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Everything posted by melmumof3

  1. ive just read thru your whole thread BA... It has similarities to my own case doesnt it... I hope this gets sorted out for you.:-|
  2. done DB..well i think i know what you mean lol
  3. when i was in court, i gave the DJ my paperwork , and gave her the original M and S letter..... she didnt give me the original back. i guess its not worth worrying about now?
  4. well mel won once im sure mel can do anything now!....
  5. what is likely to happen now then?... if they appeal, there will be another hearing correct??... so will it be going over the paperwork ive already basically got, they will have a letter from m and s, and probably my whole thread off here lol..
  6. grrrrrr, i thought id deleted all my info, i was half doing dinner half doing this ! ok here it is again, minus my name http://i646.photobucket.com/albums/uu186/mel28089/P1010955-1.jpg
  7. ive ignored the wescot letter which in it asks me to fill out my expenditure sheet and IMMEDIATELY ring them, i rang abbey/santander instead who took all my details over the phone, she said they cant accept any payment only that of the original instalment amount, but ive agreed to pay £10 extra p/m, they say its going to be a token payment, but i cant pay via DD or standing order, but debit card only..bit of a pain in the arris ringing every month..
  8. awww only just read your comment, have just phoned, closed from 4pm grrr.... how would i record a call, i dont have a mobile, and have no money to buy anything to record it with... hmmmm hellllp?? this aint over is it??......
  9. hello bugsy, i just want to offer support to you, you know ive too been there and done it with HFO and have a triple xl shirt!....
  10. how are we all guys??.... i think my email addy was fed up with sending emails to me from here, i didnt get any of your emails, just came back on with news of a letter from M and S... donkey, i havent been able to record my calls, i havent contacted M and S since i asked them to send the letter in october, but today ive received a letter from M and S (unsigned, was thinking 'is it from 'HFO' but the address on back of envelope said kings meadow address)... well it says they are writing to confirm the account was sold 30/6/08 to HFO Cap, and is being administered by HFO services.... im guessing now, this letter may have been generated because of HFO losing their case?...still, all in all, M and S have sold it to a company in the cayman islands, whom then tried to bring a case against me in an english court...i still dont feel this is the last ive heard of HFO SERV/Cap whoever they fricking are!
  11. me again lol... ok, i rang abbey last week, as they had sent a letter saying my payment is not acceptable, i have been paying that to global debt management. Abbey was sending out a personal expenditure sheet... ive received the sheet, together with a letter from wescot credit services... what should i do next?.. do i CCA wescot, i dont think they actually own my debt, just collecting on abbey's behalf... i did CCA A and L previously, who supplied what i thought was a CCA....
  12. its in the public domain well and truly now!!
  13. yes i often wonder where i would be if 1; i didnt have a computer 2; most definately this website. where would a lot of us be hey!... i only found this site via MSE :grin::grin:
  14. awww i dont give a sherlock holmes...they may need the money more than i do right now!! hee hee.. the day i rang the number on the 'missed delivery' card was the beginning of this fiasco...xmas just came early for my family, i may aswell have won the lottery tbh....:grin::-D:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D
  15. how do i apply for waste costs, and how much does it cost??... thanks citizenB, just see your post after i posted lol...reading now!
  16. aww bless ya john.. i havent cried yet, it really hasnt sunk in what happened today. YOU had this document and just at the nick of time for me wasnt it!... im sooo glad i sent my hub out at midnight last night to get my printer sorted..it was only ink in the end... how i was i to know lol! im soo looking forward to watching tv again, and being normal lol. its been very hard, as ive only you guys to bounce off of, i try talking to hubby about it, and i bore him lol. and no family knew what i was going thru either. its been a good day guys!!
  17. blimey lads, you have been busy!!..... lol. there was no mention of 'awarded costs'... DJ just said the case is dismissed. i didnt know when to leave either lol. just sat in the chair in shock, not nowing if i should smile, so i didnt, i didnt want to gloat... lol The rep must have been 18 id say, not much more lol... probably still at school. when he approached me, i thought there is no way im letting this little lad nail me in the ground!! his face was a pure picture, when i produced john's document! lol...... so what happens now?... is that the last of it?.. i hope so, although im better prepared now.... ONLY THANKS TO YOU GUYS... im sorry ive been a bore, lol. If there is anything i take from this its.... Know what you are talking about 100%, you only feel stupid, i was a swan on the surface, but boy my legs were a going..... hmmm, what shall i have baileys or voddy??....
  18. **************CASE DISMISSED********** woooop wooooooop wooooooop. DJ was confused who owned debt, she said the NOA was confusing to her, the lil scroat repping HFO said CCA referred to terms within it, she couldnt see where so fell on that. the Default she said wasnt de minimis whatever lol... and said it would have been ok. Should have seen hfo reps face when i came up with the "CP2" doc, he said he didnt know what it was, and didnt think it was relevant........ Pats on back for everyone today, you should all be proud!!!!.... i felt a wally, i did say everything everyone has told me to say, i gave the relevant cases, but the van lynn, judge asked what it was regarding.. i kind of blurbed then lol... but regained my confidence.. i didnt get asked any Q's for hfo, and i dont think all my Q's were answered... it all went a bit over my head in places, and i didnt know what to jot down.... It wasnt as bad as all that, definately not worth the worry.... but definately worth the £25 hubby spent on ink for my printer last night!!. Who's getting P****sed with me tonight then????? popping out for a bit now, will talk about it later... x
  19. THANKYOU all of you for all your help:D DB thanks for that post, ive been busy jotting it all down thankyou for taking the time, i hope i will be of help to someone one day!! lol... .... going to go get ready now for court, hearing's at 2pm.. im shaking typing. but its surprising how much a good deep breath makes you feel.... speak to you all soon, whatever the outcome is.....x
  20. thankyou donkey, im very nervous!!... should i not say what you said in the previous post then now..... its hard aint it, i dont know what is going to get said, as do many of you, it will just roll... maybe i should just go with the flow, im quite prepared now i think, all my folder is all correct, ive it on paper and all the relevant cases and acts etc.... i dont know what id ask hfo, i think i want to know where the date on the POC comes from, with it not matching the date on NOA... i dunno lol.
  21. ahh thanks DB, i feel like im a mud slinger today lol. ive all this c**p to throw but dont know what to throw first!...
  22. should i mention the doc CP2 firstly, in my folder ive a folder containing the doc cp2, companies house screenshot, the extract HB put up about companies act 2006.. ive got my notes starting with defective NOA, and the contradiction between the POC, the different dates from m and s selling debt etc and the fact that the claimant doesnt know who owns debt, how can i be expected to?.. quote lord denning ' with reasonable certainty' van lynn.... then faulty CCA, prescribed terms etc... then dn to be valid needs to be accurate in terms of scope and nature of breach, sec 88 14 days before which any breach can be remedied etc.. them giving me 7 days etc failure of dn to be accurate not on invalidates dn, but is an unlawful rescission of contract whichwould prevent the court enforcing any alleged debt ( quoting woodchester v swain case)..... have i got this correct please, i think i have, im just trying to get it in my brain whilst the kids are not here..... gahh?
  23. being silly now im sure... but im worrying if the judge was to ask me 'do you owe this money' what sentence to i say back.. do i then start off saying about the defective NOA??....
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