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Everything posted by Bookworm

  1. Chrome. Still getting the cut-off writing on announcement:
  2. LOL, you're not supposed to be more scared of me than of them!!!
  3. Loving some of the new smileys, was wondering whether there is anyway we could have a way of adding to them or if there is a way to have our own personal smiley bar (if that makes sense?) ? what I mean is I have a folder of smileys on PB which I can use if I need a certain smiley, but it means opening PB, choosing smiley, copying link, back to CAG thread, paste onto thread. It'd be obviously easier if they could be hosted on here within the forum. I don't know whether it's something that's doable within this software, but thought I'd ask just in case.
  4. For future info, you only need to send special if you want to make sure it has been delivered. If you just want proof that you posted it, then a free certificate of posting from your PO will do nicely. The onus is not on you to prove that it was delivered, only that it was sent.
  5. Got 2 free tickets to go see "Made in Dagenham" tonight. Result!
  6. Well, there's me for starters, I reclaimed for myself and for one of my friends. I'll see if I can dig out a few more. Edit: Here's the success sub-forum, you can easily backtrack to people's threads from their success post. Edit 2: There's mine. Can't find the one I did for my friend, that's the problem when you have so many bloody posts.
  7. Could someone point me to the part in law that says it illegal to split claims, please? It's the first time I have seen this said, and as we used to advise people claiming their bank charges to split their claims so they'd stay under the £5k, I am intrigued.
  8. ah, ok, that makes more sense, thanks Sod'em. Just as well I didn't try to pretend to be a cardiologist, I would have failed at that first question.
  9. I'll save you the trouble : http://www.insolvencyhelpline.co.uk/debt_factsheets/liability_for_debts_and_the_limitation_act.php HTH. In the above case, if your company didn't obtain a CCJ against the OP, and the OP neither paid any money or acknowledge the alleged debt pver the last 6 years, then the alleged debt is statute-barred and shouldn't be pursued, full stop.
  10. Not wanting to make light of your dad's condition, but how on Earth do you get a pacemaker in the WRONG place??? Great big beating thing on the left hand side of the chest: heart. I'm no cardiologist, but even I would recognise one.
  11. Yes, without the added bit after the yours sincerely. Don't mind me, I'm in a weird mood tonight. I'd better be orf to bed anyway, long day tomorrow. Night night and remember your mantras before you go to bed. 8-)
  12. Personally, I like to keep it clear and simple, I don't use legal jargon if I can help it. Better write something simple you understand than quoting a CPR and if someone asked you what that part of the CPR means, you go "hmmmm". But ultimately, as long as they get the message, that's all that matters.
  13. Good girl. I must confuse you with someone else, I thought I had seen something about paying just to keep them off your back. Ignore me, I'm having a senior moment.
  14. No, I think it is perfectly legitimate to ask people to remove their helmets. Amongst my checkered CV, there is a loooong stint as manager for Domino's Pizza, and my drivers would get told off by me in no uncertain terms if a customer phoned and said the driver hadn't removed his helmet when delivering.
  15. No, you see, the prelim and LBA are so that you give the other side 1 month, +/-, to give them a chance to settle out of court so that you can't be accused of having used the court system unduly. In your case, having delayed for 2 years, I think we can safely assume no judge would think that, lol. Therefore, you are out of courtesy sending them a reminder with updated figures, you give them 7 days in your infinite generosity and spirit of cooperation, and on the 8th day, you sue their backsides. I was just thinking, how much did you pay in total to various DCAs over that account? if you really want to hit them, you could actually add THAT to your argos claim, as these are monies which THEIR negligence forced you to pay, if they hadn't screwed up and then refused to get matters straight, you wouldn't have had to pay the DCAs, so why shouldn't argos be made responsible for those too?
  16. 7 days, and really because you're such a nice person and you want to give them a last chance. On the 8th day, sue 'em, smite 'em, and no quarters.
