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Everything posted by straftat

  1. also bear in mind his last post to this thread was 11th December 2008, 13:32PM
  2. im not even going into the PPI scandal or the pensions scandal the endowment policy scandal or the bank charges etc etc etc its endless rip off after rip off they even stopped me having a smoke while im been shafted !
  3. its only tricky because the regulators dont do their job and its not even an election topic by the 2 main parties look at the news today about goldman sachs (who are an adviser to the government on debt issuance , as well as other issues such as the return of Northern Rock to the private sector) our regualtor reluctantly agrees to investigate a week after the americans announce it you think the tories might make hay with this but not a peep 1) Goldman Sachs alleged fraud commited out of their London branch by Fabrice Tourre,who is in line for a massive bonus.Bank bosses let Tourre go on working in London despite a lawsuit against him by U.S. regulators. 2) Lehman Brothers Repo 105 (Ernst & Young, Linklaters and Lehman Brothers' London operations played key roles in the investment bank's attempts to mask $50bn (£33bn) of assets on its balance sheet in the run-up to its eventual implosion in September 2008. "The report also finds that the bank had to use its European arm, based in London, to undertake the questionable accounting practices as they were not considered legal in the US The extensive report also reveals that Repo 105 was approved by Linklaters in London, which in 2006 wrote an opinion letter stating that the required transactions were allowed under English law. " 3) Arthur Andersen's role in auditing fraudulent energy giant Enron is this country i.e LONDON under this government bent or what ?
  4. Not to sidetrack on HFO but to widen on the legality of numerous name changes and cross buying of dept without proper assignment its getting harder and harder to keep track of these firms at the bottom of the DCA chain as even after censure or collapse of business they just seem to rename and keep spamming ive had similar confusion with Robinson Way LTD passing themselves off as Robinson , Way and Co LTD to chase an old dept http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/legal-issues/233016-robinson-way-court-case.html http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/debt-collection-industry/254662-robinson-way-wonderland-3d.html im not even sure who we should complain to? Trading standards? the FOS ?
  5. In my case i have to wait for them to re-file new POC or the case is struck out and they owe me costs ..im expecting new POC any day now
  6. those POC are similar to what they sent me , i used the embarased defense too and the judge just looked at their POC and wouldnt have it point 1 of your defense i assume was as below? 1) The claim as pleaded does not contain sufficient particulars to permit me to file a properly particularised and pleaded defence. send a cpr 31.14 request too
  7. "however they can only sit on their hands for 6 years (which may soon be reduced to 3 yrs in line with our european neighbours) then they are stuffed" where is this move to 3 years come from? i know we seem to have adopted every other useless european law, this one would actualy help as 6 years is a long time to recover from a default especialy in this climate with credit so hard to obtain
  8. Ah well , it was just a thought , thanks for the info , I might read through the act later
  9. Thanks for the Info m8 and good luck with your case too
  10. The more complaints against the Robbers way the better http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/debt-collection-industry/254662-robinson-way-wonderland-3d.html
  11. "When I say enforcement, I mean judgement (not instigating court proceedings as that has already been termed non-enforcement in McGuffick " does this affect a dept becoming statute barred for example as you wait for your court date to come up you could file an amended defence that it's now statute barred as instigating court proceedings is not enforcement?
  12. Well I'm back from the hearing and I enjoyed every minute. The Judge took one look at their POC and tore into their solicitor (who looked about 19 years old) I didn't have to say a thing , except when the judge asked me what i had lost on the day , wasted costs etc, 100 quid I said .... 14 days he gave them to file proper POC or the claim will be struck out and costs awarded to me of £100 Thanx to all the advice , was spot on and may the fight continue against the Robbers way !!
  13. im guessing "serious" would mean losing a cd of someones health records with 10,000 names on it not a DCA ruining your life
  14. as this hearing is comming up soon i was wondering what way i should play it? as its a hearing for a Summary Judgment do i make a witness statement refuting theirs? ask for it to go to full trail? ask for it to be stuck out ? ask for more disclosure , default notice etc?
  15. i would think you would at least need the relevant paragraph or part of the case you are refering to thats relevant ? others will confirm ive also started another thread on Robbers way name change http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/debt-collection-industry/254662-robinson-way-wonderland-3d.html
  16. they probably need all the help they can get as they havent a leg to stand on
  17. 14/10/2009 Wind Up Date for the old robbers way (00885896) Robinson Way & Company 2009 Limited = Voluntary Liquidation 09/11/2009 (00885896) Old Robbers Robinson Way & Company surrendered CC License im not sure who you should pay or IF you should your call m8
  18. im trying to dig out the truth behind robbers way id love any extra info.. heres the magical mystery story so far.. Once upon a time there was a company called... Robinson, Way & Co Ltd (Company No. 00885896) it seems their were part of London Scottish Bank Ltd, they went into administration and administrators were appointed. heres where it gets confusing.. 29/07/2009 (06976081) Robinson Way & Company 2009 Limited set up 21/08/2009 (06976081) Robinson Way & Company 2009 Limited granted CC license 28/09/2009 (00885896) Old Robbers = Robinson, Way & Co LTD change name to Robinson Way & Company 2009 so now two companys of the same name ? 14/10/2009 Wind Up Date for the old robbers way (00885896) Robinson Way & Company 2009 Limited = Voluntary Liquidation see = WebCHeck - Select and Access Company Information 21/10/2009 (06976081) New Robbers = Robinson Way & Company 2009 change name to Robinson Way LTD 09/11/2009 (00885896) Old Robbers Robinson Way & Company surrendered CC License so now Alice ate the cake to make her tall , then the credit crunch made her drink the drink that made her small and now shes back through the looking glass as Robinson Way // Home ROBINSON WAY LIMITED LONDON SCOTTISH HOUSE QUAYS REACH CAROLINA WAY SALFORD M50 2ZY Company No. 06976081 and at the Mad Hatters tea party... Current Individuals that run the organisation: Graham Prosser William Grant Murray anyone want to add to the never ending story ?
  19. Thanks for that , I didn't acknowledge it in my defense so I'll look up the SB dates
  20. I have an old case that was stayed until the DCA provided more documents but they to date haven't bothered , that was 2 or 3 years ago How would that affect the statute barred argument , is it now in limbo forever? Sorry to be a pain , last question I promise!
  21. And then it's gets more complicated .. What if the case gets struck out on a technicality how long have they got then to bring a second action ? 1 month ?
  22. What if you are in the middle of a case , can the dept become statute barred if you still haven't acknowleged it and they still haven't obtained judgement? Nobody seems clear on this
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