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Everything posted by Bookworm

  1. I don't do the chestnut filling either, I make cointreau creme au beurre (which is NOT to be confused with buttercream!) for both filling and "bark", and I make my swiss roll plain, not chocolate, not a big fan of chocolate cakes)
  2. Oh no, you mean my continued silence might annoy them? How terrible! How can i live with myself? More importantly, what could they do about it?
  3. Can't find my own one, but found Delia's and it's pretty close to the one I have, so have fun, it's really quite easy, the main thing is to get the thickness of the cake right so it rolls without breaking, if you have never done one before, I recommend practising a few times until you have it right. http://www.deliaonline.com/recipes/type-of-dish/sweet/buche-de-noel-chocolate-chestnut-log.html
  4. Well, you can understand why: If you're going to feature the DCAs as the bad guys, you can't possibly give them a chance to mitigate about some of the debtors being not so lily-white either, can you... This is the media we're talking about, black and white, no room for any shade of grey. The law is the same for everyone (unless you're a banker or George Michael...) and the one that protects the hounded pensioners also protects those who deliberately set out to defraud certain companies. I've just been reading a thread where the OP SEEMS to have ordered stuff from a catalogue and got 1st arrears letter 2 months later, so unless there is an overwhelmingly good reason for that, it looks as if that person set out to basically steal from the catalogue company. Now I have no sympathy for the catalogue companies whatsoever, and I try not to judge, but in this instance, I find it a bit difficult to tell that person that she has nothing to worry about, catalogues don't have credit agreements and are pretty powerless. But can you imagine if the media were to use a case like that for their article? There are not a lot of people who would say to her "good on you" and boo the DCAs now hounding her, instead she would be paraded as the reasons why the DCAs have to be so "tough" and alas sometimes make mistakes. Far easier to just show the hounded poor bstrds and leave the genuine defaulters out, otherwise it may confuse the reader too much.
  5. Shhhhhh. LOL, no, I even get it delivered in my Inbox every day!!!
  6. Well, it wouldn't be fraud, but it would be theft. I don't normally ask, but what happened that made you order stuff and never make one payment?
  7. Or, as pointed out in Mock the Week: This is a guy who's a multi-millionnaire footballer, and yet he is so ugly he STILL has to pay for sex!!!
  8. Although I have heard the owner is a bit of a c... ooops, think I'd better stop there.
  9. Either that or they were all actually agreeing with the article, and that just would lower the tone far too much ,darling!
  10. Obvious, innit? You couldn't feel human, so you settled for feeling A human. I'll get my coat.
  11. No, he's platform staff and based at East Croydon, one of the busiest stations in the country (I believe, but don't quote me on this, that Clapham Junction is the busiest!), just as well he gets free travel really, otherwise it probably wouldn't be worth him staying in the job! And I am definitely going to disagree about the privatisation, where their only interest is profit, and that means cutting corners at every angle. The horror stories I hear!.... Anyway, as you say, we're going OT, but I just wanted to present the angle from the inside looking out so to speak.
  12. I'll dig mine out, it's one I adapted for low-carb, but I shuld still have the orginal kicking about. Oh, and I'll ring your f****ing bells for you in a minute!
  13. Personally? I wouldn't bother with recorded delivery. If you go to your Post office and ask for a certificate of posting, that is all the proof you need to show that you sent it. If he refuses delivery of recorded then you're stuck. If you send it normal, then you don't have to worry about that, because you will have the proof you sent it, and if he wants to say he never received it, he can try to sue the PO for having failed to deliver, but that's not your problem. ;-)
  14. My husband has been in the company for 10 yrs this December and is on £16k pa gross. And in a supermarket, he wouldn't be responsible for the safety of thousands of people with all the strain it entails. As for staff turnover, we'll have to disagree, put it this way, with his 10 yrs with them, he is now one of the longest running employees where he is stationed. What you say may have been true when it was BR, but since privatisation and parcelling off to highest bidders, I'm afraid that is definitely the case where we are.
  15. Well, ask yourself why they didn't approach you until you got your slam-dunk video footage. Having said that, have you done any research into whether you could indeed claim some of the things they said? After all, you have to re-do your POC, haven't you???
  16. I wasn't planning to tell them anything, my dear. I find that contemptuous silence is just as effective and far less time-consuming for me.
  17. Good pension, GREAT travel perks, and little or no qualifications needed. In this day and age, sadly, that has its advantages. We went to Paris a couple of weeks, Eurostar 1st class, return for 2 = £152.
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