  17. Oh no, sorry, I didn't make myself clear. He was all for booking me there and then, and made me feel like I was this timebomb ticking inside my chest! I know I can get booked really quickly, no, it was his sense of urgency which made me edgy. The diagnosis I was expecting anyway, and I knew I would have to go for a scan (only sensible really), it's the way he behaved so WORRIED about me, I started wondering WHY he was acting like that, what does he know about my heart that I don't, should I get more worried?... and then of course I DID! Oy! and what's that supposed to mean about the glutton for punishment? I may have a dodgy heart, but I'll still catch you and kick your arse for you, Mister!
  18. Maybe we can take this elsewhere if Maz object to the thread hijack, but in the meantime I'd like to point out that in France, things are made easier in tat there is complete separation of the church and the state, which simplifies the issue somewhat, as there can be no question that a state decision is not a church one. Can we have a discussion about islamic veil is a feminist issue, not a religious one, please?
  19. Genetics clinic today. Blood test confirms Marfan for son no 2, (which I knew already), and me (which I didn't). Just in case I didn't get the message loud and clear enough, the consultant told me 10 times in the space of 10 mns: "You must get a heart scan" with variations on the theme, even went to hassle the nurses to see if they could do one there and then, and as I left, still said at the door: "don't forget to call xxx to book the scan!" YES! I GET it, I AM at risk! I am a 47 year old overweight woman with a heart murmur, and the Marfan diagnosis has just turned that description into a ticking timebomb. I GET it. I am already slightly freaked out, could you PLEASE stop hammering it in? OTOH, my son is delighted, he's been told he's got to be careful not to exercise too much. Since he had no intention of exercising at ALL, as far as he is concerned, he now has the perfect excuse, lol.
  20. Sorry, I do tend to shake people by the scruff of the neck until they listen, metaphorically speaking. Yes, I would send a revised charges sheet, with updated interest etc... Strictly speaking, since you never filed in court, the charges which are over 6 years now are statute-barred, but I won't tell them if you don't, and you never know they might not notice. ;-) Anyway, there is an argument to say that you have 6 yrs from the date you discovered what gave rise to the cause of action, not that you can only go back to the 6 yrs previous, but let's not worry about that right now. Update the lot (I'd bang in the 2 you had taken out as well), claim for the lot, you can always negotiate down at a later stage, it's easier than trying to up the antes from a lower amount, and it gives you some room to manoeuver. Just remember these 2 mantras, I'm happy to let you borrow and use them : - People can only bully you if you give them the power to do so. - There are people in life, you have to step on their toes until THEY apologise.
  21. No, what you were told before is incorrect, the clock is ticking from when the summons is issued + 2 days. If you fail to acknowledge within the prescribed time, the other side can claim judgment in default, so always acknowledge ASAP. It's a set timescale. The AoS is just that, to say yes, maybe or no, you don't need to add any other info on it, that's what your defence is for. The CPR letter, I am not going to comment on it, simply because I don't know. I've never had to defend a case, always have been the claimant, lol. I don't think it matters whether you use the CPR or not, the burden of proof is on them anyway, and you'll put them to strict proof in your defence anyway, so I can't say one way or another.
  22. With all respect you are not paying attention to what I just said. Tell BC to Foxtrot Oscar in no uncertain manner, stop let yourself being bullied. If you send a SAR, you show him you still think he has some kind of power over you. He doesn't. You show him that you somehow believe that you have some form of contractual relationship with him. You don't. You owed money to Argos, which you paid. Argos messed up and instead of admitting it and correcting it, instead flogged it to BC, but the reality is that there IS no debt. You paid it off, didn't you? well then! sorry, I skimmed through your thread so lost track, but if you ever paid money to BC or any of the DCAs, I'd go after them too. Or if you like giving away cash, I can send you my address. To sum up: Argos owes you for past charges. Claim them. you owe jack to BC, tell them to sod off. It's only complicated if you let it. If it maeks you feel better, do explain to BC that there is a mistake, you don't owe them or argos anything, and that you are in fact in the process of taking argos to court yourself. Remind them nicely that whilst the monies are being disputed in court between you and the OC, if they really want to waste their time taking you to court, you will get their action stayed indefinitely until the first action is resolved, by which time you will have won your case showing that you didn't actually owe Argos monies and that their case (BC) will then automatically collapse. that's the nicer version of "sod off". either way, stop sending them money, whether for SARs or anything else, you're only encouraging them!!!
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