them.
  19. The account is in default, they shouldn't be pressing you for payments.
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