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  1. Thanks everyone! Just queried it with experian. Need to let the OFT know. Loving the new title! Keep up the hard work everyone.
  2. WHOOP WHOOP!! Yipeeeeeeeee. HFO have discontinued and payed the best solicitor in the world grands in costs!! I'm free of the beast at last. Feel I should do a thank you speech. Firstly to my wonderful solicitor Paul. Your worth every penny of HFO's Grubby money. Big thanks to this amazing website who have kept me going over the last few years. Wouldnt be where I am today without ya. Donation on its way but you'll have to wait till pay day LOL! Big Big thanks to the HFO Fan club Donkey, Coledog, The brig, Broken arrow who shot it in the right direction for me and to anyone who helped on my thread. The only gripe left is that HFO Services are still updating my credit file and it was capital taking the action but thats another thread LOL. Signing off BUGSY123
  3. Can anyone advise me please. If you are separated from your partner (unmarried)but it is a joint mortgage and they get a charging order on the property. When the property is sold can the company be entitled to take from the other partners share of proceeds. bugsy123
  4. Big month for me this month. Judgement day is looming. Will keep you posted!
  5. Barclays have just off loaded 2 of mine to Cabot who actually seem fair.
  6. Fantastic news Samu! Hoping mine might go the same way!
  7. You are in good hands! The HFO fanclub will be along shortly that I am sure of.
  8. Have to click on capital and go to the history part on oft website!
  9. Wonder what stage the OFT are at as Capital have been issued a notification on 1st nov according to the website. How much longer are we going to have to wait? Brief update on my thread. The court have asked for a case meeting.
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