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  1. H there, got all 3 credit reports and found that i have a default from vodafone, the account in question was a 2nd line account for an ex, she hadnt paid it properly and hence it defaulted and i cleared it. My question is, would it be removed any earlier because i hadnt signed a contract, it was done with a 5 min phone call and never received a bit of paper except for a bill every month, can anyone shed any light on this? thanks Tech101
  2. I didnt realise that they could use my info, thought it was private, and its £20 fot them to do it all
  3. Do these people that do a triple credit reference agency report help at all, ie checkmyfile.com. Has anyone used them, would it save me the hassle of going through all 3 myself? Can anyone shed any light on this subject?
  4. Thanks for that, could that be a long process, i found the mistakes with experian, ive applied to equifax for a credit file today, didnt know there was more until i was going through this site, someone on here mentioned national hunter aswell, what is going on with having all these credit reference people, makes things really hard and open to mistakes does it not?
  5. I got my wifes and my own credit file online today, i found a couple of entries from people that shouldnt be there. 1ST is from a catalogue that we received a couple of items from that we didnt order, we called them and reported this, they said they would investigate this because 1, we never ordered anything, 2, they had the wrong DOB, 3, they had my wifes maiden name, they phoned and said that we wouldnt hear anything again from them and the account would be closed and removed from the address because my wife had never applied for it in the first place. 2ND is from a bank down south that we didnt know existed, for a large amount of money and it has been defaulted, the application was made at that address before we moved in but has my wifes name against it. What can we do to fix this, these are the only things against us for credit, and also because this loan has my wifes name against it they might come to us for the money and we had nothing to do with it
  6. So we havent really won against the banks then, they will always get away with doing as they please
  7. Hi there, i have been to the bank today to ask them the situation with them refunding charges, after the ruling on thurs. I spoke to polite lady but she said that the bank of scotland are not refunding charges, i had said that after the ruling on thurs that bank charges would be refunded because the oft had won the case, she said that the oft had not won the case they were still in court deciding what to do and that the bank of scotland stands by their charges, she said that they have not received word from head office of any such win. Can the bank say these things after what happened last week, and will they get away with it again, can someone shed some light on this?
  8. Hi there, can someone give me advice please, a friend of mine had given her card details to pay the sheriff office, they have over the last 2 months used the card details to take money from her account when not instructed to do so, ie- she was to phone and make payment using her card until the standing order form had been recieved, but during this time they have used the card details and just taken the money without her phoning, twice, and on top of that, there is a charge for paying by card, she has also got bank charges because they took the money twice in one week, can someone help with some legal advice on this as it doesnt seem right. Thanks tech101
  9. Ive posted on another heading concerning my trust deed. Just finished a trust deed, been told that i cant get my credit rating sorted for 6 years, ive read a couple of other threads about when debt is removed, is it removed 6 years from the end of the trust deed or is it 6 years from the start? Could someone help?
  10. One thing i forgot to ask, does the 6 years start when you finished the trust deed or when it was started?
  11. thanks again for the advice
  12. Thanks for the reply, basically im stuffed for the next 6 years, why do they say you can remove bad credit details?
  13. Hi, just finished a trust deed and was wondering if anyone could help and give advice on how to get back on track with my credit rating. Was at the bank last week and applied for a seperate account to pay my bills, was refused the account even though the bank had said to me that i had a very good rating with them. It was so embarrassing, went through all the forms etc, nearly an hour to be told no, you cant get an account. Ive heard that you can apply for your credit files from the 3 CRA's, and go through them and apply to have things removed, thats where i got lost and can you get a trust deed removed, been told you can remove bancruptcy, is it the same thing? Need help badly!
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