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  1. Hi determindator Thank you for your reply. I am not about the charges on ppi I will check, also I can't remember the brokers name will swift be able to tell me and do I claim the ppi from the broker or swift? Just to let you know I had a statement come through, last months payment was 3 days late and the charged about £750 just for interest! And a late charge of £65! Is this right? Can they charge so much?
  2. Hi guys i really need help from anyone and it will greatly be appreciated. I got a secured loan from swift advances back in Oct 2005 for roughly £28k. the repayments on the agreement wer and still are 469.82 per month (this includes interest and repayment). i was not told anything else. Last year i checked what i owed as i believed it should have been cleared by now. Calculation of £469.82 every month for 7 years is £39464.88, which is way over what i borrowed plus interest. i was so happy thinking its all clear and so i called swift to confirm.But guess what they told me? i STILL OWE THEM £65000!!!! even after everything was cleared last year (well before that). I almost had a HEART ATTACK. I paid £10 and got my SAR and i see that £7500 was PPI which i had no idea about! i really dont know what to do. I definetly dont want to carry on paying them as i dont need to. PLEASE SOMEONE HELP!!!!
  3. Hi Guys I have tried to email beattheswifties@yahoo.co. uk and keep getting a failure notice. Is anyone else getting this problem?
  4. Hi guys I have recieved my SAR from Swift Advances. There is PPI on there which i DONOT recall them telling me about. Its over £7k! I initially went through a broker to get the loan with swift. Who do i chase to get the PPI back? Any help will be much appreciated Please?
  5. Hi adaeze I have not heard anything from you please do get in touch If anyone else can help also please please get in touch Thanx
  6. Hi John I too want to complain to this chap, as far as you are aware are these contact details still correct? Regards Hunter78
  7. Hi sorry How do I send a private message Am new and I think I am doing it right but I don't think you have recieved any messages from me
  8. hi guys i am in the same situation. i took a secured loan with swift advances in 2005 of roughly £29k i have to date paid back £40k i was in arrears last year and they are saying i still owe them £66k ontop of what i have paid back, apparently this is all the charges for the period i was in arrears! I am at my wits end not knowing what to do. i cant afford to carry on paying and why should i, i have already paid back what i borrowed plus interest! i have asked them to send a breakdown of charges and that was in |November 2012, nothing to date. I have just sent a SAR to them. Not quite sure what i need to do. PLEASE SOOMEONE HELP!!!! thanks
  9. Hi guys my car has just been clamped and towed by a magistrates bailiff as i had an outstanding road tax fine and 1 fine for something else. including charges they have made the total to £675 and refuse to release the vehicle untill all payment has been made. financially i cannot afford this and i need a car to get to work as i work in the countyr and it is difficult to get there without a car. please advise
  10. Hi thanks for that. I have sent them a letter today and i will let you know the outcome.
  11. the bailiff never provided me with anything. he sendt his colleague around to remove the clamp and collect the payment after which i was given a receipt. on the phone the bailiff said i can claim alot of the charges back. i wrote to newlyn and asked for a SAR and have got that now. they also sent me a copy of the bailiff's general certificate. the date at which it was authorised by the court was 31/07/2006 and the council debt date on the SAR is 19/07/07. it is for the Harrow Borough Council. i never recieved any letters from the bailiff before, and there is always someone at my parents home to open the door.
  12. the court authorised the bailiff dated 31/07/06, my parking debt was dated 19/07/07. i have not received any previous letters from him stating that he had been around. apparently he visited 3 times. can someone explain what they mean by enforcement fee? but when i looked at the charges they are allowed to charge, it states that they can only charge £45 for all visits.
  13. hi by looking at the details you have pointed to i believe the following should apply as the bailiff that came around was certified by the court. Fees Where the sum of money to be recovered is £125 or less £25Where the sum of money to be recovered is more than £125 £45This fee covers all visits made by bailiffs. just to get this right. am i correct to think that this bailiff should have charged only £45 (as my fine was £185) for all visits regardless of if there was 1 or 3 visits? i was charged the following: 1st visit £58.81 2nd visit £62.05 3rd visit £12.99 plus other fees too.
  14. Hi the bailiff clamped my car between the hrs of 2am-6am. he never knocked on our door to give us a chance to pay or nathing. someone was awake during these hours. the original fine was £185 and i have ended up paying £788(roughly). i was tld i can claim the majority of it back. can someone please advise. i don't know whether the bailiff actually attended and knocked on the door 3 times as he claims as there was no letter left. the only letter i had was the one that was stuck to the car when he clamped it. i don't know how to go about claiming the rest back. please help.
  15. Hi the bailiff clamped my car between the hrs of 2am-6am. he never knocked on our door to give us a chance to pay or nathing. someone was awake during these hours. the original fine was £185 and i have ended up paying £788(roughly). i was tld i can claim the majority of it back. can someone please advise. i don't know whether the bailiff actually attended and knocked on the door 3 times as he claims as there was no letter left. the only letter i had was the one that was stuck to the car when he clamped it. i don't know how to go about claiming the rest back. please help.
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